Mech Journey

Chapter 2

In 2337, the wormhole transition technology built on the edge of Jupiter was successful for the first time. Since then, human civilization has successfully broken through the shackles of the solar system, and the interstellar exploration of the galaxy has also begun.


In 2508 of the old calendar, human beings have made a deep exploration of the galaxy in 170 years. Most of the galaxy was quickly divided up by the once earth countries. The rapid development of Industrial Science and technology, known as the "star revolution" of the sixth scientific and technological revolution. Many countries have begun to set up interstellar exploration teams to explore the surrounding galaxies.


In the year of 2540, due to the uneven distribution of resource stars and livable stars in the galaxy and the economic turmoil in various countries, the internal war first broke out in the interstellar Republic of Korea and sang, and then was suppressed by the major warlords in China. However, the contradiction has not been resolved, on the contrary, it is rapidly intensified. The Republic of Korea and mulberry moved the contradiction outside the national boundary, and the war broke out in the neighboring countries. Just a year later, it swept all the star states, and finally evolved into star wars, known as "galactic wars".


In 2560 of the old calendar, the war lasted for 20 years. With the efforts of the "anti war alliance", various countries signed armistice agreements one after another. However, the changes brought about by the successive wars are irreversible. Before the war, nearly 200 interstellar countries, after the annexation of various powerful powers, left less than 30 star states. Among them, the three major regimes dominated by "Pan Asian United Republic (pajr)", "Pan American Cooperative Alliance" (PAA) "and" ogaro Interstellar Alliance (OSA) ", occupied 60% of the galaxy's star territory The remaining 30% are occupied by small countries and other small alliances, and about 10% of the star regions are still under exploration. In the same year, the newly formed countries issued a joint statement to change the 2560 year of the old calendar into the Xinghe calendar, known as the first year of the Xinghe calendar in history

The interstellar age has entered a period of steady development

In the 27 years of Xinghe calendar, sea blue star was discovered by the star expedition organized by pajr. The favorable living environment made it a super livable star immediately.

Under the instruction of the national assembly of the Republic of China, the area with a diameter of 16000 light-years centered on the sea blue star is divided into a new star region under pajr, known as the new star region, and the administrative star in the star region is called the sea blue star.


Early in the morning, Yang Mu, who slipped into the backyard utility room, is sitting in front of his desk, carefully reading the encyclopedia knowledge with his wristwatch, looking for the time line of each time that he knows in this time and space.

Everything is normal. All the major events happening at present can be on the right number. Even the number one in the college entrance examination of Hailan city last year is right.

In other words, I'm still in the same space, just jumping back and forth on the time axis for 20 years.

Now everything in this space-time is normal. If it's not normal, it's the memory of 37 years old and the "annihilation" lying in the necklace of subspace

All this, really can not be explained by Science

Yang Mu scratched his head and was thinking hard when a knock on the door of the utility room suddenly rang out.

"Brother, come out to eat."

"Come out, mom made delicious noodles."

Two young children's voices were heard outside the door. Yang Mu's tense expression disappeared in an instant. He twisted the necklace and took back the "annihilation" on the ground. Then he opened the door.

"What are you doing in there? You won't come back for a long time." Outside the door, two seven or eight year old boys are looking at Yang Mu with two pairs of water smart eyes, and the larger thunder is asking. Lei Hong, a little smaller, was watching the scene in the utility room with her eyes dripping.

"All right, all right, here we go." Yang Mu gently twisted the two little boys and pushed them to go to dinner together. Just then, the wrist watch on the worktable hummed.

"Fat man calls, fat man calls, fat man calls..."

Just out of the garage, Yang Mu had to stop and urge Lei Hong to go to dinner first. He went back to the work table and picked up his watch.

Watch watch is Jia Hao video call, click to answer.

Jia Hao is Yang Mu's boy. When he was a child, he played together. His family opened a roast duck shop on the commercial street not far from here, and the business was booming. Perhaps because of the only child in his family, Jia Hao was a little fatter than his peers since he was young. Now, at the age of 17-8, his weight has easily exceeded 200 Jin.

Every time I think of this guy, it's a scene where people move around quickly

"Good morning, Musa." In the screen projected by the wrist watch, a round looking boy in a wide striped shirt said to Yang Mu while chewing.

Yang Mu took a glance, took his wristwatch and asked, "good morning, fat man, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, just to remind you of the mecha show this afternoon. Don't forget it." Jia Hao took a sip of milk, said a, and then went on crazy strategy in front of the roast duck.

The roast duck is his only dish in the morning

"Mecha show? What mecha show Yang Mu tilted his head and asked in a strange way.On the other side of the screen, Jia Hao, who was chewing heavily, stopped and coughed twice. He said to Yang Mu with a confused face.

