Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints

Chapter 170: Insidious Backstab Plus, Boulder Beetle

Chapter 170 Insidious backstab extra, boulder beetle

  The three talked and laughed all the way, Zhang Jiawei, a heroine, kept molesting Zhao Ba, which made Zhao Ba very embarrassed, and then asked Zhang Jiawei why she was still an older woman and not married yet.

   They walked towards the passage of the extra large room in Jushu Town, ready to move forward.

   Zhao Ba has the original documents for the surprise attack on the orc camp. He can use the miracle of the "Road to Homecoming" mentioned earlier to find the orc camp.

  The route given by Miracle of Homecoming Road must be the fastest route, but it is not the most suitable.

   As the saying goes, haste makes waste.

   Just as he was leaving, Wang Zhizhi looked at Zhao Ba\'s back and couldn\'t help sighing how much he wished he was a player in area 102491.

  Although he is a player from another area, when the monster siege task was released, he was too far away from the original area and closer to the giant town tree in area 102491, so he was also assigned a nightmare task.

  After he received the assignment, the instinct of the war correspondent told him what to do.

  In the labyrinth world, without the constraints of the real world, without the pressure of editors and capital, he can be more free.

  The worst outcome is death.

   But if you can realize your dream, what about death?

   People in this world are different.

  Some people can pay for their dreams for life, and some people can choose a hard life for their dreams.

  The dream of King\'s Road not only requires him to live a hard life, but also requires him to pay a huge price, and that price may be his life.

  People can\'t always live in a daze.

   At least one should be in a certain moment, not so empty.

  Maybe before entering the labyrinth world, Wang Zhilu was still an ordinary person, but after entering the labyrinth world, Wang Zhizhi let go.

   After living two lifetimes, something has to be done.

   Feel the happiness of the players around you, and he is also very happy. Is this what it feels like to be close to a dream?

  He starts to update his report:

   "After an easy battle, the players in area 102491 have passed the first wave of monster siege attacks, and a large number of monster corpses have been recovered and refreshed by the system."

   "Attention, audiences, why do I use the word easy? That\'s not because Zhao Ba is too strong. His castle has shared the pressure of too many monster attacks, allowing ordinary players like us to output as much as we want."

   "Here I want to focus on the cannon on the terrible turret on the castle. It is really a man\'s romance. The power of a cannon can destroy the world!"

   "One-fifth, nearly a hundred Minotaurs with 100% attribute enhancement died under the artillery fire. It was so terrifying, so terrifying!"

   "Now all players are settling rewards, everyone can get rewards, it\'s wonderful!"

   "Only the first wave of attacks, most of the players have been upgraded to a level, and there will be many waves of sieges in the future. This time the nightmare-level monster siege is not only a terrible challenge, but also a good opportunity."

   "After this mission, area 102491 will dominate the world."

   "Brother Ba has already set off. He will lead four masters to complete the main task 2, which is also a nightmare mission. I wish Brother Ba good luck and a smooth journey!"

  These words were so soul-stirring, as soon as they were sent out, the players on the World Channel became popular.

  World Channel:

"Oh my god, I\'m really envious of the 102491 area now. They have Ba Ge, but we don\'t. Ba Ge is awesome, our area is still killing goblins! Grandma\'s, easy difficulty monster siege, goblins This is the first wave of attacks, who knows how many goblins there will be in the next few waves of sieges?"

"If I think right, after this monster siege, all players in the 102491 area will be 3 to 4 levels higher than the players in the general area. This is the benefit of the nightmare mission. The monsters are very strong, but the experience gained There are also many, and the comprehensive income is huge.”

   "Haha, if that\'s the case, in future regional battles, those **** from the Mutual Aid Boat will come across the 102491 area, and they won\'t be hammered out by Ba Ge?"

"Friends upstairs, are you looking down on our boat of mutual aid? We are a large organization spanning countless areas! Area 102491 has received a lot of benefits this time, but unfortunately their players can\'t survive this monster siege , everything will become a dream bubble.”

   "Zhao Ba is bound to fail this time, and we, the boat of mutual aid, will put the words here!"


