Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints

Chapter 325: The woman who brought disaster, the mysterious blood

Chapter 325 The woman who brought disaster, the mysterious blood

  【Game hint: You get the wolf hunter\'s broadsword +3 (rare quality)*48】

  【Game hint: You get wolf hunter meat (rare quality)*1089】

  【Game Tips: You get the Ring of Slaves that has lost its aura (rare quality)*28】

  【Game Tip: You get the Ring of Slave (Rare Quality)*1】

  【Game hint: You got the slave catcher diary*1】

  【Game hint: You get...】

   Zhao Ba got too many things. He threw away the wolf hunter\'s meat, blood and other things. These things took up space and didn\'t taste very good.

   Now is not the early stage of the maze, Zhao Ba doesn\'t need them very much.

  The wolf hunter\'s broadsword can be sold in the castle shop, or broken down into materials.

  【Name: Ring of Slaves Who Lost Their Aura】

  【Quality: Rare】

  【Special effect: You can control the items that bind the sub-ring on the slave, but the level of the controlled target cannot exceed LV.35. 】

  【Special effect: Since the sub-ring was shattered, the item has expired and needs to be recast by an alchemist. 】

  【Introduction: The slave ran away, your money wasted. 】

  The ring of slaves that lost their aura should belong to those tiger men, and the ring of slaves that contained aura should belong to the stunner on the cart behind him.

   "I suddenly had a bold idea!"

   Zhao Ba said.

   Before opening the door of the cart, Zhao Ba opened the slave-catching diary in his hand.

  Diary content:

"On the third day of entering the wilderness, I was lucky. I found a team of centaurs. We shot and killed four and caught six. There are also two young centaurs. If they are well trained, they will be good mounts. .”

   "On the thirteenth day of entering the wilderness, some goblins were caught. These smelly and dirty guys can only be sent to the mines as coolies."

   "On the twentieth day of entering the wilderness, we should go back. A few days ago, we stabbed a Tiger Clan lair. There were only a few young Tiger Clans. Hahaha, I got rich, and there happened to be a few perverted nobles who needed them."

"On the 22nd day after entering the wilderness, I met a beautiful woman, she was very proud, but she voluntarily accepted the control of the ring of slaves, and said that she would bring us disaster, I didn\'t believe it. "

   "On the twenty-third day after entering the wilderness, I sent a message to the earl with a magic flying pigeon. The earl was full of praise for this veiled woman. This time, I can make a lot of money!"

   "On the twenty-fifth day of entering the wilderness, I have been frequently attacked by orcs recently. Have they gone crazy? I usually see us running in detours!"

   "The twenty-seventh day in the wasteland, **** it! There are more and more orcs, what are they going crazy about? Fortunately, my sword is sharp enough."

   "On the twenty-ninth day after entering the wasteland, that woman opened the car curtain, she didn\'t look at me, why didn\'t he look at me, but looked at the heroic man over there, I don\'t agree!"

   "On the 30th day of entering the wasteland, there are a bit too many wolf hunters this time, but it\'s no big deal, I can kill them..."

  Zhao Ba looked at the diary, and then at the luxurious cart behind him.

  The special reminder once told him that this convoy had a secret, and the source of the secret was the woman who voluntarily became a slave.

  The orcs are desperately trying to get her back.


  Do orcs also lack beautiful girls?

  Zhao Ba jumped onto the luxurious cart in one step.

  The Kodo pulling the cart was dead. He opened the curtain, only to find that there was no one in the cart.

   On the side of the car, there is a big hole torn open.


   "Where did that beauty go just now?"

   "This slave ring can help me find that woman."

  He took out the ring of slaves containing aura.

  【Name: Ring of Slaves Containing Spiritual Light】

  【Quality: Rare】

  【Special effect: You can control the items that bind the sub-ring on the slave, but the level of the controlled target cannot exceed LV.35. 】

  【Special effect: To find the slave, you can use the miracle of the way home on this slave ring to find the lost slave. 】

  【Introduction: Now you are a slave owner. 】

   Zhao Ba quickly ran towards the front door.

  The woman who calls herself a calamity deliberately becomes a slave to the slave catchers, thereby bringing down the slave catchers.

   Now she\'s going somewhere else to sow disaster?

  Not long after Zhao Ba left the current room, the blood and flesh of the wolf hunter he left on the ground still smelled disgusting.

   This attracts many labyrinth creatures.

   The scavengers devoured the blood, the carnivorous dragons bit the sour meat, and the giant flies laid eggs in the meat...

  However, these weak labyrinth creatures sensed the terrifying aura, and fled the **** place in front of them first.

   "I smell brother!"

  A huge god\'s evil seed entered the room, its terrifying branches greedily devoured the flesh and blood on the ground into its mouth, and its roots absorbed the blood that had seeped into the ground.

  He ate all the corpses on the battlefield, entered the door that Zhao Ba had walked through before, and followed Zhao Ba\'s footsteps.


  Zhao Ba entered the next room and found a lot of corpses of wolf hunters, all of them were cut open by sharp claws.

   "This should be the work of that pretty girl."

   "His strength is not simple."

   "I\'m afraid the slave ring in my hand won\'t make her obedient."

   He said lightly.


  Qian Duoduo opened his blurred eyes from his sleep.

   No matter how fierce Zhao Ba\'s battle is, he can still sleep soundly, what a lazy tiger.

  He jumped to the ground, not because he was hungry, but because he smelled a tempting fragrance.

  It is similar to smelling delicious barbecue.

  There is something tempting him in front of him.


  Qian Duoduo searched for a while but couldn\'t find it, so he was a little anxious.

  Finally, after he opened the corpse of a wolf hunter, he saw a drop of solidified blood on the yellow ground, and he swallowed the blood and the soil into his stomach in one gulp.

   "I haven\'t reached the point where I can\'t support you, why are you eating dirt?"

   Zhao Ba said speechlessly.


  But after Qian Duoduo ate the mud with coagulated blood into his mouth, he let out a wild roar.

  【Game Tips: Your pet Divine Blood Tiger gets the help of mysterious blood, and the concentration of divine blood in the body increases! 】

  【Game Tip: Qian Duoduo\'s full attributes are permanently increased by 5%! 】

  Zhao Ba was stunned. A drop of blood can strengthen the Divine Blood Tiger so much. What kind of fairy item is this?

  The blood of the wolf hunter obviously cannot change Qian Duoduo.

   This is either the woman\'s blood, or the blood collected by the woman.

  Qian Duoduo is a beast, and he can evolve after eating the mysterious blood.

  So can the orcs become stronger by swallowing the mysterious blood?

   Zhao Ba looked curiously at the next door pointed to by the ring of slaves, hoping to find that woman quickly.

  After going through the seven doors, Qian Duoduo ate the soil five times, and his attribute increased by 25%. He finally saw the woman wearing the veil again.

  (end of this chapter)