May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 715 - Chapter 715 must have children

Chapter 715: Chapter 715 must have children

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Are you the patient's family member? " Two nurses walked in.

"I, UM, want to change the medicine? " Sikong jue looked at the tray in the nurse's hand and asked.

"Yes, the doctor has researched and added a medicine to her. This medicine can remove scars, " the nurse said.

Sikong jue picked up the ointment in the tray and looked at it. "This medicine has very little ability to remove scars. It can only fade away. I have medicine here that can really remove scars. You can change this medicine for her. "

The nurse looked at the medicine in the man's hand in confusion. "This, we have to ask the doctor if we can add it to her. "

Sikong jue was speechless. How many people had queued up to buy his medicine? These two young nurses actually doubted his medicine!

"You guys go and ask, " he said coldly.

One of the young nurses took the medicine and asked the doctor. The other young nurse stayed behind to unbandage Chu Chu's wound and prepare to change the medicine.

It was obvious that the act of removing the bandage had hurt Chu Chu. Chu Chu, who was sleeping in a daze, cried out, "it hurts so much! "

"Chu Chu, be good. Removing the bandage will hurt a little, but I need to apply some medicine on you. Bear with it. The medicine from Shu Li can make you so that you won't be able to see any scars at all! Otherwise, you won't be pretty if you have scars in the future, " said Sikong Jue.

Chu Chu blinked. "really? There aren't any scars at all? "

"really. I guarantee there won't be any scars. " Sikong Jue was still very confident in his medicine.

"alright then. You can remove my bandage. I want to marry a prince. I WANT TO BE BEAUTIFUL! " Chu Chu Thought of her prince again.

Sikong jue reached out and picked Chu Chu up. "I'll hold her. You can remove it. It'll be easier. "

He held Chu Chu in his arms. This way, the nurse would not have to move Chu Chu's body back and forth so that Chu Chu would not be in pain.

The bandages were wrapped around Chu Chu's body. As the bandages were removed, Sikong jue was surprised to see a scar on Chu Chu's chest.

"Chu Chu, have you been injured before? " He asked.

"No, but Mommy said that I have congenital heart disease. That's why I had surgery when I was in her stomach, " Chu Chu explained. The man in front of her was not bad. She liked this man very much She especially liked the Emerald skull ring on his hand.

Sikong Jue's nerves were shocked by the words congenital heart disease. The child of Chu Xia and Ming Tai would have a congenital heart disease?

His hand suddenly tightened. No wonder he felt that Chu Chu was like him. It turned out that the damn woman had given birth to another child behind his back!

"Shu Li, you're hurting me! " Chu Chu's small arm was hurting from Sikong Jue's grip. She immediately protested!

"I'm sorry, Shu Li. Shu Li is too strong. " Sikong Jue's eyes focused on Chu Chu's face as if he was looking at a rare treasure!

This was his and Chu Xia's daughter. He did not expect that a child who was abandoned on the road to die would not only survive, but also have a son and daughter!

His heart was in a mess. He had no idea what he was feeling right now.

The young nurse who went to ask for medicine came back. "The doctor said that he has never seen such a good medicine. It can be used on Chu Chu. "

Chu Xia and Ming Tai, who were following behind the young nurse, also walked in.

"What are you doing here? " Chu Xia was angry when she saw Sikong Jue. Chu Chu had suffered such a serious injury for no reason!

"I'm here to see Chu Chu. I know you're angry, but I didn't ask Shen Tong to come, " Sikong jue explained.

"You didn't ask Shen Tong to come. Shen Tong came because of you. Sikong Jue, I told you, I don't want to see you in my life! " Chu Xia roared.

"I know, I know. Chu Chu's medicine has been changed. Let the child rest first. I'll send the medicine she needs every day, " Sikong Jue said.

"We don't need your medicine! " Chu Xia really did not want to see Sikong jue again.

"But Chu Chu's wounds will scar if there's no medicine. Do you want her to grow up with such a big scar? " Sikong Jue said.

"This... " Chu Xia did not know how to reply. She did not want to see Sikong Jue, but if she used her daughter's body of scars as the price, the price seemed to be even higher.

Ming Tai held Chu Xia's hand. "Chu Chu's wounds can't be treated without medicine. Why don't we let Sikong jue deliver the medicine to Chu Chu? We'll take it as making up for our mistakes! "

"Mommy, I don't want a body of scars. I still want to marry a prince! " Chu Chu said in a huff. When she thought of the ugly scars on her body, she felt so wronged that she wanted to cry. Would her prince abandon her because she was ugly?

"I'll just come over every day to deliver medicine and see Chu Chu. Can't I just do nothing else? " "I don't have any objections if Jian Jian wants to follow you. Shen Tong is in the hospital now. She'll have to receive psychological counseling and see a psychiatrist in the future. She won't relapse again, " Sikong Jue said quickly.

Chuxia was left with no choice but to agree. "Give me all the medicine in one go. "

Her daughter's wounds could not leave scars, but she did not want to see Sikong Jue!

Sikong Jue's face twitched violently. Chuxia was decisive enough. She wanted to get the medicine in one go and never see him again!

"This medicine has to be made every day. If the ingredients are not fresh, it will affect the effect of the treatment! " He came up with a reason.

Chu Xia was in a difficult position. Did she have to look at Sikong Jue every day?

"You, you didn't lie to me? "

"OF COURSE NOT! I swear, " everything I said was fake!

Hmph, the stupid girl would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than a man's mouth!

You want to run after having two children? I will not let you off this time no matter what I say!

Of course, if Chu Xia knew that Sikong jue had so many os in his heart, she would definitely kick him into the solar system!

"Then that's it. You will deliver medicine to Chu Chu every day. However, you must leave after delivering the medicine. " Chu Xia had no choice but to agree.

"Okay. " Sikong jue answered without hesitation. As long as he delivered the medicine, it would be fine. As for whether he left or not, it was not up to Chu Xia to decide!

He was calculating his own plan in his mind.

Chu Xia walked towards Sikong jue step by step. "Are you done delivering the medicine now? "

There was a cold smile on the corner of her lips. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. She was only one step away from throwing the man out!

Sikong jue placed Chu Chu on the bed helplessly. He cursed the two nurses for changing the dressing so quickly.

"I'm leaving. Take good care of your daughter. " He stood up and followed the nurse out of the ward.

Chu Xia was shocked. Daughter Why did Sikong jue use the word 'daughter' Did he discover something?

However, on second thought, Chu Chu was her daughter. It did not seem to be a problem for Sikong jue to say that. She had to take care of her daughter.

How could Sikong Jue know that Chu Chu was his daughter As long as she did not tell him, Sikong jue would never know!

She comforted herself.

In the director's office, Sikong Jue placed the bandage that Chu Chu had changed into on Qian Chuan's desk. "Give me a DNA test to see if this child is mine. "

Qian Chuan's eyes immediately lit up. "What the hell, aren't you being too careless? Don't you know that it's fireproof, burglar-proof, and pregnancy-proof? "