"Damn it, boss, you won't lose your memory. This afternoon's roving mecha exhibition at the Navy science and Technology Museum. You said you wanted to go there the day before yesterday. Why did you forget it?"

"Doren has all the tickets ready for the tour

"Hey, I thought you said something, I know, I didn't forget it!" Yang Mu didn't expect that he almost revealed his stuffing, and hurriedly murmured back.

The fat man on the opposite side heard Yang Mu's vague answer, but did not think much about it. He just glanced at his father who was selling roast duck at the shop window and found that he didn't pay attention to himself. He was relieved.

This visit to the mecha exhibition is the best excuse to avoid being forced to write test papers at home on Sunday. Yesterday, I spent half an hour on my lips to get my father to agree. I can't just waste it.

"Well, I have breakfast. I'll gather at the gate of the science and Technology Museum at 1:00 p.m., and don't forget to call dorun." Yang Mu went to the restaurant and sat down and said to Jia Hao.

Yang Mu can't talk more now and say something he doesn't know. Although he said that he would not be doubted by Jia Hao, whether he was himself or not, he was not good.

For example, I don't have any impression in my mind about the trip to the mecha exhibition. But now somehow fooled in the past, Yang Mu immediately wrote down the matter in his heart.

"Don't worry. I can't forget that we still have to rely on him for our tickets. I'll see you at the science and Technology Museum this afternoon." Opposite Jia Hao said happily, and then hung up the video.

"Going out with Xiao Hao in the afternoon?" Yang Mu just put the wristwatch on the table. Yang Mu asked her mother, who was sitting on one side. Yang Mu nodded, "um," and picked up chopsticks to eat noodles.

As a matter of fact, it's hard for me to get together with my family at this time, and I can't finish talking with my family. But somehow, when I met this morning, looking at her mother's much younger face, an inexplicable sense of strangeness flooded into Yang Mu's mind, but there was nothing to say.

In the past, Yang Mu had this feeling. When he was training outside, he would be homesick, especially one or two days before he went home. He would like to fly home immediately and say, "I'm back!" But when I knock on the door, I can't say anything.

For this kind of situation, Yang Mu only regards it as his own reason. Maybe it will be better if it is delayed for two or three days.

"It's to go out for a walk. Xiao Mu, you're a senior three with a lot of pressure. If you have leisure time, you should relax and relieve your tension." At this time, the middle-aged man sitting in the main position spoke, but his eyes were fixed on the news on the floating TV.

"This morning, Zheng Hai, chief executive of cerulean, will hold a meeting with James James, the foreign minister of the ogaro Union, in Hailan city to discuss matters related to the exploitation of titanium resources on the planet tc221..."

This man, Lei Shangwu, is the husband of Yang's mother and the stepfather of Yang Mu.

He was his father's deputy leader. In the star theft war, when the troops led by Lei Shangwu arrived at Yang Li's side, Yang Li was dying of serious injury. On his deathbed, his father left Lei Shangwu to take care of himself.

That is to say, two years later, he gave Yang Mu a father. After that, he had two younger brothers, Lei Ming and Lei Hong.

Although it is a reorganization of the family, Yang Mu did not exclude each other too much. However, for the word "father", Yang Mu has been stubbornly determined that it only belongs to his father Yang Li.

So over the years, Yang Mu has been calling Lei Shangwu Uncle Lei. It was not until the last time they met Uncle Lei after the Zerg war.

"Uncle ray, I'll borrow it from the utility room and assemble something." While eating noodles, Yang Mu asked Lei Shangwu.

"Yes, but you should be careful when you make your own gadgets." Lei Shangwu knew for a long time that Yang Mu liked to make small things, but he didn't care about such a request. He quickly picked up the noodles in the bowl.

"You Hua, I do outsourcing maintenance today, lunch at the customer's place, you don't have to wait for me." After putting down the bowl, Lei Shangwu looked at his watch and said to Mrs. Yang. He got up to pick up the things and prepare to go to the store.

When Yang Mu was about to go to high school at the age of 14, Lei Shangwu retired from the army and gathered a group of retired comrades in arms to open a machine repair shop on a street in Hailan city.

In recent years, the business is also good. At least, it can let a family live in the compound building in this prosperous area, so that the family can live a rich life, and let Yang Mu have 800 pieces of hot yellow yuan each month.

"Good. Be safe." Yang's mother Nangong Youhua also stood up to help Lei Shangwu clean up the things he needed to take, and then urged Lei Ming, who was still playing with his face, to eat quickly.

