Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints

Chapter 231: Seven original sin suits, leading you to victory

Chapter 231 Seven original sin suits, leading you to victory

Zhao Ba looked at the gauntlet that looked like a unicorn arm. It was made of pure gold and shone with light. side.

  Judging from the appearance, it is very expensive, and only local tyrants can afford it.

  Special Effect - Greedy Bite is a particularly interesting skill. It can not only improve the quality of Zhao Ba\'s items after encountering treasure chests, but also use this thing to kill people.

  Imagine that the enemy sees a big silver treasure chest and never thinks that it is a monster.

  As long as he opens the treasure chest, he will be swallowed into the treasure box monster\'s body and chewed to pieces, leaving no bones.

  The strength of the treasure box monster will increase with the improvement of the treasure box quality. The silver level treasure box monster is already equivalent to a small boss in strength, so it is not easy to kill.

   "Original sin brand, this should also be related to the hidden mission."

  Zhao Ba is not afraid of hiding missions, no matter how difficult the mission is, there is a way to complete it. What he cares about is whether the original sin skill is strong.

   Among the seven original sins are not only greed, but also arrogance, envy, rage, laziness, lust, and gluttony.

  Zhao Ba feels that each original sin will have the brand of original sin and corresponding equipment.

   He was even thinking that the Arm of Greed should not be the only piece of equipment that allows users to be branded with the original sin of greed, and there are other equipment to form a greed suit.

   If Zhao Ba has the Greedy suit, he should be able to activate more special effects.

  If he wants to collect other Greedy suits, or collect other original sin equipment, fierce battles are indispensable.

   It is even possible that those people will come to him without him having to go to those who also bear the brand of original sin.

   "I\'ll try to collect greed suits or original sin equipment after I finish the mission of the body of the gods."

   "In addition to the brand of greed, there will also be the brand of arrogance, the brand of jealousy, and the brand of rage..."

   "It\'s really interesting, what kind of powerful enemies will they be engraved on, waiting for me to challenge?"

  Zhao Ba withdrew his mind, and the Arm of Greed was put into the chip treasure box. If he chooses to quit at this time, he can get all the rewards.

   This is a relatively safe approach, because if he continues to challenge, if he fails, he will lose too much.

  However, Zhao Ba is not afraid of failure, and he still has a gamble, just like the saying on the arm of greed: not being greedy is always just a common man.

  【Game Tip: The challenge on the fifth floor of the Tower of Legends begins! 】

  【Game Tips: The content of your challenge is "Lead us to victory"】

[Introduction: Next, you will become the leader of a troop, but your troop\'s combat effectiveness is not strong, they are seriously injured, and the number is not as large as your enemies. Now find a way to restore their combat effectiveness, otherwise you will have a Face a large number of opponents! 】

   Zhao Ba found that he was in front of a group of human remnants.

   "Am I dying?"

  A soldier who lost one arm and was wrapped in a white bandage on his head barely stood up with a spear in his hand. His armor was full of damage, and drops of blood flowed out of it.


  A soldier with less injuries collapsed, he knelt on the ground and cried loudly, blood and tears dripping down his face!

   "I want to live, but how do I live? We got separated from the main force!"

   Another soldier said.

   There are screams everywhere, and there are also sounds of mourning and fear.

   This is the army Zhao Ba is going to lead, and Zhao Ba\'s enemy is a terrifying figure-the devil!

   Demons are creatures in the abyss. They are evil in nature and like to kill and war.

  Dawn Lord led countless gods to the abyss in his heyday, preparing to wipe out the demons.

  But endless demons rushed out of the demon mother river and defeated the Lord of Dawn.


"go to hell!"

   "You beautiful human souls can make us feel good!"

  The demons looked at the human soldiers and shouted.

  Among them are little goblin-like demons, minotaur-like minotaurs, goat-headed goat-headed demons...

  The army of demons is so arrogant that they are in a mess: bull-headed demons step on the heads of little demons, goat-headed demons push each other, and even some demons fight with each other...

