May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 928 - Chapter 928, the Royal Technique 28

Chapter 928: Chapter 928, the Royal Technique 28

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Summors picked up the phone. "How's the drug test going? "

His voice was a little hoarse, and his eyebrows were low. However, his heart was in his throat, and he was afraid that he didn't want to hear the result.

"reporting to His Highness, we have tested it, " said the royal doctor.

"Hurry up and say it! Don't talk nonsense! " summors couldn't wait anymore. This royal doctor didn't talk so much nonsense like a formula.

"IT'S VITAMIN PILLS! Most of them contain vitamin C, and the other ingredients are less. It's good for the body to eat them often, " said the royal doctor.

Summors' forehead was covered in black lines. "JUST VITAMIN PILLS? Have you checked? "

"I have checked. It's just vitamin pills. There are no other ingredients, " said the imperial doctor.

"got it. " summors hung up the phone.

The dark clouds that covered his eyebrows did not disperse at all. It was not the result that he was afraid of hearing, but this answer was too strange. Gong Mochen threw away the tinfoil board for the vitamin pills. Did he eat the vitamin pills or did Qin Sheng eat them?

No matter who ate them, there was no need to hide behind a tree, right?

Moreover, shouldn't this thing be eaten after breakfast?

Obviously, it was already past the best time to eat vitamins.

However, Gong Mochen's words were still lingering in his mind. Even if the two of them did not eat anything, Gong Mochen's words were enough to prove Gong Mochen's feelings towards Qin Sheng.

He strode back to the stands. Every time the performance of the warriors challenging the lions ended, there would be guards challenging each other to cheer them up.

The nobles would also throw some jewelry as a reward when they saw how happy they were.

Summors walked to the stands and looked at the guards who were about to go on stage. Suddenly, he raised his hand to stop the guards.

His eyes swept across the people in the Colosseum's stands. "I'll be the one doing the entertainment today! I wonder who dares to challenge me? "

When summors said that, the entire audience burst into an uproar. WHO DARED TO CHALLENGE SUMMORS!

This man was their crown prince. He couldn't hurt the crown prince, but he couldn't even win against the Crown Prince.

No one in the audience dared to speak. They were all waiting to see what would happen next.

Summors sneered. "It seems that no one dares to challenge me. President Gong, don't tell me you don't dare? "

He looked at Gong Mochen and sent out his invitation.

Gong Mochen stood up and walked towards summors, "Your Highness the Crown Prince wants me to challenge you? "

"It doesn't matter who challenges you. I like to be open and aboveboard! President Gong, what do you think? " Asked summors.

Gong Mochen smiled, "of course, it's better to play it in the open. If the crown prince wants to play, I'll play with you for a while. It will hurt the crown prince's face if you win. "

Summors felt the mockery in Gong Mochen's words, "what a joke, how can I lose? If I really lose, it's because I'm not as good as him! Don't make things difficult for President Gong! No matter who is injured or killed! "

He ordered, Gong Mochen's words were too infuriating, how could he lose?

Gong Mochen raised his hand and took off his suit jacket, "since the crown prince wants to fight, let's begin! "

The two of them walked down the field. According to the rules here, the competitors had to be shirtless.

Gong Mochen unbuttoned his shirt and threw it back onto the stage. Sofi immediately went to pick it up, as if she had picked up a treasure. She hugged the shirt in her arms to prove her relationship with Gong Mochen.

Qin Sheng looked at the man in shock, not understanding what was wrong with Gong Mochen to insist on challenging summers. Why did summers go after Gong Mochen?

Her mind was filled with countless question marks. This was abnormal, completely abnormal!

Gong Mochen's muscles outlined a perfect curve, causing all the noblewomen present to gasp.

It was too beautiful It was really too beautiful, as perfect as a sculpture.

Although summors also had muscles, but compared to Gong Mochen, he was a little lacking, not to the point of perfection.

The two men began to fight, bare-handed, without any weapons.

Sofi sneered, "my CEO Gong's figure is still the best! Qin Sheng, don't you think so? "

She said proudly, no matter what, this perfect man was hers!

She was sure that Qin Sheng would die of anger!

Qin Sheng's eyes flashed, "you mean, summors' figure is not good enough? "

Sofi's heart was choked by the question, "that's not what I mean! "

"Then what do you mean? Isn't Gong Mochen the most perfect? Don't tell me there are two of the most perfect people? " Qin Sheng deliberately ridiculed SOFI.

Sofi pursed her lips into a straight line and saw her aunt's fierce eyes. If she dared to say that summors was not good, she would have offended her aunt!

"Qin Sheng, don't take things out of context. I'm just praising President Gong. I don't mean to compare! Stop trying to sow discord between me and brother Crown Prince! "

"Sow discord? Fine, I'll give you a chance to prove that I didn't sow discord between the two of you. It can also prove your loyalty to the Royal Family! In this match between summers and Gong Mochen, who do you bet on to win? " Qin Sheng asked loudly

She didn't believe that she wouldn't be able to squeeze this woman to death!

Sofi really wanted to bang her head against the wall. The first one was that she had no money. The second one was that she would die regardless of whether she bet on the Crown Prince!

If she bet on the crown prince, she understood that she would lose, and she would offend Gong Mochen.

If she bet on Gong Mochen, she would offend her aunt, and she would be courting death!

"I, I think they will be tied! " She stammered.

They should be tied, right At least Gong Mochen wouldn't dare to win against Summers, right?

Qin Sheng laughed brightly. "Sofi, why don't you think highly of CEO Gong? To think that you are his woman! I wonder if CEO Gong will be sad if he finds out? "

Sofi's eyes narrowed. "If you don't think it will be a tie, then who do you think will win? "

"I think Gong Mochen will win, " she said loudly.

"Qin Sheng, how dare you! How dare you say that my cousin lost! " Sofi immediately shouted.

"someone bet on Gong Mochen to win! Bet on a thousand gold bars, " Qin Sheng ordered.

"Aunt, look at Qin Sheng cursing brother Crown Prince to lose! " Sofi said provocatively.

The Queen questioned, "are you so sure that my son will lose? To think that you are his fianc��e! "

Qin Sheng smiled like a flower "Of course I have to bet on Gong Mochen to win. If the crown prince wins, the crown prince will get a lot of money from the bet. If the crown prince loses, we still have the money to bet on Gong Mochen. In other words, whether he wins or loses, the crown prince is the biggest winner. "

The king nodded, "mm, that makes sense. Regardless of whether we win or lose, the crown prince will be the biggest winner! "

The Queen did not dare to retort, "so that's the case. I thought Qin Sheng WAS NOT OPTIMISTIC ABOUT SUMMERS! "

"women are kind. You don't understand Qin Sheng's intentions. If only you had half of Qin Sheng's brain! I wouldn't have to look for you to help US INVEST! " The king said.

He looked at Qin Sheng with admiration. His eyes were filled with Qin Sheng's business mind.

Qin Sheng's gaze continued to look at the Colosseum. At this moment, the entire colosseum was in an uproar.

The people in the middle of the colosseum looked at each other.

"Gong Mochen, let's place a bet! "

"Sure, what does the crown prince want to bet? "

"those who bet on Qin Sheng losing will automatically withdraw! " summors said.