May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 686 - Chapter 686 true and false Hubby 26

Chapter 686: Chapter 686 true and false Hubby 26

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Yun Teng was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Saying that he was not as charming as XI SI?

What right did XI SI, this tyrant, have to make Dai Yuyan Fall in love with him?

He pointed at him and refused to accept it He threw a punch at Gong Mochen.

"If you want to fight, go out and fight! " Qin Sheng was furious. This was a hospital room. She only sympathized with Xi SI and wanted him to listen to the heartbeat of the fetus.

She pushed the two men out of the room. Anyway, she knew that Gong Mochen's martial arts would not be able to hit him.

The Room was finally quiet. The doctor's instrument was placed on Dai Yuyan's lower abdomen, and a muffled drum-like sound came from the machine.

"This is the heartbeat of the fetus. Because of the amniotic fluid, it's very dull, " Qin Sheng explained, afraid that Xi SI would not understand.

Xi Si stood like a statue in front of Dai Yuyan's bed. A layer of water appeared in his eagle-like eyes.

His face was tense and his head was slightly upward, freezing the expression on his face.

The voice entered his eardrums and hit the tip of his heart.

He looked deeply at the pale woman on the bed, as if he wanted to look at her for a hundred years.

"The heartbeat of the fetus is 140 beats. Her current condition is good. We will measure her heartbeat every two hours, " the doctor said.

Xi Si tidied up his gaze, turned around and walked towards the door. From the corner of his eyes, he swept his gaze across Lian Lian's face in Qin Sheng's arms.

"I won't say thank you, but when I'm not around, if there's anything wrong with my woman, I won't let go of the person who made her sad! " He said coldly.

Qin Sheng frowned slightly. This tyrant did not seem like he was going to the United Nations court to be tortured. He spoke as if he could come back.

She carried Lian Lian Out of the ward. Outside the room, Yun Teng finally waved his hand and stopped fighting with Gong Mochen. That bit of anger was used to escort Xi SI.

"behave yourself. If you dare to run, I will shoot you to death! " Anger swept between Yun Teng's brows.

"Hehe, do you think I will escape and give you the chance to shoot me? I am not that stupid. My child is still in my woman's stomach. I will not be so stupid. " Xi Si laughed coldly.

One sentence successfully poked Yun Teng's sore spot. The child of the woman he loved was not his!

"Xi Si, you are too arrogant. I will let you know my ability. Don't forget that I am a special forces soldier. I can still have a say in the United Nations prison. "

"If you dare to use your official position for personal gain, be careful of your official position. " Xi Si retorted.

"I don't want to work anymore! Xi Si, don't even think about seeing Dai Yuyan in this lifetime! " Yun Teng said fiercely.

"Hehe, what big words. " Xi Si laughed lightly.

That laughter seemed to be disdainful of Yun Teng, making Yun Teng even angrier. He shot a look at his subordinates. The plane was already parked in the courtyard. By the time they boarded the plane, no one would know what he did to XI SI!

Qin Sheng stood behind them and watched the people pushing and shoving. Her brows did not relax for a moment. She did not know how the three of them would end up.

The man's finger pressed between Qin Sheng's brows. "Why are you frowning again? Don't frown. If you have anything in the future, tell me. I'll send you and Lian Lian home. "

Gong mochen hugged Qin Sheng and whispered into her ear.

"Mummy, I want to go to the bathroom, " Lian Lian said softly.

Qin Sheng pushed the man who was hugging him. "I'll take Lian Lian to the bathroom. I'll be back in a while. "

She quickly left with her daughter in her arms. There was still one more important thing to do!

When Nangong Mochen returned, he saw his elder brother hugging Qin Sheng. He walked over hurriedly.

"Don't touch her! " He growled.

"You don't really think you're Gong Mochen, do you? I'm Gong Mochen! Qin Sheng is my woman. " Gong Mochen's cold gaze landed on his younger brother's face.

"It's not up to you to decide who Gong Mochen is. Let me tell you something. The commander just ordered you to go to the United Nations court to make a statement. You should go. I'll take care of sending Qin Sheng home. " Nangong mochen sneered.

He had heard what Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng had said just now. Gong Mochen had left, so this job naturally belonged to him. He could be with Qin Sheng now.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. The commander had told him about this before. It was his entire plan. He had to make a statement about the process of capturing Qin Sheng and XI SI's crimes.

"If you dare to touch Qin Sheng while I'm away, my people will know! " He said coldly.

He had many secret guards around Qin Sheng, but they didn't know about it.

"If I want to be with Qin Sheng, I'll make her be willing to be with me. You've left enough time for me. If Qin Sheng loves me, I'LL BE Gong Mochen. You can be your commander in the army! " Nangong Mochen said.

Anyway, he had medicine and ways to make women pounce on him. He really regretted not taking the medicine earlier. Otherwise, Qin Sheng would have been his long ago.

"My Qin Sheng won't fall in love with you. Do you think she only loves her appearance? You think love is too shallow. She won't fall in love with anyone who looks like me, " Gong Mochen said coldly.

When they crossed the mountain stream on the vines, he knew that a woman's heart was with him.

It was a feeling. It was the feeling of taking off the outer appearance and heart being in sync with each other.

The corner of Nangong Mochen's lips twitched. Could he never replace Gong Mochen in this lifetime?

How could he be willing to be Gong Mochen's spare tire for the rest of his life?

"I don't believe that I won't be as good as you! " He said arrogantly, his hands clenched into fists.

"When I come back, I'll settle these matters with you. I know that letting you be my spare tire for more than thirty years has indeed wronged you. You should have your own life, " Gong Mochen said.

What was so difficult about Nangong Mochen wanting Gong Mochen's identity His property company could be given to Nangong Mochen. As long as he wanted Qin Sheng and Lian Lian, these could be discussed when he returned from completing his mission.

He looked for Qin Sheng. "Why isn't Qin Sheng back yet? "

An uneasiness swept through his heart. "quickly go and find Qin Sheng! "

He ordered Nangong Mochen to go and find Qin Sheng together. He was afraid that Xi SI's remaining troops would take advantage of this loophole.

The two brothers immediately split up to look for Qin Sheng.

In the corridor on the top floor of the hospital, Qin Sheng walked out of the bathroom with Lian Lian in her arms. However, she did not go back to look for Gong Mochen. She deliberately went to the bathroom on the top floor just to look for someone.

She walked quickly to Qian Chuan's office and gently knocked on Qian Chuan's door.

"Qian Chuan! "

The door was not locked. She opened a crack and a sexy scene entered her eyes.

A young nurse wearing a nurse's hat was sitting on the man's body, trying her best to undress him. Meanwhile, the man was sitting comfortably on the big boss chair.

UGH Countless black lines were drawn on her head. Unfortunately, she did not have the time to wait for them to be passionate before going in.

She covered Lian Lian's eyes with her hand. "Qian Chuan, get out here! Are you worthy of me and my daughter? "