May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 721 - Chapter 721 everything about me includes you

Chapter 721: Chapter 721 everything about me includes you

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Chuxia, come out and take a look! " Qin Sheng ran in and dragged chuxia out.

"Qin Sheng, don't run. Your poison hasn't been completely detoxified! " Said Chuxia.

"It's nothing. I just don't have the strength. HURRY UP! " Qin Sheng did not stop.

Chuxia followed Qin Sheng to the window in the corridor. She saw the building opposite her flashing with colorful neon lights. The words formed by the lights were, "Chuxia, I love you! "

Chu Xia's eyes widened. "Sikong Jue, is he crazy? "

She had already told Sikong Jue that she would not forgive him and would not accept him. Why would he still do all this?

"I don't think he's crazy. I think he's for real this time. Shen Tong can't be found, do you know that? " Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia felt that her brain was not enough. "What's wrong with Shen Tong now? "

"I don't know why, but Shen Tong can't be found. Sikong Jue and Nangong Mochen borrowed people and asked everyone to look for Shen Tong. However, he still bought the advertising rights of the neon lights in my uncle's company building and advertised to tell you that he loves you. Can't you tell "Shen Tong can't affect Sikong Jue's feelings anymore, " Qin Sheng explained.

Sikong jue called Nangong Mochen later. She heard that Nangong Mochen wanted to buy the advertising rights for the neon lights in the building.

Therefore, when the neon lights lit up, she went to look for Chu Xia.

It was obvious that no matter what happened to Shen Tong, Sikong jue would not put Shen Tong's matter first like before. Instead, he made up his mind that no matter what happened to Shen Tong, he would not stop chasing after Chu Xia.

Chu Xia's eyes were cold. "No matter how long he advertised, I will never forgive him. "

She did not look at the neon lights and returned to her daughter's ward.

There was no greater sorrow than death. If he had treated her like this five years ago when she brought her son back, she believed that she would not marry Ming Tai but Sikong jue happily.

However, five years later and she was injured for another five years, how much youth and heart could a woman have to be hurt?

Chu Xia thought that all her feelings had been exhausted by Sikong Jue!

Qin Sheng looked helplessly at Chu Xia's back. She had already said everything that she needed to say. As for how Chu Xia chose, it was Chu Xia's right.

She turned to look at the neon lights. She was afraid that Sikong Jue wanted Chu Xia to forgive him and that he would need Lu man!

A man's suit was draped over her body.

"Do you like the neon lights? I'll change into it right now. Qin Sheng, I love you! " Nangong mochen hugged the girl from behind, his head resting on her shoulder as he said in a low voice.

"There's no need. My uncle called me before. That time, it was on the building opposite the entrance of the movie theater. It was even bigger than this! " Qin Sheng said.

Nangong MOCHEN's face stiffened. It was obvious that this little woman had proven time and time again that he was not Gong Mochen.

"I was so busy that I forgot. " He said something that he did not believe.

Qin Sheng turned her head and looked at Nangong Mochen. She just looked at him leisurely and did not say a word.

Nangong Mochen scratched his head. "Why are you looking at me like that? Are you not allowed to forget? What's wrong with forgetting? "

He was a little embarrassed and angry.

Qin Sheng's eyes curved. "I didn't say anything. What did you think of? "

Nangong Mochen pointed at the Naughty Little Fox and was so angry that he couldn't speak. She didn't say anything, but her eyes clearly told him that he wasn't Gong Mochen!

"You! Okay, you didn't say anything, right? " He hugged the little woman tightly and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Qin Sheng quickly turned her head to avoid him. "YOU'RE NOT MY UNCLE! "

Nangong Mochen said coldly, "you finally said it? I'm not your uncle? HMM? "

"You know clearly that I don't need to say anything. Why do you need to do that? We clearly know, but you still have to pretend. Aren't you tired? " Qin Sheng said.

"Why am I not your uncle? Qin Sheng, what exactly do you know about Gong Mochen? My name is Nangong Mochen, and his name is Nangong Mochen. Gong Mochen is just a fake identity, an orphan that was fabricated in order to sneak into the Qin family.

"actually, both of us are Gong Mochen. When we go on missions, we will replace each other's identities. "The person beside you is not only my brother! " Nangong Mochen said.

Especially when Qin Sheng was young, the two of them often exchanged identities. However, their personalities became more and more different later on. He preferred to lead troops to fight, while Gong mochen preferred to do business.

Therefore, after Qin Sheng was seven or eight years old, they basically never changed their identities.

"But I know that the person I love is him. Love is a feeling. I want to cuddle in his arms. " Qin Sheng raised her eyes and looked at Nangong Mochen "Why do you have to have this name? Even if you are not Gong Mochen, you are still general feiying. Your identity can not be underestimated! " Qin Sheng asked.

This was something she had never understood.

Nangong mochen sneered "When you can only be someone else's spare tire for your entire life, there will always be times when you are unwilling to accept it. Just like your shadow, it will also be unable to resist the loneliness and want to run in front of you instead of being forgotten behind you. "

His low and deep voice escaped from his deep throat. Other than Gong Mochen, he had never told such a secret to anyone else.

Qin Sheng's heart sank. The man in front of her who had always been hated by her seemed to have a story that she did not know.

"If you want the name Gong Mochen, wait for uncle to come back. I will tell him that we will leave this place and give everything to you, okay? "

She believed that Gong Mochen would give up all his fame and fortune for her.

Nangong Mochen chuckled softly, "how do you know that you're not included in everything that I want? "

The sunlight shone through the thick canopy and into the glass window, casting a mottled shadow on the man's body.

Qin Sheng could see the different Gong Mochen on his face. An even colder Gong Mochen, just like the shadow of Gong Mochen.

It was like a person's dual personality... ...

"But I don't love you. Actually, have you ever thought about Ye Wei? Haven't you been together all this time? " She reminded the man.

After experiencing so many things together, she felt that Nangong Mochen wasn't unforgivable. He had his own abilities, but he was a little more willful and more extreme.

If he could fall in love with Ye Wei, they would be a good couple.

"I don't love her, and she doesn't love me either. By the way, the person she loves is my brother. Moreover, my mother really wants my brother to marry her.

My mother is very biased. She wants to give my brother everything she thinks is best. "Even if you wait for my brother to return, the person he can marry isn't you, " Nangong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's heart sank. With the blood feud between the Yun and Nan Gong families, it was indeed impossible for her to marry Gong Mochen... ...