Mech Journey

Chapter 30

"Hula ~ ~" a man in a shirt carrying a big bag of boxed lunch walked into a room in an apartment on the corner of the street, and then closed the door behind him.

In the room, it was a different scene. There were several rows of tables and stools in the huge room. The suspension projector projected many monitoring perspectives on the screen, including those from businesses, snipers, and even UAVs.

As if, this is a temporary command center, now staring at the bar at 49 pombolin block.

On the sofa in the corner of the room, a man in a T-shirt is sitting face-to-face with a man in pajr uniform, as if talking about something.

"Commander Xu, I don't think I'm talking nonsense now?" The strong man in the T-shirt handed the report to the man in the military uniform next to him, and said with some interest.

This strong man is Zhong Liang, the bodyguard beside Yan Shenfu.

The cuntou young officer sitting next to him took over the report handed by Zhong Liang, opened it carefully, and nodded his head.

"Colonel Zhong, it seems that this time we have found something about blood skeletons." Xu surname regimental commander in the eye is twinkling the light, some excited says.

"Ha ha, it's good that the information is correct. At least there is no waste of resources to investigate. I believe that with the participation of your mecha regiment, this suppression mission will be much simpler." Zhong Liang burst out laughing and praised the young officer in front of him, who was still young.

The officer, Xu Huang, was the head of the first mecha regiment of the sea blue star, which was the former regiment of Yang Mu's father.

This time, he followed the police because of Yan Shenfu's request and all kinds of intelligence. Finally, he asked the military headquarters to make an order for Xu Huang to come here with the mecha regiment on standby.

But there are not many people on the surface. This is a joint operation of the military and police. It is only an operation of the police, because Xu Huang's mecha regiment is deployed at a distance of one kilometer away from here at this time, ready to stand by.

As long as an order is given, these elite mecha pilots will drive all kinds of advanced mecha to support the battlefield with high speed and eliminate all unstable factors.

"No, although there are traces of each other, we still can't take it lightly. The other party is our mortal enemy and has not been uprooted for so many years. The blood skeleton brotherhood will not be eliminated so easily."

"We haven't seen any blood skeletons recorded in the database, so we can't act rashly for the time being."

Xu Huang is not half proud, but is very serious, young face full of rigorous attitude.

No wonder he was the head of the mecha regiment at the age of less than 30.

And he's the head of this elite mecha regiment.

Zhong Liang looked at the leader with a serious attitude in front of him. He, who was also from the army, agreed with this sentence and appreciated the young man in his heart.

The commander-in-chief of this operation is also the young officer in front of him. Even though his rank is a little higher, Zhong Liang doesn't want to interfere too much in this matter.

My main task is to help Mr. Yan deliver the message.

For the rest, let the professionals do it.

"Well, I don't have time to interfere in your battle. This is how you deal with it. I have to go back." Zhong Liang stood up, shook hands with Xu Huang, said hello to other policemen in the room, and then pushed the door and left.

In fact, Yan Shenfu asked Zhong Liang to come here today to verify whether what the little boy said was true. Now it seems that he really got the point.

Originally to Yang Mu some do not care, even despise Zhong Liang, but at this time is also aroused a strong interest in Yang Mu.

How does a high school student know all this?


The hour hand slowly went to 10 o'clock, the sky was completely dark, the streets of pombolin had already been empty, even the wild cats on the road just quietly left, the whole street was filled with a kind of atmosphere of killing.

In the No. 49 bar, everyone's eyes are wide open, and in the middle of the bar, ten people are wearing nearly three meters of exoskeletons, fully armed to the teeth.

Kam sat by the chair at the bar, playing with a knife, with a smile on his face.

"Now, cam, is it time to act?" Dong Peng, dressed in an exoskeleton, looks at Kam and Dong Kun, who are silent on the chair and sofa, and says.

In Dong Peng's mind, if you stay in this place for one more minute, it will be more dangerous. Therefore, you can leave as soon as possible so that all people can be out of danger.

Hearing Dong Peng's words, Dong Kun took a last puff of smoke, exhaled the last trace of smoke in his chest, and pressed the cigarette end out on the foot of the overturned tea table.

At this time, Kam got up, put the knife away, and said, with a smile on his face.

"Let's go, my leader. Do you want to say something?"However, Dong Kun waved his hand and didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he went to the equipment rack in the corner and began to wear a machine armour that he had collected for a long time on his body.

Although some low-performance mechas have been opened to the public for commercial and entertainment use, each one is registered. Dong Kun's one was made privately by someone, and it cost a lot of money, and it is also used as a card.

And now it's time to use this card.

At this time, the members of the gang in the bar also got up. One by one, they took up their weapons and pulled out the safety bolt.

Suddenly there was a sound of loading guns in the bar.

Ten men in heavy exoskeletons also checked all their gear and looked at Kam.

"The specific plan should be clear to everyone?"

"I repeat, ten heavy exoskeletons follow me out of the backyard and head north to the street of Millin, and the rest of you follow your boss westward."

"Finally gather at Quanxi gas station in the West."

"Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded, and Kam nodded with satisfaction. He took out his weapon, opened the door and went out.

Ten exoskeletons followed Kam out of the backyard and walked to the East. A moment later, dozens of Qinggui gang members with guns also left the door and walked to the West.

Dong Kun manipulated the mecha to walk in the team. Finally, he looked back at Kam and others who had disappeared at the end of the street corner, and told the gang members to go to their destination and go back by themselves.

Before walking a few steps, there was a lot of gunfire in the direction of the East. Several bright searchlight columns suddenly lit up on the roof of the surrounding buildings, making the streets with only dim street lights more bright.

Busy night, began

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