Mech Journey

Chapter 539

Yang Mu, who heard this sentence, was surprised. He had just searched there. Why would there be gunfire at the moment, but the gangster who used the gun disappeared.

Yang Mu ordered the security team to increase the search area in the headset, but was suddenly pinched and turned around. Yang Mu quickly let go of Ji mo.

Just in a critical situation, Yang Mu did not take care of so much, holding Ji Mo to the corner of the wall, at the moment, he found that his action was a little impolite.

Yang Mu retreated two steps. Ji Jin, who had already stepped down first, said that there was nothing wrong with him. He asked Ji Mo to get down into the car immediately.

Yang Mu and several Ji Mo's own guards surrounded her and went down the stairs slowly. But as soon as she arrived at the door, she saw Ji Jin outside suddenly rushing in and directly pulling Jimo to the corner of the wall.

"There are missiles!" There was a guard shouting in the channel. Yang Mu Dun widened his eyes, turned around with several guards, and bent down to protect Ji Jin Ji Mo inside.

And the next moment a roar sounded outside the villa, the whole pension base suddenly chaos up, Yang Mu immediately changed the channel, said to the tenghai ship in the sky.

"Drop the mecha now, now!" Yang Mu yelled to the channel. At the moment, the tenghai ship in the sky began to move. A moment later, five metal boxes were dropped from the bottom of the warship, rubbing against the atmosphere and falling rapidly.

Yang Mu was determined not to let Ji Mo go out like this. At least he could not get out before the mecha arrived. At the same time, he ordered Yunlong and others to check where the missile came from.

Finally, it was found that this was from the southwest corner of the woods. Neither the guard nor the sky eye satellite found people there, but found a transmitter.

This strange scene almost let everyone's heart have some hair, but at this time Ji Mo is standing up and going to one side.

"Princess, what are you going to do Yang Mu saw the situation immediately in front of said, Ji Mo is stretched out to point to the upstairs.

"The grandmother is still up there. Let her come down as well."

Jimo thought of the old man at this time, and said at the moment. Outside, there was a rumbling sound of cracking in the sky outside at this time, and that was the rapid arrival of the mecha.

"You stay here, I'll go!"

Yang Mu and Ji Mo looked at each other, then turned and ran upstairs. At this time, the voice of Yunlong was also heard in the earphone. The mecha had arrived, and the garrison troops still had five minutes to come.

Yang Mu ordered them to stay on guard and come to the second floor to take the old man down. The vehicle had already stopped at the door, waiting for the surrounding armored escort to leave directly.

At the moment, all of them are still calm, but the shooter has not been found yet. Yang Mu takes the old man downstairs, and the roar is heard outside. It is the anti thrust system of the delivery cabin working. Yang Mu asks Ji Mo to look at the old man and turns around and runs out.

The sun was shining outside, but the surrounding area was a mess. Many guards were leaning against the villas, and some guards took weapons to the distance, apparently to search for the murderer.

Yang Mu looked around, found a nearby delivery mecha cabin and ran to it. The recyclable pod stood upright on the open space. Yang Mu ran up with the fastest speed, opened the hatch door with his Shipman's identity, and got into the nightmare mecha inside.

Yang Mu's rapid mecha channel, a few of the team members have also been on the armor, some of the surrounding guards now see the mecha coming out, and now they are wearing exoskeletons from all over the direction of Jimo.

But at this time, there was another missile coming from the southwest. The target was the house where Jimo was now.

Yang Mu Gang just put on the holographic helmet and found this situation. He immediately manipulated the mecha to jump out of the delivery cabin and hit a missile at the incoming missile. His weapons were also wildly fired.

The missile was blown up in the air, Yang Mu ordered Yunlong and others to guard around the house immediately, while he drove his mecha into the air and flew toward the area.

The mecha landed in the mountains. Yang Mu quickly inspected the general location that had just been confirmed by the system. However, after the mecha swept, only one launcher appeared in the forest, and there was no sign of anyone around.

Yang Mu's heart suddenly some anxious, this is the fourth time this kind of situation has appeared, this murderer actually how evades the search.

Yang Mu looks around and orders the convoy to bring more sophisticated sniffing instruments to search. He is about to leave. However, Yang Mu suddenly stops and turns his head to look at the launcher that has fallen to the ground.

A small object at the bottom of the launcher was flashing red light. Yang Mu pulled into the field of vision and found that it was a transmitter stuck to the base. The system searched quickly and found that it was about a remote control.

A flash of lightning suddenly crossed Yang Mu's brain, and his heart was suddenly bright. This is an unmanned remote control weapon!

The murderer was not in the woods all around.

Yang Mu controls the mecha to take off in a fright and looks around. But at this moment, there is a dense gunshot coming from the villa area below. Then Yang Mu sees that the crowd beside the vehicle is moving, and one of them is shooting wildly with a weapon.The man was dressed in the guard clothes sent by the light God star. It turned out that the murderer had been lurking among them!

Yang Mu was surprised and angry to control the mecha to fall downward, but also saw the figure of Ji Mo in the crowd below completely exposed under the muzzle of the other party.

Yang Mu did not dare to shoot, but let the mecha descend more quickly. At this time, the murderer was swept down by the mecha, and the surrounding guards rushed forward to take him down.

Yang Mu landed directly next to him. He opened the hatch and jumped down. After getting up, he nervously searched for Ji Mo's figure. He saw that Ji Mo was being blocked by Ji Jin, and several people fell together.

"Go! Go now Yang Mu yelled, but at this time, Ji Jin, who had no expression on his face, helped Ji Mo and the old man up, but instead of taking them into the car, he pulled the people to the side and fell down.

Yang Mu also suddenly made a defensive action, and the chassis of the bulletproof car nearby suddenly exploded, many stones splashed around.

Yang Mu looks at the other side under the shelter of the armor parts. He anxiously sees Ji Jin standing in front of Ji Mo and others. The explosion power overturns the crowd. Yang mufen's action is sudden, and his eyes stare at Ji Jin's face.

The explosion was over, and the murderer had been arrested, shouting revenge on his brother and cursing at the administrators and military officers of the new star territory.

Ji Jin looked at Ji Mo, who didn't have a big problem. He quickly stood up and took her with her to the side.

At this time, the internal team of the planet also came, but was only required to be on guard outside. The vehicles dispatched from the Starship drove over, jammed Jimo in, and then quickly left under the dense protection.

Yang Mu just stood in place, a pair of eyes from the beginning to the end did not move from Ji Jin's face, and Ji Jin saw Yang Mu who had been standing beside him, but also rushed to come.

"Go! Yang Mu, get out of here now. " Ji said anxiously.

"You are not Ji Jin."

Yang Mu looked straight at the person in front of him and said with a stiff face.

"You are a new zhouren."

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