  The players from the World Channel and the people from the Mutual Helping Boats are making a fuss, which is quite interesting.

   It seems that the monster siege task is nothing.

  All areas can withstand the first wave of monster attacks, and the players are still very optimistic.

   But when they know that the number of monsters attacked by the second wave is twice that of the first wave, they should not be able to laugh.

   On the defense line of Jushu Town, Xie Shukuang is no longer the fifth in the combat power list, but has fallen to the seventh.

  Just the first wave of monsters attacking the city caused his ranking to drop so much.

   He held something delivered by the Freemasonry Ship.

  It was a black stone, which looked ordinary, but if you looked closely, you would find that it was covered with precise runes.

   "You can only succeed, you can\'t fail. As long as you succeed, what is Zhao Ba?

   Xie Shukuang held the stone tightly and said.

  【Game Tip: The difficulty of the main mission 3 Insidious Backstab you have accepted has been changed from "Easy Difficulty" to "Difficult Difficulty"! 】

  【Game Tips: The rewards for the main task 3 have been increased! 】

  Because of the appearance of Zhao Ba, the game system evaluates and directly changes the task from the easy level to the difficult level.

   It can be seen that the game system also has a high evaluation of Zhao Ba.

  The increase in difficulty means that it is difficult for Book Xie to complete the task.

   But now that he has this stone, he is fearless, and everything is going according to his plan.

   "We kill!"

   He said to the people behind him.

   These people have all received the main mission three, and they have now become his subordinates.

  Most of the players are standing on the defense line of Jushu Town, and no one stays in the town, which instead becomes their opportunity to attack.

  In the distance, taking advantage of the gap between the monster attacking the city, Zhao Ba was ready to open the door and enter the next room.

  【The front is a large room, and some goblins are gathering inside. As long as they are given time, they can form another wave of goblins and launch a terrifying attack on Jushu Town. Killing these goblins can reduce the intensity of the next wave of siege. 】

  【The left side is a small room, in which there is a boulder beetle and a large number of small stone beetles. They are terrible life forms, and together guard the branch crystal of the orc summoning crystal magic circle. Destroying branch crystals can reduce the difficulty of destroying orc camp crystals. This is the route you are most likely to succeed in. 】

  【The right side is the big room, and there are some minotaurs in it. As long as they are given time, they can form another wave of minotaurs and launch a terrible attack on Jushu Town. Killing these Minotaurs can reduce the intensity of the next wave of siege. This is your fastest route to the orc camp. 】

  【There is a large room at the top, and there are some wolf men in it. As long as they are given time, they can form another wave of wolf men and launch a terrible attack on Jushu Town. Killing these gnolls can reduce the intensity of the next wave of siege. 】

  【Below is the big room, there are some cat demons in it, as long as they are given time, they can form another wave of cat demon army and launch a terrible attack on Jushu Town. Killing these cat demons can reduce the intensity of the next wave of siege. 】

  Zhao Ba chose the small room on the left, and he was also thinking whether to ask Chu Qiangjun to send some people to kill the monsters that were gathering.

  Now there are not many of these monsters. Players can come and kill one monster just like monsters kill calabash dolls.

   But he later vetoed the idea.

  Who knows how many monsters have gathered in those rooms?

   What if you go in and the vast expanse is full of monsters? Players are besieged as soon as they enter the door? They might as well stay in the castle or the defense line.

   "My level is the highest and the most meaty. I will go in and find the way first. You should be careful."

   Zhao Ba said.

  He has encountered countless times when he was attacked by labyrinth creatures when he entered the door, so he was extremely careful when opening the door.

   Besides, there is a BOSS in the front room.

  Boulder beetles only look similar to insects, but in fact they are just elemental spirits, not insects.

  Similar to the existence of fire element, wind spirit, flame man, etc.

   "Brother Naha, be careful, if you get hurt, I will feel sorry for my brother!"

   Zhang Jiawei said, taking out her scimitar and small shield at the same time, ready to fight.

  The same goes for several others.

  Wu Xiaoxiao is a little nervous. Her combat experience is in large-scale team battles, and there are not many small team battles.

  (end of this chapter)