May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 700 - Chapter 700 must have children

Chapter 700: Chapter 700 must have children

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Shen Tong, that's enough! Who are you calling a mistress? When did Chuxia ever ruin you? Don't forget, when Chuxia and Sikong Jue were together, you were still in the hospital. We didn't even know you at that time! " Qin Sheng couldn't stand it anymore and spoke up for Chuxia.

"But after we got to know each other, you guys actually hid it from me and played me like a fool! " Shen Tong yelled.

This was a knot in her heart that she couldn't get rid of. She thought Chuxia was her best friend, yet her best friend had a child with her fianc��!

She could not let go of the feeling of being betrayed by both friendship and love!

Chuxia lowered her head. This was also something that she could not let go of. It was because of this that she always felt that she owed Shen Tong. No matter what, Sikong Jue was Shen Tong's fianc��.

Qin Sheng pulled Chuxia away. "Why are you lowering your head? You didn't do anything to Shen Tong! "

She turned to Shen Tong. "Shen Tong, when we met, think about your situation. You just finished the surgery. Can your body withstand the news that your fianc�� is in love with another woman?

"We didn't want to hide it from you. We thought of you as a friend. We didn't tell you because of your body. "Besides, Chuxia never thought of being with Sikong Jue. You know, she left h nation after that.

"As for the child, it was hers and Sikong Jue's, but the child was innocent. She never told Sikong jue about it. "Why do you think she didn't tell Sikong Jue about the child?

"She just didn't want to ruin your relationship. She just didn't want to affect your relationship. "I don't know why a mistress who specializes in ruining other people's lives is so stupid. She could secretly have a child without telling a man!

If she really wanted to destroy the both of you, why did she hide her identity as a child? Why did she quit time and time again Shen Tong, no one knows everything better than you. Do you think Chuxia is trying to steal your man?

She has given her man to you time and time again, and you still want to scold him You and Sikong Jue were childhood sweethearts who were engaged since young. However, Sikong Jue hasn't married you for so many years. Is there really love between the both of you?

You used the engagement to tie up a man who doesn't love you, and then you accused him of falling in love with another woman. I don't think that you're the one who was sabotaged. "That's because Sikong Jue didn't fall in love with you from the beginning to the end. Since he didn't fall in love with you, why would he ruin your love? "

She said each word clearly. This time, she would no longer care about Shen Tong's feelings. Some things that were left unsaid would always be a knot. It was better for everyone to be clear about it!

Shen Tong's face turned pale. She clutched her bag, unable to find any words to refute.

Just like Qin Sheng had said, she knew better than anyone. It was precisely because she knew that she was even more conflicted. Even if she wanted to hate and scold Chuxia, she would scold her without reason or reason.

"You guys, you're bullying me! I'll go tell brother Jue! "

The crowd around them were all pointing and discussing. She was the one who could hear everyone's criticism!

She turned around and ran out of the crowd. She could not stand the criticism of others, and she could not accept the fact that the person Sikong Jue loved was Chu Xia!

"Shen Tong! " Chu Xia was afraid that Shen Tong would not be able to take it lying down. She stepped forward and wanted to chase after Shen Tong.

Qin Sheng grabbed Chu Xia's arm. "Stop Chasing. Let her be alone. "

So what if Chu Xia chased after Shen Tong? Shen Tong had to think things through on her own. Unless Shen Tong could let it go on her own, no one could help Shen Tong.

Chu Xia nodded helplessly. "I'll go look for Jian Jian then. I'll leave Chu Chu to you. "

She still had to look for her son. She wanted to settle the matter between Shen Tong and Shen Tong, unless Shen Tong did not love Sikong Jue and left him, or she took Jian Jian and completely disappeared in front of Shen Tong and Sikong Jue.

"okay, don't worry. " Qin Sheng held Chu Chu's hand and said.

Chu Xia thanked Qin Sheng and went to look for her son. Qin Sheng took Chu Chu to buy clothes. Chu Chu was going to stay at Li Ang's house for a few days. She wanted to buy Chu Chu a few sets of clothes to change into.

Just as she was about to bring Chu Chu through the alley and go to the shop, she suddenly saw a figure flash in front of her and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Yan Biao?

She stopped where she was. It turned out that Yan Biao was still nearby!

Could it be that he lived here?

Qin Sheng and mou ran had guessed this. She brought Chu Chu and followed the figure that had disappeared.

She was not dumb enough to capture Yan Biao herself, but she could find out where he was staying. She then informed Sikong Jue or Li Ang's people to capture Yan Biao.

But the man's figure disappeared in a flash.

She stopped in her tracks, depressed. She lost him just like that?

She was unwilling to give up and continued to walk along the alley with Chu Chu. Just now, Yan Biao was walking in this direction. She thought that as long as she walked in this direction, she might be able to bump into Yan Biao.

When she walked out of the alley, she was surprised to find that the opposite side of the street was the Presidential Palace!

Her eyebrows sank. If it was not for her good eyesight, she would have missed the important part.

Someone walked into the back door of the presidential palace. Although she only saw half a person when the back door was closed, she was sure that the person was Yan Biao.

Yan Biao was wearing a black jacket and blue jeans. This outfit was too eye-catching in the presidential palace, because everyone here was wearing black suits.

"Chu Chu, Auntie will take you to a place. You have to be good there. You must listen to Auntie, " Qin Sheng instructed the little boy.

"Auntie, is there any good food in that place? " Chu Chu asked. She had been with her mother and Auntie for the whole morning, but she had not eaten yet!

"Good Food? Um, when we come out, Auntie will treat you to pizza, okay? " Qin Sheng said.

"Okay! " Chu Chu quickly nodded her little head.

Qin Sheng brought Chu Chu to the presidential palace. This kind of place could only be entered by someone with her status. It was useless to send other people here. They could not even enter!

At the main entrance, she told the guards her name. The guards immediately reported to the inside.

Not long after, the guards came out and said that the president invited Madam Gong in.

Qin Sheng followed the guards into the presidential palace.

Why could Yan Biao enter the Presidential Palace It seemed that she had found the reason why Yan Biao could sneak back.

"Madam Gong, what a rare guest! Why did you think of coming to my place? " President Zhuo Nan came out to welcome her.

Qin Sheng smiled. "My husband works here. I'm here to see him. "

She decisively brought out Nangong Mochen. Nangong Mochen was here as Zhuo Nan's Da Qing in the name of Gong Mochen. It made sense for her to come to find her man.

"Madam Gong is here to check on me? Hehe, but CEO Gong is currently discussing something with a few Da Qing. I'm afraid he won't be able to see you for a while. " Zhuo Nan's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"There's no rush. I'll wait for him here. I'll wait for him to come back. " Qin Sheng brought Chu Chu to sit on the Sofa in the living room.

"Alright, I'll go and see if they've finished their discussion. " Zhuo Nan walked out of the room, the cold light in his eyes getting colder and colder... ...