Mech Journey

Chapter 556

After Yan Yong showed the video to everyone on the scene, the people around him were moved. Even though he could not be surprised, in the video of less than 10 minutes, this still complete fleet with good combat power was destroyed.

And no one survived.

This almost subverts everyone's idea. In my impression, it seems that only using strategic weapons can achieve such a degree. The large number of so-called Zerg relying on close combat attack can easily disintegrate a fleet just by one attack?

Some immediately asked their own questions: "what is the command structure of these Zerg? How many troops are there? "

"At present, there are only two levels of the linear command structure. From the tentacle bug in the middle to the small Zerg after it, the command structure is clear and clear, which is simpler and rougher than the division of labor among bees. According to the calculation, there are almost 20000 troops in this Zerg group. "

Yan Yong said in a deep voice, but he looked at the crowd and pointed to the screen in front of him. Then a lot of analysis data about the two insects appeared on it.

"This is the data collected at the scene, but most of it is in the images. There is no insect body on the scene that can be analyzed. Some mucus and blood samples are tested and a surprising data is obtained."

"We've never talked about this sequence of genes, and the elements in their bodies are not connected to many of the elements we found in the galaxy."

Yan Yong said so, but several professional biologists in the field were lost in thought. Yan Yong pointed to a middle-aged woman, and Du Di immediately said seriously.

"According to the data at this stage, we have basically abandoned the idea of containment at the level of biological weapons. This is a completely different structure, and we can not even prepare corresponding drugs or genes to resist."

All the people in the field nodded, but Yan Yong sent out another picture. In this picture, the Zerg soldiers and insects were like eagles catching chickens, tearing up every mecha and fighter. Human weapons were useless in front of those sharp claws.

"This is another problem. The protective power of these things is unexpected. Their shells are very hard. Only shipborne laser or ion weapons can destroy them. The fighter plane is almost a target. The mecha can only choose close combat weapons to break their defense, but the armor of the fuselage will be torn by them in an instant."

Yan Yong calmly said this question, but the people in the field suddenly looked more heavy.

These things are not afraid of conventional weapons, but also can not be eliminated by biological weapons. Their strength can be seen.

"What is the highest standard weapon used to eliminate these things?"

"Three strategic level helium flash bombs, through a large number of ships to escort the shock troops into the interior, detonate the weapons around the big insects, and finally destroy them."

"This is why the troops of several countries have suffered heavy casualties. They have penetrated into each other's protective layer at close range, and the attack density is equivalent to more than ten times of bombardment from the front of the ship's gun without time interval."

Yan Yong said so, almost in an instant let all people in an uproar, Yang Mu also can't help but pick eyebrows.

These things are really the most real data. Zerg Starpack has more powerful attack power, and the damage they can bring is almost impossible for any fleet to bear for a long time.

"Is this the most effective way now?" An old man asked and nodded respectfully: "yes, but it's not clean, and the success rate is very low, and these weapons are not easy to make."

What about the fleet war damage ratio

"According to the current data, the fleet composed of several countries is equivalent to seven attack fleets of our country, all of which are damaged. The minimum damage is 40%, and the average is 60%. The two fleets are completely destroyed, with 170000 direct deaths and 110000 wounded."

Yan Yong is still calm to say, but the people around are fierce to inhale a cold air.

"This is a big problem, marshal Yan. We need to raise this issue to the strategic level." The old man also looked tense and worried.

"This is the main thing of our meeting, and my personal suggestion is to raise it to the level of strategic threat."

Yang Mu, sitting on one side, immediately clenched his fist and was excited. The first level strategic threat requires that when the target appears, all forces should be concentrated to eliminate it, regardless of any cost, until the other party is completely eliminated.

There was also the threat of super class disputes. At that time, it was national mobilization, all industries serving the army, no matter what the cost, the number of recruits, the production, the alliance of any ally that can be united, and do everything possible to eliminate them.

Yang Mu immediately looked around, hoping that some old man could raise the level of strategic threat of upgrading to the special level.

However, Yang Mu's hope failed. After hearing Yan Yong's proposal, many people in the field fell into deep thought. However, some old people expressed their opinions that could be reduced to the level of secondary strategic threat.Moreover, the conditions given by the other side are very sufficient. As a superpower, pajr's combat effectiveness cannot be equated with that of a small country. Moreover, the national economy is developing rapidly. This kind of arms production is likely to lead to chain reaction, which will not only form a form of confrontation with other countries, but also bring down its own economy.

It's silly for Yang Mu, who knows the Zerg threat, but for those who know little about the Zerg threat, such a creature that can be wiped out by hard work is not upgraded to a strategic level.

Yang Mu was worried and even wanted to say something directly, but Yan Yong said it at this time.

"We can discuss this issue again. Of course, there are still some things we haven't fully explained. In fact, there are records in our database for this sudden appearance of creatures."

As soon as Yan Yong said this, the people in the field quickly looked at it, and Yan Yong called out a picture of a black insect, which was the brain worm Yang Mu had seen before.

"This insect, which has been comprehensively named as brain worm, has been found on many protoplanets in six star regions. The appearance and shape of the insect are completely unified, but their genes are the gene sequence of the planet where they exist."

"We analyzed it and found that one of the key genes is identical, and this gene is also present in the genetic samples of this Zerg."

Hearing such a sentence, Yang Mu immediately praised Yan Yong for his meticulous care. He even unconsciously linked the two creatures together, which once again created an opportunity to attach importance to the Zerg creature.

And the people in the field after hearing each other's words, as expected, also carefully check the information of this kind of thing. A moment later, a middle star will ask.

"Marshal Yan, we have found this kind of insect many times, and now we have been able to effectively curb the menace of the animal tide they bring. If there is a connection between them, then we have a certain way to fight them."

When Yan Yong heard this sentence, his face seemed to pick some: "you should refer to the tactics and methods given by the military headquarters for the strategy of eliminating brain worms."

"This kind of tactics is not the result of our staff's research. It is the result of a senior officer's practice, and it is the most effective one."

"Who is he?"

The general asked in a hurry. Yan Shenfu laughed and turned to look at Yang Mu's direction, which made Yang Mu's heart thump. Unexpectedly, he came to attend the meeting because of the castration version of the insect fighting method he had given.

"He is our new major general, Comrade Yang Mu, who is also present today." Yan Yong looked at Yang Mu's direction and reached for a sign.

"In fact, I'm not sure whether there is a new method of warfare, but I think this effective strategy comes from General Yang Mu, and he has always advocated a higher level of treatment for this creature, so I think you might as well listen to General Yang's explanation."

"Maybe he has a different solution."

Yan Yong said so, people around have turned their heads to see Yang Mu sitting in the dark corner of the room.

And Yang Mu looked at the field hundreds of pairs of eyes are looking at themselves, a deep breath, slowly stood up.

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