May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 729 - Chapter 729: Everything I have, including you 9

Chapter 729: Chapter 729: Everything I have, including you 9

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

It was too late for the driver to turn the car around. The car in front deliberately rushed over and crashed straight into Nie Feng's car.

The car behind Nie Feng immediately drove over and surrounded Nie Feng's car to protect their master.

However, another car wearing Xi SI's guard uniform drove over and increased the number of their people.

Gunshots were heard everywhere and the battle became more and more intense.

Nie Feng ordered his people to provide cover for him and Lian Lian. Obviously, with such an encirclement, they could no longer drive the car away. He chose to run to a safe place with Lian Lian in his arms.

"Lian Lian, don't be afraid. Nie Feng Will Protect You! " Nie Feng said as he held the big boss' treasure tightly in his arms!

"Shu Li, I'm not afraid. Are They King Xi SI's men? " Lian Lian asked.

Her small head poked out from Nie Feng's shoulder and looked at the people fighting behind them.

"Yes, they are wearing uniforms, " Nie Feng replied.

Lian Lian's small face sank. Xi Si's men were Willam's men. It was clear how much Willam wanted to take her back.

"Shu Li, I don't want to be taken away by them, " she said softly.

Willam had already become a part of her terrifying memories. The boy who forced her to serve him in all sorts of ways. The boy who pressed her down and hugged her for no reason. She did not want to return to Willam's side!

"Miss Lian Lian, you can just call me Nie Feng. There's no need to call me Shu Li. Don't worry, Nie Feng will protect you even if he has to risk his life! " Nie Feng said.

What kind of status did he have? Why did the eldest lady just call him Shu Li?

"But you are Shu Li? " Lian Lian blinked her big eyes.

Even though she was born, she was destined to be extraordinary. She had never felt that she had any special privileges. She was very polite to the people around her.

Nie Feng pursed his lips, unable to hide the excitement in his heart. "Alright, I am the eldest lady's Shu Li. Nie Feng's Life Is Yours as well as your father's! "

He was like a death soldier, swearing allegiance to his young master.

"I don't want your life. I want you to live. " Lian Lian did not understand the deeper meaning in Nie Feng's words, but she felt that this Shu Li was very good. She did not want him to die!

Nie Feng Carried Lian Lian and rushed into the forest under the cover of his men. There were trees here, so it would be very difficult for XI SI's men to catch them.

The MEN IN XI SI's guard uniform chased after Nie Feng and the others, but strangely, they did not seem to use their full strength to fight. They only chased after them.

Very quickly, Nie Feng discovered this problem. "Don't run anymore! LET'S FIGHT BACK! "

His brows suddenly furrowed. This was not right. If they wanted to catch them, they would not only chase after them.

This kind of move was more like driving them somewhere!

Nie Feng's men hurriedly stopped and fought Xi SI's men on the spot.

Suddenly, another group of men dressed in XI SI's guard uniform dashed out from the forest, wanting to pincer Nie Feng's men.

"RETREAT! " Nie Feng had no choice but to order.

There were only about 30 of them, and there were too many of them. There were more than 200 of them. Such a gap made his counterattack meaningless.

Just as he and his men were about to retreat from the Middle Road, large nets fell from the tree canopy, trapping them inside.

Nie Feng Held Lian Lian Lian in his arms. "You dare to arrest us? Don't forget that XI SI is still in the United Nations court! "

He threatened.

"Hehe, do you think we're afraid that you'll do anything to XI SI? You're overthinking it! " A man walked out from the crowd. He waved his hand and his men lit the incense in their hands.

No matter how strong Nie Feng and his men's willpower was, they were all knocked out by the incense.


When Nangong Mochen's car drove into the forest, he saw Nie Feng and his men lying on the ground.

"Nie Feng! " Qin Sheng ran over and shook Nie Feng, wanting to wake him up.

Nangong Mochen's brows were furrowed. He checked Nie Feng's condition and took out a small bottle from his pocket. He placed the small bottle under Nie Feng's nose and let Nie Feng Suck on it.

Soon, Nie Feng Woke Up.

"Lian Lian! " He opened his eyes and shouted. However, there was no sign of Lian Lian in his arms!

Nangong mochen grabbed Nie Feng's collar and said, "BASTARD! Who told you to take Lian Lian Away? "

He roared angrily. If it wasn't for the fact that they had fought and alerted the police, none of his men would have known that Nie Feng was here.

He had rushed over with Qin Sheng when he received the report from his men. However, it was too late. Lian Lian had already been taken away.

Nie Feng Waved Away Nangong Mochen's hand. "Of course I want to take Miss Lian Lian Away. You're not the real CEO. It's too dangerous for MISS LIAN LIAN TO BE WITH YOU! "

He had received his boss's order to take Lian Lian Away.

"I'm not the real CEO, but I won't DO ANYTHING TO LIAN LIAN! Do you think I'll kill her? " Nangong mochen shouted angrily.

"If you want to kill the CEO, why wouldn't you do it? You could even kill your own brother, let alone Lian Lian! " Nie Feng retorted.

Nangong MOCHEN's face twitched. "I did kill Gong Mochen, but he didn't die either. Besides, I want everything about Gong Mochen, why would I kill Lian Lian? "

His anger shot straight to his brows. Lian Lian was everything he wanted. He wanted Lian Lian, why would he kill her?

"You finally admit that you want to kill the CEO? I'll kill you first! " Nie Feng waved the Dagger in his hand at Nangong Mochen.

When he was unconscious, his gun was disarmed and taken away, leaving only the dagger on his body.

Nangong mochen grabbed Nie Feng's wrist, preventing Nie Feng from stabbing the dagger down.

This was a contest of strength. It was only a contest of who had the stronger wrist strength.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while. Nangong Mochen, mou ran, exerted his strength and broke Nie Feng's hand down. He snatched the dagger from Nie Feng's hand and pressed the dagger against Nie Feng's Neck.

"speak, did Gong Mochen ask you to take Lian Lian Away? " He roared angrily.

Without waiting for Nie Feng to reply, the phone on his body rang. Nangong Mochen took out Nie Feng's phone with his other hand and answered the call.

Gong Mochen's voice came out of the phone.

"How are Lian Lian and Qin Sheng? " Gong Mochen asked.

Nangong Mochen said coldly, "how are Lian Lian? who asked you to send Nie Feng to Pick Lian Lian up? If it was me who picked Lian Lian Up, Lian Lian would definitely be fine! "

"What did you say? I asked Nie Feng to Pick Lian Lian up? What happened to Lian Lian? " Gong Mochen asked hurriedly.

"You didn't ask Nie Feng to Pick Lian Lian Up. Did I ask Nie Feng to Pick Lian Lian up? " "Lian Lian was captured by XI SI's men "They fought over Lian Lian Lian and alerted the police here. Only then did I get the news and rush over. However, Xi Si's men have already taken Lian Lian Away! " Nangong mochen roared Nie Feng's men weren't the only ones lying on the ground. There were also those who had been killed and were wearing Xi SI's guard uniform.

"I didn't ask Nie Feng to Take Lian Lian Away! Otherwise, why would I ask you to take good care of Qin Sheng and my daughter? " Gong Mochen said furiously.

He had never given Nie Feng such an order!