Medical Master's World

Chapter 1052

Zhu Linlin was a little hard to say, and followed Qin Jun to the better restaurant.

After entering the private room, there were already several men waiting.

Sitting in the main position is a man with glasses. He has a feminine face and looks very lustful. His eyes are black and his lips are white. He is a bit overindulgent. It seems that he is a man who spends money on women.

He Hui saw Zhu Linlin come in, and his eyes brightened. However, he Hui frowned when he saw Zhu Linlin bringing a man over.

"Mr. Zhu, what do you mean? Don't worry about me? And bring a bodyguard? "

Zhu Linlin is neither humble nor arrogant. "I'm at least the boss of Wenhe medicine. I'm not going to come out and go in alone, am I?"

He Hui said with a faint smile, "that's reasonable. It's normal to take a driver when you go out, but the driver doesn't want to be on the table. After a while, you can ask the chef to make fried rice for you and go out to eat."

He Hui's attitude is very indifferent. No matter whether Qin Jun is a real driver or not, he will give him the upper hand first.

However, Qin Jun did not pay attention to this kind of goods at all. He directly opened two chairs, and Zhu Linlin sat down one by one.

He Hui glared, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"Ha ha, Mr. Zhu, it seems that you are not sincere today?"

Zhu said, "sincerity? Do you need me to be sincere when you threaten me? I don't want to split my face with you. I can also monopolize the medicinal materials of your male products, but I don't want to hurt each other with you. We are all businessmen and should be mutually beneficial. "

Zhu Linlin is telling the truth. Now they are quite powerful in literature and medicine. If they want to monopolize one or two kinds of medicinal materials, it's not impossible for them to stop production. It's just that it's meaningless for the two families to hurt each other.

He Hui said, "ha ha, what Mr. Zhu said is a little strange. We are not a malicious monopoly. We also need to use it in large quantities. But if Mr. Zhu wants it, it's not as good as our strong alliance How about it? "

Zhu Linlin frowned, "what do you mean?"

He Hui said with a smile, "I told Zhu Zong before that I will provide you with your raw materials, but you need to pay a little price."

Zhu Linlin's face sank and did not speak.

He Hui took a look at Qin Jun and continued with Zhu Linlin with a provocative look.

"The price is also very simple. As long as we find a place with good environment to meet each other and talk about our hearts, we can do it."

Zhu Linlin's face was completely gloomy.

He Hui had made such a request before, but Zhu Linlin refused it on the spot.

He has been married and has children, and then he still wants to maintain that kind of improper relationship with Zhu Linlin. He hopes Zhu Linlin will be his lover. Whenever he has a need, Zhu Linlin will go to the hotel to sleep with him.

He Hui has the face to say this disgusting request. Zhu Linlin wants to slap him in the face.

I didn't expect to say it today.

"He Hui, please show some respect. I'm here to talk business with you. If you don't want to talk about it, we'll fight each other!"

He Hui sneered, "Mr. Zhu, scare me, don't you? Do you think I dare to deal with you like this because there is no one behind me? "

Zhu Linlin was stunned and frowned.

She had doubted before. The scale of ah Hui pharmaceutical factory was not large. At most, it was as good as Zhu Linlin. How could she have the courage and financial resources to monopolize their medicinal materials?

So, is there someone behind it?