May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 901 - Chapter 901, the Imperial Fu Technique 1

Chapter 901: Chapter 901, the Imperial Fu Technique 1

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

At this moment, Gong Mochen was as calm as a frozen lake. Even if he let his men go back to rest and didn't know what happened after, knowing what happened before was enough.

Sofi wasn't the one who helped him back to the villa. Moreover, he came out to look for Qin Sheng after he returned to his own villa.

Qin Sheng was indeed carried to this short villa.

When he cleared everything up, he wasn't in a hurry to look for the Queen to settle the score because he wanted to take Qin Sheng away and make her follow her willingly!

"Go and find out where Qin Sheng is! " He ordered Nie Feng.


In Summers'room, Qin Sheng opened her eyes. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw the white curtain above her head fluttering in the wind.

What was going on? She didn't remember that her room had such a dome-shaped curtain.

Turning her head, she saw summers'face. The man was still sleeping soundly, and all of her nerves were shocked awake!

She didn't even recover for half a minute. She was actually with summors?

Her tiny heart forgot to beat. Even if she was angry with Gong Mochen, she had never thought of betraying Gong Mochen.

She only felt that the sky was about to collapse.

On the bed, Summers opened his eyes and saw the woman standing in the room. The corners of his lips curled up into a joyful smile.

"Baby, wake up. Sleep a little longer. " summors got up and got down from the ground.

Qin Sheng's head could not find her own nerves at all. She had clearly dreamt of Gong Mochen last night. Why did it become summors?

"I'm not tired. I want to go back to my own room. YOU SHOULD REST! " She immediately ran away. She wished that she could escape back to last night and see what had happened.

Summors only thought that Qin Sheng was shy and did not care about her leaving.

Qin Sheng returned to her own room and ran into the bathtub to take a bath. She was so angry that she wanted to rub off all the skin on her body, but she was taken advantage of by summors. She felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to kill someone.

Her mind was replaying the events of last night. She thought of some scenes. She remembered that when she and summors returned to the bedroom, her limbs could not move. She collapsed on the bed.

At that time, she was sure that she was still awake because she could not move her limbs or speak. She was very anxious.

Later, she remembered that someone had come in. At that time, her thoughts had become blurry. She was gradually drifting between what happened when she was young and what was happening now.

Although she could not remember clearly, she knew that someone had lifted her up and taken her away. She heard the sound of a car. She should have gotten into the car.

However, she did not know what happened after that!

In other words, the man might not be summers!

Her hands were clenched into fists. WHO had bullied her?

Who had moved her away and did not want her and summors to move her back? Why had she and summors felt that the person who had spent the night with her was the other party?

No matter what angle she looked at it from, Qin Sheng couldn't figure out this hypothesis. This hypothesis didn't stand up at all. However, she had sporadic memories.

Qin Sheng's eyebrows were pressed to the lowest. Her hands were hammering into the water, causing a layer of water to splash!

What was going on No matter who bullied her, she would investigate and tear that person into pieces!

Not long after, the maid walked in and reported to Qin Sheng. summors invited her to the restaurant for dinner.

Qin Sheng agreed and changed into a new gown. The gown was carefully chosen by her. It was a high-collared evening gown that covered the redness on her neck.

She walked out of the room and saw summers waiting for her in the corridor.

The little woman in a white dress looked exceptionally pure and beautiful, and his heart started to pound again.

He reached out and held the little woman's hand. "Let's go to the dining room for dinner. My parents invited Gong Mochen and Sofi to have dinner together. "

Qin Sheng heard Gong Mochen's name again, and an impulse to cry spread from the bottom of her heart. She really wanted to tell him how wronged she was.

She walked out of the Palace of the Crown Prince with summers and took a car to the dining room in the king's bedroom.

They were the last two to arrive. The Queen and the king had arrived a long time ago. Gong Mochen and Sofi were also sitting in their seats.

Summers held the little woman's hand and walked in. "Father, mother, and Empress Jin An. Qin Sheng and I greet father, mother, and empress. "

The Queen raised her hand. "Let's do it since you're here! Since everyone is here, we can discuss the marriage. "

The corners of Summers' lips curled up. "Mother, how did you know that I was going to mention marriage? Qin Sheng and I are getting ready to get married. "

Qin Sheng's nerves were stretched to the limit by summers'words. She quietly looked at Gong Mochen. Gong Mochen's face was indifferent, but he did not hear what summors said at all.

The Queen was quite happy. "The crown prince also wants to get married? However, what I'm talking about now is not about the crown prince getting married. "

Summors was stunned. "Mother, if you're not talking about me, who are you talking about? "

"I'm talking about CEO Gong and Sofi's marriage. I heard from the servants that CEO Gong was with my Niece Sofi last night. I think CEO Gong is not the kind of irresponsible person, right? " The queen said.

Summors was surprised. "So it was CEO Gong and Sofi's marriage. I think CEO Gong will not be irresponsible. After all, CEO Gong's status and reputation can not be tarnished. You are a public figure in the world. "

He quickly said for his mother. If Gong Mochen became their country's son-in-law, it would definitely be beneficial to their country when they came!

Qin Sheng looked at Gong Mochen in shock. Her heart seemed to have been cut by a thousand pieces. There was only one sentence in her mind: Gong Mochen and SOFI.

It turned out that she was not the only one who had betrayed him last night. He had also found another woman.

Gong Mochen's expression was indifferent. "Of course, I will be responsible for what I have done. "

He glanced at the little woman's changing expression from the corner of his eyes. She said that she had lost her memory and did not remember him. She did not love him anymore. Her expression had completely betrayed her sincerity.

He saw that she still dared to say that she did not love him!

Qin Sheng's heart fell to the bottom of the valley. Gong Mochen really fell in Love With Sofi?

Her heart was in a mess. Her breathing became rapid, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"So CEO Gong has agreed to get married? " The Queen asked.

"Of course, it's only right for me to marry my woman. " Gong Mochen's peripheral vision was fixed on Qin Sheng.