May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 655 - Chapter 655: whose child is 25

Chapter 655: Chapter 655: whose child is 25

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Li Ang, come and save me! " Qin Sheng shouted helplessly.

Her thoughts were already in a mess and she didn't have any strength left. The only thing she knew was that she wanted Li Ang to save her.

Gong Mochen's brows raised sharply. His woman actually wanted Li Ang!

She had been his since she was young, so she could only be his!

"I'll give you one more chance. Tell me, who do you want? " He pinched the woman's Chin with his fingers and used some strength.

Qin Sheng pushed the man's hand in pain. It really hurt. She did not doubt that if the man used a little more strength, his Chin would be broken!

"Li Ang, Li Ang! " She said stubbornly.

Li Ang would only save her, not harm her. Li Ang would take her to the hospital, treat her, find a doctor, and the dispensing room. Li Ang could do many things, right? For so many years, it was Li Ang who helped her and saved her time and time again!

As long as she went to the hospital, she would be saved As long as she had Li Ang, she did not have to worry about terrible things happening!

Gong Mochen loosened his fingers. He had thought about her for five years, and he had asked her to wait for five years. In the end, she married Li Ang and gave birth to a daughter without any delay. He still had not settled the score with her!

The girl he raised with his own hands, the girl he loved like the marrow of his bones!

But the girl he loved the most, the person he loved the most, was not the one who told him in front of him that he wanted to leave him with another man!

The heart-wrenching pain engulfed Gong MOCHEN'S ENTIRE BODY It was so painful that he could not get any more!

"You are in my hands, where do you think you can run to? Just die and find Li Ang! " He said coldly.

"Even if I die, I don't want to be with you! " Qin Sheng said painfully. He hated the man in front of her to death.

Gong MOCHEN's angular face twitched violently. "Even if you die, you can only be my woman! "

Qin Sheng curled herself up in pain. Her painful look made anyone's heart ache.

All His anger dissipated because of the pain of caring for his woman. "Baby, let's stop arguing. Come back to me, and I'll pretend nothing happened. "

"I won't let you go, I'll kill you! " Qin Sheng roared.

"Kill me? " Gong Mochen's words came out from between his teeth!


When the sun's rays shone on the land of h nation again, Qin Sheng lay on the big bed and rubbed her head.

The medicine really didn't have any side effects, it was just that she had slept for too long and felt a little heavy.

Mou Ran, she opened her eyes, and as her thoughts returned, scenes from last night flashed in her mind.

It was like a bolt of lightning striking her brain!

Her heart twitched violently, and she clutched the blanket in her hand tightly.

Her entire body felt as if it had been cut by a sharp blade, and her body was throbbing with pain.

She sat up. There was no one beside her. There were a bunch of crystal lights on the ground. Why were the lights on the ground?

She was surprised, but she did not have time to think about this. She washed up in the bathroom.

She swore that if she saw him again, she would kill him!

In the bathroom, the huge dressing mirror reflected her pale face.

Suddenly, she remembered something important

She quickly washed up, put on her bathrobe, and walked out of the bathroom. She called the front desk to get a box of medicine for her.

"please send me a box of medicine, the kind that takes less than 24 hours, " Qin Sheng said politely.

A man's figure pressed down, and his slender fingers pressed down on the phone.

"You're quite familiar with the business. Everyone knows that it takes less than 24 hours. " Gong Mochen's eyes were rolling.

How much did she not want to give birth to his child Five years ago, and five years later. Did she think that he would let her take medicine this time?