May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 839 - Chapter 839 brought her back

Chapter 839: Chapter 839 brought her back

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng's hand pressed on Nangong Mochen's hand, preventing his hand from moving. "What gift is so mysterious? "

"You guessed it, your husband will give you a reward! " Nangong Mochen whispered softly into the woman's ear.

The more he looked at the little woman in his arms, the more he liked her. He could not wait to celebrate her birthday so that he could carry her back to her room.

"I can't guess, is it a ring or a necklace, jewelry? " Qin Sheng could only think of these.

Nangong Mochen felt bitter in his heart. "It's so uncreative to give these! I won't give such tacky things. "

He said pretentiously.

If it was jewelry, it would never be better than Gong Mochen. Gong Mochen's Sweetheart Love was already the best of the best. Where would he find such a meaningful jewelry?

Giving jewelry was destined to lose to Gong Mochen!

The gift he wanted to give must be something that Gong Mochen had never given before.

"Then I can't think of it. Tell me! " Qin Sheng said.

Her heart finally relaxed. As long as it wasn't a ring, it was good. She was afraid that Nangong Mochen would give her a ring and she had to accept it.

"I can't tell you now. I promised to give you a surprise. Quickly change your clothes, I'll show you the present! " Nangong Mochen said.

"Okay, I'll change my clothes. you go out for a while. " Qin Sheng turned around and pushed the man.

"No, I want to watch you change your clothes, " Nangong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng was speechless. How could she change her clothes in front of him? He was her husband's younger brother, okay?

"No! I don't like to change clothes in front of others! "

"You don't like it? Why did you often sleep naked in my bed in the past? " Nangong Mochen asked.

Of course, the person Qin Sheng slept with was Gong Mochen, not him. However, now that he was using Gong Mochen's name, he could tell her about Gong Mochen's past.

Qin Sheng's face turned pale in embarrassment. "I was young then and didn't know any better. When I grew up, I wouldn't do such inappropriate things anymore. "

Her heart tightened. The person she slept with was Gong Mochen, right?

Oh my God Nangong Mochen wasn't one of the people she slept with, right?

F * CK Qin Sheng only wanted to crawl back into the past and check if Nangong Mochen was among the people she slept with!

"But I like you for not knowing your limits! " Nangong Mochen said.

"No! Get out quickly, or I won't change my clothes or go out to see your present. " Qin Sheng threatened the man.

"little thing, you dare to threaten me? " Nangong MOCHEN's eyes narrowed.

Qin Sheng's small face raised, "so what if I threaten you? It's my birthday today, you have to listen to me! "

"Why? We even have a daughter, why are you still afraid of me? " Nangong Mochen's eyes were restrained, and an uneasiness swept through his heart.

If it was the real Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen, would Qin Sheng Reject Gong Mochen like this?

"because, because, I also want to give you a surprise! What's the point of you looking at it like this? If you were to look at it in a romantic place, your mood would definitely be different, don't you think so? " Qin Sheng's finger scratched the man's heart as she pulled out her own reason.

The man's tone just now was stiff. She could feel it, she couldn't let him doubt her!

"It's okay, I will feel it whenever I see you! Baby, let me see! " Nangong Mochen instantly lost his composure. So the little woman had refused to let him see it because she wanted to find a place with a good mood to show it to him.

Qin Sheng pushed the man with her finger, "No? ! I'LL BE SHY! And now that you've seen it, we can't do anything. There are still a lot of people waiting for US outside! You don't want us to be rude, do you? "

She finally found the most reasonable explanation. Nangong Mochen couldn't refuse this explanation!

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside. HURRY UP! " Nangong Mochen instructed the woman, turned around and walked out of the lounge. He then asked the makeup artist and stylist to come in and styled Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng looked at the man's back view as he walked out and only managed to catch her breath.

Fortunately, there were still a bunch of people outside. She could find this excuse, but what was she going to do tonight?

What excuse was she going to find to run away?

Her mind was in a mess. Her heart, which had just relaxed, was once again in a state of shock.


When Qin Sheng put on her evening gown, put on her makeup, and walked out of the lounge, Nangong Mochen was completely stunned.

The little woman in front of him had light makeup. Her black hair seemed to be casually tied up at the back of her head. Her white evening gown was covered with Cherry blossom petals. She was so beautiful that she looked like a fairy!

"How beautiful! Only this kind of dress is suitable for you! " He held the little woman's hand.

"This dress is too expensive. It's a pity that you only wear it once! " Qin Sheng said.

It was an unwritten rule in the noble circle that one could not wear the evening dress a second time at such a large banquet.

It could be considered a form of social courtesy!

Basically, this kind of evening dress only had a lifespan of one time. After it was worn and exposed, it could either be used as a collection or sold at a lower price in the second-hand market.

However, with Qin Sheng's identity, her clothes definitely could not be sold.

"It doesn't matter. No matter how much money you have, it's not as important as your happiness! " Nangong Mochen clenched his hands tightly.

The little woman was as delicate as cherry blossoms, causing him to be unable to move his eyes away.

He kissed the little woman as they walked towards the hall, towards the middle of the hall.

The crowd clapped on both sides to wish Qin Sheng a happy birthday!

As the lights dimmed, the waiter brought over a huge cake. The cake was also made of Cherry blossoms. The Cherry blossoms that had been made from honey were spread on the snow-white cake, looking as beautiful as a work of art.

"Dear, let's blow out the candles! " Nangong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng closed her eyes and made a wish. If this wish could be realized, she was willing to give up everything!

She blew out the candle that showed her age in one breath, and the crowd burst into enthusiastic applause.

"President Gong, what gift did you give President Qin? " Someone in the crowd shouted.

Nangong Mochen raised his hand. "My gift is there! "

He pointed at the big screen. Everyone didn't understand. Nangong MOCHEN's gift was the big screen?

The big screen opened in an instant and a green forest appeared on the screen. A castle was hidden in the green forest.

"What A Beautiful Castle! " The crowd exclaimed.

"Castle? " Qin Sheng looked at the man beside her in surprise.

Nangong Mochen smiled, "do you like this castle? The Royal Castle of the Kingdom of Riel was originally used by Xi Si and his family for a holiday. However, Xi Si was overthrown and his property was auctioned off. I bought this castle and gave it to you!

"although we don't have a king or queen here, in my heart, you will always be my queen! "

The intoxicating words of love caused the entire crowd to sigh. Everyone looked enviously at the blissful couple in front of them!

Willam was seated at the end of the crowd. His gaze was cold and profound as it landed on the big screen.

The sharpness in his gaze was something that no one could withstand. However, everyone looked at the big screen and no one saw his gaze.

After a long while, his gaze finally shifted away from the castle on the big screen. He turned his gaze to Lian Lian, who was not far away. It was as though he wanted to swallow the little girl, as he stared deeply at that fair and cute little face... ...