  Although they are powerful, they have no order, just a mob.

   To defeat them, all you need is a complete, ordinary army with military literacy.

   "I know why I want to kill the monster!"

   "If the group recovery medicine is used here!"

   Zhao Ba showed a smile on his face.

  The first thing that appeared in his hand was a large bottle of group recovery medicine!

  【Game Tip: You used the group recovery medicine of the tower! 】

  【Game Tip: Allies in the same faction as you get 50% health recovery effect! 】

  At this moment, the bright red medicine sprayed out, bathing many human soldiers like golden holy rain, instantly increasing their blood volume to more than 50%.

  Soldiers with severed arms grew mutilated arms, and soldiers whose wounds were bleeding profusely found that the blood no longer flowed outwards and the wounds healed. Countless desperate soldiers cheered for this!

   "Are you the savior of the gods?"

  A soldier looked at Zhao Ba with hopeful eyes.

   "I\'m not, but I can lead you to victory."

   Zhao Ba said lightly.

   "Victory?" The soldiers were full of doubts. The demons in the distance were so powerful. They were only recovering from their injuries, but their combat effectiveness was still not strong. How could they defeat the enemy?

   This is undoubtedly impossible.

  Their eyes dimmed again.

   Only the gods can lead them to victory, and the people in front of them are obviously not blessed by the gods.

   "Are you doubting me?"

  Zhao Ba walked among the soldiers and said: "If you want to win, you only need to use your wisdom and strength!"

   Countless colorful group potions appeared in his hands.

   Thanks Mimic!

  【Game Tips: You used the Tower Group Accelerator! 】

  【Game Tips: Allies in the same faction as you gain 30% attack speed, 30% movement speed, 30% release speed, and 30% cooling speed! 】


  【Game Tip: You used the Steel Mixture of the Tower Group】

  【Game Tips: Allies in the same faction as you get 30% armor, 30% magic resistance, and 30% maximum health! 】


  【Game hint: You used the group battle potion of the tower】

  【Game Tip: Allies in the same faction as you get 30% strength, 30% agility, and 30% attribute enhancement! 】


  Countless group medicines were used from Zhao Ba\'s hands. Anyway, it doesn\'t cost money, and it doesn\'t hurt to spend hard.

  The powerful group effect also fell on these soldiers one by one. Their bodies became stronger, their arms became more powerful, and their legs ran faster...

   "My lord, you actually used such a precious potion on us humble civilians!"

   The soldiers said in surprise.

   It is impossible for nobles to go to the grassroots to become a soldier. They will first become a small officer to pass the gold, so that they can add a glorious resume, and then rise to the rank at a rocket speed.

   I just feel sorry for the civilians under the nobles. They are like toys under the nobles. They died for the glory of the nobles, but they themselves got nothing and were treated unfairly. Good things will not be left to them.

  So when Zhao Ba took out the expensive potion, the soldiers\' eyes were full of unbelievable light!

   "I said before, I am not the savior of the gods, I am here to lead you to victory!"

  Zhao Ba\'s body is shining with light of special effects. At this moment, Zhao Ba is already a god!

  Everyone looked at Zhao Ba with admiring eyes, the weapons held tighter in their hands, and their eyes were full of confidence.

   Zhao Ba is right, he can lead everyone to victory!

   "Shield soldiers go to the front, raise your big shields to form a shield wall, you can\'t relax, or the devil will hurt the brothers behind!"

   "The archers work hard to shoot arrows, let those wicked demons go back to the abyss, the main world is not where they should come!"

   "Pikemen remember to poke those nasty demons hard behind the shields!"

  The well-trained soldiers lined up, and after a while they showed extremely high military literacy, which made Zhao Ba feel pleasing to the eye.

  In the past, Rome also relied on this powerful army to conquer the Mediterranean, and now he can also rely on this army to strangle demons!

  (end of this chapter)