May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 640 - Chapter 640 whose child was 10

Chapter 640: Chapter 640 whose child was 10

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Xi SI has done too many wrong things. It has nothing to do with you. There's no need for you to be arrested with him, " Gong Mochen said.

The one who was at fault was Xi SI. Willam had just participated in the political situation not long ago, so Willam had nothing to do with it.

The Kingdom of Riel had already overthrown the imperial system, and the Empire Group had gone bankrupt. Actually, he still hoped that Willam could live a good life.

Willam sneered, "are you teaching me how to betray my father now? Even if I die, I will not betray my father. Moreover, the one who will die will not be me, but you! "

He pulled the trigger with the hand holding the gun, and the bullet shot towards Gong Mochen's chest.

Gong Mochen did not dodge the bullet, and raised his hand to shoot at Willam.

The two shots were fired almost at the same time, and blood spurted out of Willam's chest. He covered his chest with his hand. There was only a bullet hole in Gong Mochen's chest, and there was no trace of blood.

Another gunshot rang out, and Gong Mochen shot away the gun in Willam's hand.

All the actions were completed in the millisecond.

Willam had no weapon, and he did not even have the chance to fight back. His lips pursed into a straight line, "you're wearing a bulletproof vest! Despicable! "

He roared angrily. If it was not for the bulletproof vest, he would definitely have killed him!

"No matter who you want to protect, you have to protect yourself first. I naturally have to wear a bulletproof vest because I still have people I want to protect. I promised her that I would not die. I will hug her to sleep and watch her grow up.

Willam, you're too eager to succeed. You've already lost the calmness and judgment that you should have. My bullet missed by one centimeter and avoided your heart. You won't die.

Go back and tell your father to make the wisest choice. Don't be stubborn. These are the last words I can say to you."Gong Mochen's voice was low. He had let Willam go twice and given him two chances to live.

However, at this moment, he did not know what these two chances meant to Willam, to him, and to Lian Lian.

Fresh blood flowed down the gaps between Willam's fingers. His gaze could see the guards fighting at the foot of the mountain. It was obvious that he had fewer people lying in ambush. The troops swarming over were not something his people could resist.

His gaze was sharp and his lips curled into a vicious arc. He retreated and looked at the man whose back was facing him. He had no intention of catching him and turned around to run towards the dense forest.

He would not let himself fight fearlessly. He wanted to save his own life. He would settle the score with Gong Mochen one day!

Gong Mochen's eyes were always fixed on the foot of the mountain. This was never what he wanted to see.

He had always opposed the war. This was also why he chose to go into business in the end, while Nangong Mochen chose to lead troops to fight the war.

After a long time, he left the mountain forest and went to meet up with Qin Sheng and Lian Lian.


Willam ran back to the castle. He could feel that there seemed to be countless eyes staring at him around the castle. It was estimated that this place had been surrounded by people long ago. They would rush in and kill him and his father with just an order!

He staggered a little and ran straight to his father's bedroom.

The door was pushed open by his hand and seemed to have reached its limit. As the door opened, his body fell to the ground.

Dai Yuyan looked at the boy who ran in with astonishment. "Willam? Willam, what happened to you? "

She got up and rushed towards Willam. She flipped over Willam's body and saw the wound on his chest.

Blood was oozing out from the bullet hole. The boy's face was as Pale as a piece of paper.

"You're injured. Wait a moment, I'll call the imperial physician for you! " Dai Yuyan said.

The next moment, she realized something. There were no more imperial physicians here!

She ran to look for the first aid kit and brought it to treat Willam's wounds. However, she only knew how to bandage external wounds. She cut off Willam's coat and looked at the deep bullet holes. She did not know how to do it.

The worst thing was that she did not know if Willam's bullets had injured his fatal areas.

She could only take out her phone and call Xi Si.

Xi Si, who was in the study, unexpectedly received a call from a woman. He was the one who called her, but she had never called him.

His hand trembled slightly as he swiped the screen.

His voice was still as cold as ice and did not reveal any of his emotions. "What's the matter? "

"Willam is injured. I don't know how to save him! "

Dai Yuyan's anxious voice came from the phone.

Xi Si's eyes narrowed. "I'll be there right away! "

He hung up the phone and rushed to his bedroom.

When he arrived at the bedroom, he saw Dai Yuyan struggling to support Willam, helping him up and walking to the bedside.

Willam's arm was placed on Dai Yuyan's shoulder. His head was hanging down and his footsteps were so erratic that he did not have any strength.

He walked over to support his son and placed Willam on the bed with Dai Yuyan.

The blood that gushed out from his chest dyed the gauze that Dai Yuyan used to cover Willam's wound red.

"Take a look and see if his vitals are injured! " Dai Yuyan said.

Xi Si examined Willam. "His vitals are not injured. He has lost too much blood. Get Glucose and saline from the infirmary and give him an IV! "

As he spoke, he took the scalpel from the first aid kit, put on gloves, and sterilized Willam before performing a simple operation.

Dai Yuyan went to look for glucose and saline. It was impossible for her to transfuse blood to Willam now. There was no blood bag here, so she could only transfuse fluid to replenish his body fluid so that he would not collapse and die.

It was very easy to find these things. There were them everywhere in the infirmary. She also found tetanus shots and various anti-inflammatory drugs that could be used on Willam.

She carried these drugs back to the room. In the room, XI SI had already picked out bullets for Willam and was stitching up his wound.

"How is he? " Dai Yuyan ran over to give Willam an infusion. She had learned about transfusions. Back then, it was because Xi Si was recuperating in her villa that she was forced by Xi Si to learn.

Xi Si was suspicious. Unless it was the person closest to him, no one would be able to touch his body.

Regarding this, she was also surprised. He actually believed her and asked her to give him an infusion. After all, the person who wanted to kill him the most had always been her!

She swiftly inserted the needle into Willam's blood vessels. Because of the lack of blood, Willam's blood vessels had become thin and very difficult to find.

"The bullet did not hit his vitals. He is fine, " Xi SI said.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on the top of his forehead. After his hand was stitched with the last needle, he held Willam's hand tightly.

This was his son. HIS SON WAS ALMOST DEAD!

"But why isn't he talking? is He really okay? " Dai Yuyan's heart was racing. Willam had not said a word since he entered the room. It was as if he was dead.

"He is conserving his strength, " Xi SI explained.

This was the most basic common sense of a person who had been in battle for many years. When his body was on the verge of death, he would do everything in his power to preserve his strength and fight for a higher chance of survival!

Willam felt that the drugs were flowing through his blood vessels. After replenishing his body fluid, he had more strength than before.

"Father, it was eagle who shot me. He admitted that he was part of the United Nations special forces. He was the one who colluded with Fei Teng and dicky! " His tone was filled with unconcealable hatred.

He would make today the most regretful day of Gong Mochen's life!