May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 695 - Chapter 695 must have a son

Chapter 695: Chapter 695 must have a son

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"IT'S A SON! That's great! Mo Chen has a son! " Han Qing said happily.

"Yes, this fetus is definitely a son. He has had his ultrasound done three times and they all say he's a son. Auntie, this child is Gong Mochen's. But I'm afraid that CEO Gong won't acknowledge the identity of the child. " Ye Wei lowered her head as she spoke.

"He dares to deny it! Don't worry, when Mo Chen comes, I'll tell him to hurry up and get the marriage done with you. He has already announced your engagement. Don't delay the MARRIAGE ANY LONGER! " Han Qing was immersed in her own joy.

Ye Wei knew that Han Qing had lost her train of thought again. "The announcement of the engagement was five years ago, and now CEO Gong and Qin Sheng are married. "

She reminded Han Qing that it wouldn't be so easy for her to marry Gong Mochen. After all, Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng had gotten their marriage certificate.

"What? When did he get his marriage certificate? Why didn't he tell me? " Han Qing jumped up from the SOFA and walked out in a hurry!

Ye Wei grabbed Han Qing's arm. "Auntie, where are you going? "

"I'm going to find my son. Our son can't marry the Yun family's daughter! I WON'T ALLOW IT! " Han Qing shouted angrily.

"Don't be agitated. CEO Gong is not here. Wait for him to come and tell him. Besides, I don't want to destroy him and Qin Sheng. I just want him to admit that this child is his and give the child a proper title, " Ye Wei said hesitantly.

"Just give the child a proper title? Ye Wei, why are you so stupid? What are you going to do? I'm going to take care of this! If he dares to marry Qin Sheng behind my back, he must divorce Qin Sheng and marry you! " Han Qing said.

Ye Wei pulled Han Qing back to the SOFA and said, "I know you love me, but your body hasn't recovered yet. We'll wait for your body to recover. You can tell CEO Gong that you can't be excited right now. "

She put the medicine she made into Han Qing's mouth and let her drink it.

She estimated Han Qing's recovery. If nothing unexpected happened, Han Qing would recover soon. She touched her belly with her other hand. She could give up any title, but her child must be recognized.

Han Qing drank the medicine and held ye Wei's hand. "You're such a good child. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to recover from my stupidity. I'll let mo Chen Dote on you. "

Ye Wei looked up at Han Qing. "Auntie, does CEO Gong have a twin brother? "

Han Qing was stunned. "How did you know? Did Mo Chen Tell you? He really doesn't treat you as an outsider. This is a secret. No one knows, and you can't tell outsiders. "

"I know. I won't tell outsiders. Where's his brother? Has He come back? " Ye Wei asked.

"He has come back, but most of it is wrong. He is General Feiying, " Han Qing said.

Ye Wei's heart sank. "I mean, has he come back in the past few months? "

"He often comes back and changes his identity with Gong Mochen, " Han Qing said.

Ye Wei's heart tightened. If that man had come back, then... ...

"Oh, is that so? Does that mean I might have met CEO Gong's younger brother? "

"Yes, I'll tell you next time he comes back, " Han Qing said and raised her hand to rub her head. Her head was hurting again.

Ye Wei noticed Han Qing's movements. "Your head is hurting again. I'll give you another medicine. You'll be fine after sleeping for a while. "

She helped Han Qing get up and go to the bedroom. Han Qing's mind was in a mess at the moment. Moreover, the dosage of the medicine she gave Han Qing was very high. Even Chinese medicine had side effects, and these side effects were headaches.

She could only let Han Qing sleep to alleviate the side effects of the headache.

Her heart tightened the most. Her child must be Gong Mochen's. It must not be Nangong MOCHEN's!


Qin Sheng sat in George's car and returned to Li Ang's villa.

The servants in the villa were moving things out from her and Lian Lian's room. Yin Yin was standing in the corridor, directing the servants.

"HURRY UP! You're taking so long to move something. After moving for so long, don't tell me we're giving you money to feed you? " Yin Yin said arrogantly to the servants.

She was now a mother who valued her son. She didn't care about these people at all!

"Yinyin, what are you doing? Why are you moving the things in my room? " Qin Sheng ran upstairs.

Yinyin's eyes landed on Qin Sheng. "Your Room? This is Yinyin's room, right? Are you going to live separately from Li Ang? Didn't you guys make up? Or are you lying about making up? "

She asked aggressively, suppressing her anger. She wanted to expose Qin Sheng.

The most infuriating one was Qin Sheng. On one side, she was with Gong Mochen, and on the other side, she was holding onto Li Ang!

And Qin Sheng was still occupying Li Ang's wife's position. She did not love Li Ang at all!

She loved Li Ang wholeheartedly, but Li Ang despised her. How could she not hate him?

"I have reconciled with Li Ang, but the room is Lian Lian's. That's why I said it's mine. Is there a difference between mine and my daughter's? " Qin Sheng tried to explain.

In fact, she had never slept in the same room as Li Ang. Every day, she would tell Lian Lian a bedtime story and then sleep in Lian Lian's room.

Only when Roland was checking up on her would she deal with sleeping in the same room as Li Ang. Li Ang would sleep on the SOFA, and she would sleep on the bed.

"whether there's a difference or not, only you know. This room is facing the best. I'm pregnant with Li Ang's son, so naturally, I want to live in it! " Yinyin raised her head and said.

Qin Sheng frowned. Actually, she could sleep anywhere with Lian Lian, but where did Yinyin want to move their things?

She looked up at the workers who were moving things. Those workers actually moved things to Li Ang's room!

Did they want them to sleep together?

"I think it's better to find a room for Lian Lian. Children can't sleep well with adults. We have to cultivate children's independence from a young age. "

The key was to give Lian Lian a room so that she could sleep with Lian Lian!

"Lian Lian won't sleep with you. I'll have Lian Lian move into my room and add a small bed to it, " Roland said as he walked over.

"Auntie, Lian Lian will disturb your rest. It's better for you to sleep with us, " Qin Sheng said quickly.

She was determined not to let Roland Take Lian Lian Away. She seemed to understand Roland's intention and wanted to force her to sleep with Li Ang!

"Why would you disturb us? Lian Lian is already old. You often bring Lian Lian along, so you'll sleep in her room. This will also affect your relationship as husband and wife. Yinyin needs to bask in the sun more when she's pregnant. Otherwise, if her body is too weak, she'll easily miscarry.

Both of them are my grandsons, so I can't be biased. So I gave Lian Lian Lian's room to Yinyin. Lian Lian will stay with me.

"Qin Sheng, you won't blame me, right? " Roland asked.

Qin Sheng only felt a headache. "Li Ang and I can also sleep with Lian Lian. It's better not to trouble aunty. "

Yinyin raised her eyebrows "Qin Sheng, you don't seem to want to sleep alone with Li Ang, right In the past, it was said that Lian Lian couldn't live without you, so you slept with her. Now aunty wants to sleep with Lian Lian, but you won't let her. You did it on purpose, right The child has already been born, yet you still aren't willing to sleep with Li Ang Or have you two never slept together?"