"Be safe." Yang Mu also said, stood up and put the bowl into the dishwasher in the kitchen, then picked up his wristwatch and walked to the sundry room just now.

"You two, eat quickly! I'll go to the children's palace later, and I'll go shopping. "

"You Hua, I'm going."

"Well, be safe on the way."Listening to the sound coming from the living room and the front yard, Yang Mu smiles and pushes open the small door of the back yard utility room.

Such a warm scene, I have not joined it for a long time.


Yang Mu, who came to the garage, locked the door, took out the necklace from his trouser pocket and took the "annihilation" out of it.

The black mecha with smooth lines and a height of nearly seven meters is lying on the garage floor under the designated placement of necklaces. The back of the mecha is upward, and the ferocious and twisted parts on it are showing how hard it has been hit.

Early in the morning, Yang Mu had already started the mecha for inspection. The armor behind the mecha was almost completely damaged, and only the auxiliary thruster of limbs was left at the nozzle. The main thruster and weapon rack were completely scrapped. However, its built-in energy battery is still intact, and the two titanium steel knives in hand are also intact.

In general, the external armor has suffered a lot, but the internal control bin is complete, and the somatosensory operating system can work normally.

But now the problem is that he can hardly repair this mecha, not because he lacks maintenance knowledge. After more than ten years of operation, Yang Mu has already known a little about the maintenance of his mecha.

However, it was difficult to cook without straw. "Annihilation" was the first batch of elite mecha to be customized at that time. Almost all the materials used on it were top-notch, which was also difficult to copy.

For example, the "annihilated" whole body armor is made of super quenched titanium chromium alloy, which is lined with polymer fiber material, which makes it have the hardness of metal and the super toughness, which can assist the mecha to complete some difficult actions in combat.

And in order to enhance its anti strike performance, the surface of armor is made into inclined plane design, so that it can better resist the attack of large caliber bullets and even shells.

Or two "annihilated" titanium alloy knives, a kind of "Yao iron" material with higher hardness and extremely rare is added to the blade by cold forging to make it easy to cut through one meter thick steel plate. When the two knives are electrified, the current can make them have more terrifying lethality.

However, these materials are either confidential or have not been discovered. As an ordinary high school student, it's just a dream to get these materials!

Thinking of this, Yang Mu also sighed, quite helpless for the situation in front of him. Who let himself be reborn 20 years ago? If he was reborn ten years ago, depending on his position at that time, he might be able to restore the "annihilation" of 7788.

However, we can't let it go. Now we don't treasure materials. We can take some ordinary materials to fill them in. At least, we can have a life-saving capital in our hands.

Thinking like this, Yang Mu then picked up a wrench on the shelf, ready to remove the broken back armor of the mecha.

When Yang Mu put the self tightening screw on the back armor with the socket wrench in his hand, the incredible situation appeared. The wrench in Yang Mu's hand suddenly turned red and hot, and could not be held.

Yang Mu quickly released his hand, and saw that the socket wrench had begun to soften gradually. After half a minute, it turned into a pool of liquid and melted into the mecha!

That's right, it's melted into the mecha, just like the back armor has life, and it's swallowed up.

It's just fantastic!!

Yang Mu looked at all this with disbelief. Even after he found himself reborn, he was not so surprised. No, he was shocked!

Mecha's going to eat the material?!

Mecha Alive?!!

Yang Mu hurriedly picked up another wrench and was alert to the mecha on the ground. However, after waiting for a moment, he did not see any movement of the mecha.

When Yang Mu felt strange, he saw a different phenomenon.

At this time, a white metal of half the size of a nail plate grew on a notch on the back of the machine armor, which was particularly striking under the black armor.

Yang Mu carefully went up to check, and it turned out that there was a little bit more metal in one corner of the broken back armor, which grew together with the original back armor.

Is this a wrench?

And then grow one?!

Yang Mu's head suddenly came up with this ridiculous idea.


Yang Mu suddenly thought of something, went to the workbench, opened his watch and inquired about the information.

"Material composition of ordinary wrench..."

Looking at the instructions on the encyclopedia, Yang Mu's eyes brightened.

It is said that most of the materials used for ordinary spanners are chromium vanadium steel and carbon steel, and the components of the back armor of the machine armor are chromium and iron!

In other words, their mecha will absorb the material in the metal to repair their own gap!

With this conclusion, Yang Mu threw another wrench in his hand on the broken back armor. Sure enough, after a few seconds, the wrench turned red, then began to soften, turned into a pile of liquid, and finally was absorbed by the mecha. And in the back armor just that corner, that piece of white spot again a few minutes big.

Sure enough, "annihilation" is not the original it, here, it mutated, has a fantastic ability - absorbing , the fastest update of the webnovel!