May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 626 - Chapter 626 love each other

Chapter 626: Chapter 626 love each other

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Yan Biao's hand landed on Shen Tong's body. He lowered his voice, "answer me! Why are you in a daze? "

Shen Tong's voice tensed up, "I, I'm sleeping. "

"I know you're sleeping. Haven't you woken up yet? You've been sleeping since I left yesterday. Have you slept until now? " Sikong jue asked. He had never seen Shen Tong sleep so well.

"No, I woke up early in the morning. I'm sleepy again. " Shen Tong gave him a reason.

Sikong jue looked at the time on his phone. It was already past one o'clock in the afternoon. It was time to take an afternoon nap.

"Oh, then you should rest. I'm going back to my room. "

Shen Tong's tensed nerves suddenly relaxed. She was like a sandbag. All her strength was gone. She could not even sit up.

"Why aren't you leaving? " She grabbed the man's neck.

Yan Biao looked at the woman in disdain and grabbed her wrist.

"You think you can kill me? What a joke! "

Shen Tong could not withstand the man's strength at all. Her hand was broken as if it was in pain.

"I'm not going to kill you. Can you leave? "

She cried helplessly, not knowing what to do.

She was just a girl, a very ordinary girl. She did not want her fianc�� to find out about her dirty deeds, and she did not want her fianc�� to abandon her.

"If you want me to leave, go cook for me first. I'm hungry! " Yan Biao said loudly.

Shen Tong had no choice but to agree. She got up and went to Cook for the man.

There was a half-prepared dish in her fridge. She could cook it as soon as she wanted to eat it.

Sikong Jue's diet was irregular. Sometimes, he would study a medicine and would not leave his room for a whole day. He could even cook it until midnight. When he was hungry and wanted to eat, she would cook it for him as quickly as possible.

When she remembered that Sikong Jue had just returned, she made a tomato egg, a Mapo Tofu, and a braised beef.

Each dish was served on two plates, one for Sikong Jue and one for Yan Biao.

She carried the plates to Sikong Jue's room and placed her fingers on the door. "Brother Jue, the food is here for you. "

Sikong jue opened the door. "You're awake? Why do you still look so pale? "

His gaze focused on Shen Tong's haggard face.

"No, no, I slept well, " Shen Tong denied immediately.

"You're still lying? Your dark circles are about to turn into a panda, " said Sikong Jue.

"Have you found Jian Jian? " Shen Tong placed the tray on the table and immediately changed the topic. She could not let Sikong jue ask any more questions.

Actually, she knew that Jian Jian had not been found since she did not see him.

Sikong Jue's brows sank. "Not yet. The Brat played hide-and-seek with me. He deliberately booked a hotel and lured us there, leaving us with nothing. I don't know where he is hiding. "

Sikong jue was so angry that he wanted to hit Jian Jian when he thought of his son!

How old was he? He could even play with his own father!

When he thought of being played, he thought of how Chu Xia and Ming Tai went to the hotel to look for Jian Jian. The sight of a family of three stung his nerves.

"Jian Jian misses Chu Xia. Why don't you give Jian Jian to Chu Xia? " Shen Tong said.

She originally wanted to keep Jian Jian so that she could keep the man's heart. However, she realized that when Sikong Jue saw Jian Jian, he thought more of Chu Xia!

Her hands were clenched into fists. She really loved her child for so long. She could not bear to part with him again.

"impossible. I will never give my son to her! " Sikong jue denied immediately. He would never be able to see chuxia again if he handed Jian Jian over.

Even if he knew, they were already a family of three. He could not stop them from recognizing each other even if he kept Jian Jian. However, he wanted to grasp something related to Chuxia.

Shen Tong pursed her lips into a straight line. Sikong jue still could not bear to part with Jian Jian. In fact, he could not bear to part with Chuxia even more, could he?

She thought so... ...

"Brother Jue, as long as Jian Jian is in country H, we'll find him sooner or later. Don't worry, have your meal first. I'm going back, " she said as she was about to leave Sikong Jue's room.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from her room.

Shen Tong was shocked.

Sikong jue was surprised. "You're here. Why is there a sound in your room? Is there someone in your room? "