May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 668 - Chapter 668 true and false Hubby 8

Chapter 668: Chapter 668 true and false Hubby 8

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

A Large Cup of milk tea quickly bottomed out under the hard work of the two of them.

"Uncle, the milk tea is really delicious. I'm going to sleep after drinking it, " Qin Sheng ordered.

Nangong Mochen glanced at the bathroom again. "uncle will accompany you. "

In the bathroom, Gong Mochen clenched his fists. If NANGONG MOCHEN dared to, he would immediately go out and beat him to death!

Qin Sheng's lips stiffened into a smile. "Uncle, we've already agreed that no one is allowed to enter my room until you're clear about your identities. It's time for you to leave! "

"But uncle misses you, baby. We haven't seen each other for five years. Don't you miss uncle? " Nangong MOCHEN's fingers pinched the little woman's Chin.

"Of course I miss uncle. However, I believe that uncle will not make things difficult for me because he will agree to everything I want to do. Am I right? " She asked the man.

Nangong Mochen's expression darkened. Gong Mochen had indeed doted on Qin Sheng to the extreme. As long as Qin Sheng wanted something, Gong mochen would agree to it.

"uncle will naturally not make things difficult for you. You know that in Uncle's heart, you are more important than anything else. Moreover, we have plenty of time in the future! The person who will make things difficult for you will definitely be the fake Gong Mochen. " After Nangong Mochen finished speaking, he released the Little Woman's Chin He turned around and walked out of the door.

He deliberately said the last sentence with a sneer on his lips.

In the bathroom, Gong Mochen pushed the door open and walked out. Nangong MOCHEN was simply ruining him!

Qin Sheng's hand held her own heart. It was so close. Just as that man closed the door, the man in the bathroom walked out. If he had walked out earlier, he would have been seen and there would have been a fight.

"Why didn't you wait a little longer before coming out? What if you were seen? " She said reproachfully.

Gong Mochen walked over with a cold face. He was sure that Nangong Mochen knew that he was in the bathroom. In fact, it didn't matter when he came out.

"I'm not afraid that he knows. He took my name and wants to take you. Even if we are blood brothers, I won't tolerate it! I'll leave first. You GO TO SLEEP! "

After he said that, he walked towards the door.

Qin Sheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, both men had left, and her little plan was successfully completed.

She followed behind the man and wanted to lock the door, but the man suddenly stopped. She didn't have time to react and bumped into the man's back.

She rubbed her forehead in pain. If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have been so close.

Gong Mochen was speechless. "So careless. Let me see if you hurt yourself. "

"It hurts. " Qin Sheng said.

"I've already hurt myself. How many times have I told you not to get so close to me? I just can't change it. " Gong Mochen's heart ached as he rubbed the little woman's forehead.

Qin Sheng's heart skipped a beat. Mou Ran had indeed told her many times, but she was used to it. She liked to follow him closely and be his tail that he couldn't shake off.

Familiar scenes flooded her mind one after another, and her heart wavered.

Gong Mochen's eyes focused on the little woman's watery eyes, and he restrained himself.

"Go to bed early. " He reached out to put away the milk tea cup on the table.

"Don't touch the cup. " Qin Sheng quickly said, "that's right. At the banquet, Chu Xia asked me for the number of this shop. She wanted to order milk tea, but I forgot. This is perfect. I'll take a photo and send it to her. "

Gong Mochen nodded. "okay, go to bed early. I'll go first. "

He got up and walked out of the door.

Qin Sheng let out a sigh of relief when she saw the man walk out. What she wanted was not the phone number on the cup, but the straw used by the man in the cup!

Apart from the hair, the mucous membrane cells in the saliva and mouth could also be tested for DNA.

She got up and wrapped the straw properly. She found the short hair that she had hidden under the pillow and put it into the marked plastic tape. She was ready to get Qian Chuan to do a DNA test.


In the hall on the first floor, Nangong Mochen drank the whiskey in the cup and looked at Gong Mochen who was walking downstairs.

"You were chased out by Qin Sheng? Hehe, she can only be mine, " he said arrogantly.

He had already expected this outcome.

Gong Mochen walked to Nangong Mochen's side with his slender legs. "When did you fall in love with Qin Sheng? "

He asked coldly. His tone was even angrier than when he knew that Nangong Mochen wanted to take over his identity.

He had always thought that Nangong mochen hated Qin Sheng.

"We often change our identities. Is it abnormal for me to fall in love with her? " Nangong mochen retorted.

"You fell in love with her from the start? " Gong Mochen was surprised.

Nangong Mochen drank all the whiskey in his glass and looked up indifferently. "No, I hated Qin Sheng very much in the beginning because you liked her. I hated you, so I hated everything about you.

"But later, I realized that my train of thought was wrong. I shouldn't hate everything about you. Since you owe me, I should take it from you, including Qin Sheng!

"At that time, I realized that I really fell in love with this girl. "It seems that not only do we look alike, but our tastes are also the same. We both like this kind of wild cat with thorns. "

"I fell in love with her first. She was also raised by me. She can only be mine. " Gong Mochen immediately declared his sovereignty.

"that's not necessarily true. I'm always by her side. How can you be sure that the person she loves isn't me? Actually, Gong Mochen's name can't be yours alone, right? After all, I also have a friendship act.

"She likes to eat barbecue very much, but you rigidly said that that thing causes cancer and didn't bring her to eat it. Do you know how happy she was when she ate barbecue with me Do you dare to say that she doesn't love me?"Nangong mochen shouted.

"That doesn't mean that she loves you It's just that she likes to eat barbecue. "I won't hit you because you're a soldier, but I've reported the situation to the commander. You want to stay here and occupy my identity. If you don't return to the army, you'll be punished by the military! " Nangong Mochen said coldly.