May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 673 - Chapter 673 real and fake Hubby 13

Chapter 673: Chapter 673 real and fake Hubby 13

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Nangong Mochen's face tensed up. "I don't understand what you're saying. "

His heart was pounding. It was impossible for him to be discovered so easily, right?

"You don't understand? Then let me continue. Although Xi SI's guards also use this kind of weapon, if Xi SI had the person, why would he take Qin Sheng away to exchange for Dai Yuyan and the others? " Gong Mochen said.

Nangong mochen sneered. "maybe he used a diversion tactic so that you wouldn't suspect him? "

"A decoy is indeed a good method, but nothing is more important than his safe escape. If he has Dai Yuyan, Yun Teng, Lian Lian, and Qin Sheng, he would be so bored that he would play a decoy with me. He should use these people as his hostages and run to the black triangle immediately. "To ensure the safety of himself and Willam. After all, he will always be caught here, " said Gong Mochen.

"So what? He can also lure us into a trap and kill us all? " Nangong Mochen gave another reason.

"Do you think his people can detect all of our ambush points and hidden sentries? You Know How many ambush points and hidden guards we have set up outside the hideout. These people were all killed by a single shot. They didn't even fire a single shot with their weapons.

What kind of ability did XI SI have to know where these hidden sentries and ambushers were in advance Unless it was a traitor!

Moreover, there were traces of dragging on the ground. It meant that the person was completely unconscious when he was taken away. "I think that after testing the food, we should be able to find out what kind of drug is inside that can make people unconscious. "

Gong Mochen exposed the truth one by one, and his gaze landed on Nangong Mochen's face.

Nangong MOCHEN's hands were clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were bulging. "You suspect me? "

"Or what? " "Who would have known that the secret hideout was set up so that the secret guards and the ambushers would be killed in one move, and they wouldn't even have the chance to call the headquarters and report that they were attacked "Who else would have the drug in their hands at any time and put the drug in the food to make people unconscious? " Gong Mochen asked.

"You have no evidence to prove that I did it. " Nangong MOCHEN's voice was trembling.

A voice echoed in his head, 'don't fight with your brother! '

It seemed that he had lost again!

"The evidence is only a matter of time. I can bring you to the military court to be examined at any time. You don't think that you have a chance to escape from me, right? But I don't have time to waste with you.

Just one sentence, where is he Hand him over, and I'll pretend that nothing happened."Gong Mochen said.

Nangong MOCHEN's face was gloomy. His plan had been ruined by Gong Mochen!

"He's in a villa in the suburbs, but you have to lead him. You go alone. I can't appear. " Nangong Mochen said.

"Why? Did you work with him? Who's your accomplice? " Nangong Mochen keenly discovered the problem.

If Nangong Mochen had done it himself, he wouldn't have been afraid to bring him out.

"It has nothing to do with you. I can give you the address. You said I would hand him over, so just pretend that nothing happened, " Nangong Mochen said.

"Why did you do that? You didn't even let a child go? " Gong mochen grabbed Nangong Mochen's collar. Thinking of Lian Lian, it was as if someone had cut out his heart!

"Don't you know why I did that? The Yun family is our enemy. After so many years, they haven't stopped seeking revenge on us. After this mission is completed, I won't be a special forces soldier anymore, and I won't have to abide by the army's rules.

Instead of letting the Yun family seek revenge on me, why can't I strike first Don't forget, after the mission is completed, Yun Teng will also retire!"Nangong Mochen said.

Fortunately, there was still this reason. Otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to handle it.

No matter what, he wouldn't tell anyone about him and the president joining hands. He wanted to retire and not become a special forces soldier, but his ambition was far from being satisfied by the president of the Gong Group.

Doing Business was not his hobby. His Hobby was war and politics!

"BASTARD! " Gong mochen punched Nangong Mochen in the face. He was almost angered to death by his younger brother.

Because of him, he wanted to settle the score with Yun Teng. He almost hurt Lian Lian Lian and almost could not save Qin Sheng!

Nangong Mochen was hit by Gong Mochen and took a few steps back. He covered the wound on his face with his hand. "If you have the time to hit me, why don't you go and bring Yun Teng and Dai Yuyan Lian out first! Don't forget that Qin Sheng is still in Willam's hands! "

"You're thinking of Qin Sheng now? " Gong Mochen reprimanded Nangong Mochen.

"This isn't my fault. If you have to blame someone, you can only blame yourself for letting Willam go. If you had followed the commander's arrangements and went bankrupt, you would have killed Willam and XI SI on the day of the bankruptcy. If they were dead, would they still be able to capture Qin Sheng?"Nangong Mochen ridiculed his own brother.

If that was the case, whether he captured Yun Teng and Dai Yuyan would not affect Qin Sheng.

"WILLAM ISN'T AT FAULT! He just entered politics. Everything in the Kingdom of Riel is dominated by Xi Si alone, and Willam is very outstanding. In time, he will become a person at the top of the world! " Gong Mochen said.

A hero cherishes a hero When he was a teacher to Willam, he was deeply attracted by this boy. He liked his wisdom, ability, and courage, but unfortunately, he was Xi SI's child.

He gave Willam a way out, hoping that Willam would not join hands with his father to fight against the United Nations. If Willam could help the United Nations Capture Xi SI, Willam would not be implicated.

What awaited Willam was a bright future.

One could still go into business without entering politics. Willam did not have to be a prince to live a rich life. He could also be considered a top figure in the world as a group.

"Hehe, Qin Sheng is in danger today because of your love for talent. The one you let go is your enemy! Even if he stands at the top of the world one day, he will only be a powerful opponent for you! You must cut the weeds and eliminate the roots! " Nangong Mochen said.

He did not have so much sympathy. To him, he was either a friend or an enemy. He must cut the weeds and eliminate the roots of the enemy, not giving the enemy a chance to resist!

"I will not let him go this time. I will first bring Yun Teng and Dai Yuyan out of Lian Lian Lian! " Gong Mochen said.

He quickly drove away. The address where Dai Yuyan and the others were being held was already sent to his phone by Nangong Mochen. He turned on the GPS and soon reached that place.

Gong Mochen sent out a secret code to instruct his men to assist him.

Outside a desolate small courtyard in the suburbs, Gong Mochen saw a few hidden sentries of Liu Da.

Obviously, these people were too abrupt with the surrounding desolation. His car seemed to have passed by unintentionally. As his car left, his men rushed towards those people under his command. They took care of the people outside with a few shots There wasn't even a sound.

Gong Mochen's car stopped outside the courtyard wall. He put on his Eagle Mask and leaped onto the courtyard wall. He jumped into the small courtyard. When the people inside realized that someone was coming, they immediately attacked. The people outside the small courtyard rushed in to help Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen left the people here for his subordinates to deal with. He ran to the locked room and kicked open the door. He rushed towards Yun Teng, who was lying on the bed, and raised his hand to pull Yun Teng.

However, Yun Teng flipped over and stabbed a dagger at Gong Mochen... ...