Mech Journey

Chapter 648

Memphis has just turned his eyes, looked around warily, and then looked at the data on the holographic helmet, gently breathed a breath, and continued to walk slowly.

"Memphis, you lean in the middle of the team. You're too far from the team."

At this time, the channel suddenly sounded a heavy voice, but it is the captain of the team in Memphis to keep the team shape.

Memphis is a member of the special mecha regiment of the Republic of Isis.

His wasp team is on a secret mission.

The search for the missing snake and fangs, both elite teams in the group, disappeared a week ago while exploring the undeveloped ecological planet t33.

The regiment seemed to attach great importance to this matter and sent out four teams, one of which was searching from the east to the West.

"Captain, how can this snake and fangs break here? Primitive planets, even mutants, can't do anything about them? "

"It may have fallen into some cave. There are many caves on this planet." Other teammates suddenly talked to me.

"Joke, it's a mecha, Maureen. We've got pajr's viper mecha. Can such a good mecha fall into the cave? Will it still come out? " Said Toby, the bearded man in the defensive mecha.

"I still like their new mecha, but the export model is not suitable for us." Toby said to Maureen in the sniper armor next to him, but there was a sound in the jungle.

A dark green Cobra mecha approached from one side and entered the eyes of his teammates.

"Memphis, what are you doing? You're a fire fighter if you pull so far away from us. Who will save you then? " The bearded man continued, but Memphis was also a little impatient.

"Even if I go far away, you should follow me, or it will be your dereliction of duty."

"Hey, you don't even have hair, you dare to teach..." Toby, the man with a beard, was in a hurry.

"Toby, shut up, we're on a mission!" Captain Solo's voice sounded at this time, which immediately interrupted Toby's fight, but at this time the channel was suddenly ringing.

"Captain, there's a cave here I think you'd better take a look. "

This is the voice of Scout fighter Joey. The other party is already two kilometers ahead. At this time, it seems that he has found something. Memphis also raises his head and looks at the hidden jungle. His hands in the combat slot are tight again.

The captain immediately ordered the team to move forward, and the atmosphere between them became tense. Toby also raised his weapon and began to accompany the mecha in Memphis.

A couple of mechas were moving forward against the woods, and two minutes later they arrived at their destination, and Joey's mecha was standing on the cliff, and below him was a huge opening.

There are many karst caves in the jungle area here, and some very large caves can be seen from time to time, but the one in front of us is shocking.

Because of blood.

The lower end of the cave in the cliff is full of blood, which makes the cliff below red, and even more terrifying against the pale cliff.

Memphis saw such a scene, almost instantly attention to the highest, and behind the sniper mecha also at this time quickly high, precision observation equipment on the mecha overlooking the surrounding.

The captain's mecha fell first, and Memphis landed in a jungle in front of the cave, locking the fire point at the hole.

And there's a real-time picture of the captain on the holographic helmet.

The 20-30-meter-high cave is a bloody picture, in which countless protozoan corpses are piled up, but the limbs are torn. This not deep cave is full of blackened blood and broken limbs.

Even if Memphis had seen some murders, he couldn't help swallowing the saliva of fear.

"What kind of monster's nest is this?" Asked Toby, looking at the disgusting picture.

Captain Solo is to control the mecha to go inside, next to Joey also called, but the old captain still walked in.

The cave is not deep. There is a pool of water in the deepest part of the cave, which constantly washes the blood in the cave.

In addition to these, the cave is only ten meters deep, and natural light can shine on the inside.

But soon the captain noticed many traces on the wall of the cave.

It was a very short, but deeply embedded mark in the stone wall. These marks were very deep, and there were also dried black blood stains inside.

There are many traces of this kind in the whole cave. Even if Memphis looked outside, he knew that it was the culprit who killed these creatures.

But what is this creature?

Memphis and others had this idea in their hearts, and when they frowned, they always sounded the alarm.

He detected the fighting, just a few kilometers behind the cave.The captain suddenly turned around and ordered the whole crew to fight early. The mecha ran and stopped at the top of the cliff at the next moment.

The protruding rocks in the jungle let several people see the situation in the distance smoothly. It was a tall jungle, but now it is full of gunpowder and smoke. The missiles with smoke tails pierce through the forest cover, but they drill into the jungle somewhere in the next moment.

"Which team is that?" Toby exclaimed, and the next moment a mecha came out of the jungle. The dark green figure showed that he was the same mecha as the wasp team.

"It's a poisonous insect team! They are under attack Memphis recognized it for the first time and yelled.

But before they could do anything, there was a commotion in the jungle. Several black creatures rose into the air, and the next moment they directly jumped on the mecha.

The surface of the mecha burst out of fire. It was totally uncontrollable and fell down like this.

"What is that?" Several people asked at the same time, and Joey and Maureen shared the capture at the same time.

The picture on the holographic helmet gradually became clear, and Memphis suddenly opened his mouth.

It is a ferocious and terrifying crustacean creature. It has a huge mouth, a black shell, sharp legs, a body length of two or three meters, and the posture of attacking in groups. All these indicate that it is a kind of horrible existence!

Memphis is about to move forward. Toby is saying that he wants the captain to take everyone to support. However, Captain Solo suddenly stops everyone.

Memphis and others are looking at the captain's mecha, inside that thin and fierce face is staring at the front.

"No one can go there. It's a dead end now!" The captain clenched his teeth and said this sentence. The next moment he tried to get in touch with the team ahead and around.

But the response was only from the south to the far away team. The team in front of the West had no response.

The team members did not come forward under the captain's stop, but at this moment they were thinking about what it was. Memphis felt that the figure was very familiar, searched his brain for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Is that the star Zerg?"

Memphis said this sentence, the heart is suddenly also a click, and the surrounding teammates after hearing this sentence is also looking at the above picture again.

It's really bugs, and it's a bunch.

Toby called, but the captain said.

"Everything has not been decided yet. Let's wait until we get in touch with the headquarters." The captain suddenly said so, but the next moment is a merciless puff of cold air.

It made Memphis's scalp numb, and things were wrong.

"Remote communication has been interrupted. The space-based satellite has not responded?"

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