May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 692 - Chapter 692 must have children 2

Chapter 692: Chapter 692 must have children 2

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Yin Yin glanced at Li Ang from the corner of her eyes. Usually, when she used her trump card, Li Ang would pity her and save her without any reason!

However, however, AH!

She did not want to die yet, but the man did not move at all. He had no intention of saving her!

But she was about to hit the wall. Now, she could not stop even if she wanted to. Her dream of the Grand Duchess, her children, and all her plans were going to be ruined!

Ah She shouted unwillingly. She could not stop!

God knows, every time she hit the wall, every time she fell off a building, it was real. But she was betting on the fact that Li Ang could not bear to do this to her!

It seemed that she had made the wrong bet this time!

Just as her head was about to hit the wall, her hand was grabbed by someone who used all his strength to pull her back.

"Yinyin, don't! "

Due to inertia, the two women fell to the ground, and Yinyin hit the woman behind her.

She could tell that the person who shouted was Roland!

"Aunty, you let me die! Let me die! I really don't want to stay in your family! I just love Leon too much. If my love becomes his burden, I would rather die! " She said with a choked voice, as if she had suffered a great grievance!

"Yinyin, don't say silly things. You're pregnant with our family's child. I WON'T LET YOU DIE And our family won't not even be able to accommodate a child Hurry up and get up. Does your stomach hurt Is the child okay?"Roland pulled Yinyin up and asked with concern.

Yinyin stood up and threw herself into Roland's arms. "Aunty, you're still the one who loves ME AND TREATS ME WELL! Don't worry, I'll definitely give birth to two healthy boys for you! "

She knew very well how much Roland wanted grandchildren. Although she did not lose the bet this time, Li Ang's feelings for her won the bet that Roland cared about his grandchildren!

She buried her head in Roland's shoulder and smiled like a poppy. She had won this round again!

Roland patted Yinyin's back and comforted her. "Alright, don't cry. Crying isn't good for the child. Let's sit down and wait for me to tell them. "

She supported Yinyin on the Soft Sofa and looked up at Li Ang and Qin Sheng.

"I know you don't love Yinyin, but you love Qin Sheng. I also agree to your remarriage. But now our family urgently needs a son. We don't know when Qin Sheng will give birth to a boy for our family, and Yinyin already has a son in her belly!

"How about this? I'll adopt Yinyin as my adopted daughter. When she gives birth to a boy, I'll say that it's Qin Sheng's child. The child can be considered Qin Sheng's son.

"Is this okay "You don't have to marry Yinyin, and you don't have to force Qin Sheng's son. "

She glanced at Li Ang, Qin Sheng, and her husband Qiao Dun. This was the best way she could think of!

"I don't agree. I don't like Yinyin, and I can't accept her child! " Li Ang said.

He was a Germaphobe. Not only did he have feelings, but he also hated Yinyin. He would not accept this woman, let alone the child she gave him, as his heir!

"Do you want Yinyin to have an abortion? Do you want to kill your child? " Roland retorted.

"Mom! How is this my child? " Li Ang was speechless.

"If it's not your child, then is it someone else's child? This is your seed! I don't care. The child is innocent. You can't kill your own child! " Roland said angrily.

Even if Yinyin's method was wrong, the child was innocent. She could not bear to kill two lives just like that. Moreover, this was the grandson she had been looking forward to every day!

Qiao Dun rubbed his throbbing temples and tried to persuade his son "Forget it, don't argue with your mother. Besides, the family needs a son. If the position of Grand Duke is lost, our family's fiefdom will belong to your uncle. You know he has always wanted to develop that mountain forest.

"But there are still many herdsmen in the mountain forest. That was when our ancestors were conferred the title of Grand Duke. They have been living and herding here for hundreds of years.

"Once the mountain forest is taken away by your uncle, they will be forced to move! "

This was what he had always been worried about. Every Duke would have their own fiefdom, and their family was no exception. The residents in the fiefdom were all their old tenants.

Of course, in this society, there was no longer the identity of a tenant. He had never taken the money that these tenants should give him every year.

However, the peace that he had always maintained was broken just like that.

The tenants were worried that the forest would be taken away and developed, and they would have no place to graze anymore.

Li Ang's brows were tightly knitted. Thinking of those tenants, his heart was in a mess. He could not ignore the lives of those people.

Qin Sheng understood the whole matter. She held Li Ang's hand and said, "why don't we leave a note first? "

Roland was right about one thing. The child was innocent.

No matter how hateful the note was, the child was not at fault. If it was forcefully aborted, it would be too cruel.

Li Ang held Qin Sheng's hand and asked, "you want me to leave a note? "

"Yes, let her stay first. We'll think of a way in the future, " Qin Sheng said.

They could not abort the child. They could only recognize the child. If they did not like it, they could just treat it as an adopted child.

Li Ang frowned. "Let's go upstairs and talk. "

He pulled Qin Sheng and left, ignoring the people behind him.

Roland looked at Qin Sheng, who had left Li Ang and Li Ang, and breathed a sigh of relief. Li Ang's attitude meant that he had acknowledged her, and her grandson was finally saved.

"Well, Li Ang has agreed. From now on, you're my daughter. You can rest assured and take care of the baby, " she said to Yin Yin.

Yin Yin's eyes were filled with coldness. She would not want to be Roland's daughter, Li Ang's sister!

Her son was the future Grand Duke, and she was the Grand Duke's wife!

"I know, aunt. Don't worry. I will definitely give birth to two boys who are exactly the same as Li Ang! " She said while holding back all her anger.

But now she could not be angry. She could only stay here and deal with Qin Sheng properly!

Qin Sheng dared to come back and take her position as the powerful duchess. She thought Qin Sheng did not want to live anymore!

The corners of her lips were curled up sharply. If Qin Sheng had not come back today, she was sure that her marriage with Li Ang would have been successful!

Hatred filled her eyes. She could not wait to kill Qin Sheng right now!

"I knew you were thoughtful. If I could give birth to two boys who look exactly like Li Ang, I would wake up from my dream laughing! " Roland said happily.

"Yes, my child will definitely look like Li Ang! It won't look like Qin Sheng's child. I think Lian Lian doesn't look like Li Ang. " Yinyin deliberately emphasized her tone.

Roland looked at Lian Lian in Qiao Dun's arms and said, "yes, Lian Lian doesn't look like Li Ang at all. "

Her brows sank into a dark shade.

Yin Yin hurriedly said, "Auntie, I didn't mean anything by it. Lian Lian looks like Qin Sheng. Maybe she only followed Qin Sheng. "

She said it in a crafty way, pointing out that she didn't mean anything by it. However, she had already said it, so how could others not think about it?

Her heart let out an earth-shattering laugh. She saw that Qin Sheng was still alive!