May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 618 - Chapter 618 loving each other

Chapter 618: Chapter 618 loving each other

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Nangong Mochen drove his own car. His finger touched the phone screen on the phone rack, and a number was dialed.

"The contract has been signed, and the contract has been successfully completed, " he said in a deep voice.

"Mm, you did well. Go back and continue to act as your brother. The net is about to close, and you and your brother are about to change back into your own identities. " The man's identity was revealed from the phone.

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first. Go home and coax my wife. " Nangong MOCHEN's lips curled into a wicked smile.

"Wife? Do you really think Qin Sheng is your wife? That's the woman your brother loves. " The man on the phone was very surprised.

"Is there a rule that says I can't like her? She's married to me. The commander can order me to act, and he can also order us to marry and have children? " Nangong Mochen said.

"Hehe, I can't control it. I'm just advising you to stop. You can't beat your brother! " The man said.

Nangong Mochen tapped the phone screen with his finger and hung up.

He had been his brother's spare tire since he was young. Everyone told him that he was inferior to Gong Mochen!

Gong Mochen was a proud and respected business genius, while he was only a general who led troops to war.

Many missions required them to exchange identities and let Gong Mochen complete them. Every time he was told to change his identity, it was an insult to his ability!

This time, he would not change back. From now on, he was Gong Mochen!

He did not believe that he could not do what Gong Mochen could do!

His car sped back to his villa. Qin Sheng was still in the villa.

"Qin Sheng! " He walked into the villa.

Qin Sheng was on the phone with Le Le in the living room. She was asking about Lian Lian. When she saw Nangong Mochen walk in, she hung up the phone.

"Don't try to convince me. I WON'T AGREE TO ANY ADDITIONAL TERMS! "

"My dear, will I agree to something that you don't agree to? Look at this contract. Is there any additional terms? " Nangong mochen placed the contract in front of Qin Sheng.

"You signed the contract? " She looked at the contract in surprise.

This man had the company's seal in his hands. He could also stamp the seal and sign the contract.

"Of course we have to sign it. Do we have to give such a big piece of meat to someone else? However, I have already convinced Willam. There are no additional clauses, " Nangong Mochen said loudly.

He was not lying. There were really no additional clauses. He had only signed a private agreement that was confidential.

Qin Sheng looked at it carefully. There were indeed no additional clauses.

However, she still found a problem. There was a supplementary agreement in the contract. It was about the empire group paying 50% of the capital to their company in advance.

"WHY WOULD XI SI agree to this condition? The capital is huge. Such a huge amount of capital will cause a problem with the capital flow of his group. "

For a group of their size, it was a huge amount of capital. For the Empire Group, even if they could afford it, it wouldn't be easy.

"Why do you care about this? Can't he just pay? " Nangong Mochen took out the contract from the woman's hand.

"That's not how it should be explained. If something happens to his company due to the flow of funds, even if we don't invest much in the early stages, we still have to pay for it according to this construction plan, " Qin Sheng said.

The Empire Group's money was invested to let them all start construction. The Empire Group's money needed to buy all kinds of construction materials, so they didn't have to pay for it. But they had to pay for the Labor.

If the Empire Group had a problem and they couldn't receive the follow-up money, they would also suffer losses.

"Don't worry, what you're worried about won't happen. Have you cooked? I'M SO HUNGRY! " Nangong Mochen changed the topic.

What was there to worry about in a contract that didn't even know how to start work?

He signed the contract only to scam hisith's money and destroy his empire!

"What do you want to eat? Just order takeout. Otherwise, you can drive out to eat. " Qin Sheng didn't have the mood to cook at all. The business deal was done, but her Lian Lian hadn't been found yet.

"How can I not eat? Let's go, I'll bring you to eat! " Nangong mochen pulled Qin Sheng to the backyard.

Qin Sheng was surprised. "There's food in the backyard? "

Nangong mochen smiled. "GUESS! "

Qin Sheng's forehead was covered in black lines. How could she guess However, there was really nothing to eat in the backyard. There was only a greenhouse and a large yard.

However, it was the end of autumn now, so there weren't many flowers.

Nangong Mochen pulled the little woman to the Rattan Chair and Rattan Table and ordered the servants to set up an oven.

"You're going to make a barbecue? " Qin Sheng's eyes were wide open.

Nangong Mochen didn't say anything, but a smile hung on the corner of his lips.

A small pig was placed on top of a large grill. The small grill was placed on the table, and it was filled with all kinds of delicious skewers.

As the charcoal fire flashed with a scarlet color, the skewers on the grill sizzled.

Qin Sheng couldn't help but swallow her saliva. Gong Mochen never let her eat these things, saying that barbecuing was unhealthy. If she wanted to eat barbecue, she had to go to a big star-rated restaurant.

The barbecue there was more of the Japanese bbq, and it was completely not as fragrant as the traditional charcoal barbecue in h nation.

A few mutton kebabs gave off an alluring aroma. There were also oil bubbles on them. Nangong Mochen sprinkled some cumin and Chili powder on them. After roasting them repeatedly for a while, he passed them to the little woman.

"little greedy cat, are you hungry? "

Qin Sheng nodded and took the mutton kebabs. "It's delicious. "

"I knew you'd like this. There's also grilled Bacon wrapped golden needle mushroom. It'll be ready soon. " Nangong Mochen continued to brush some garlic chili sauce on them.

"The golden needle mushroom is delicious. Didn't you give me a Kebab when it's cooked? " Qin Sheng couldn't wait any longer. How long had it been since she ate it She thought it must have been a very long time. Gong Mochen had only taken her to a picnic in the forest once when she was young.

"Alright, alright. Be careful not to burn your mouth. " Nangong Mochen passed the skewer to the little woman. "Eat it slowly. There are also grilled chicken wings and grilled sausages. "

Qin Sheng swallowed the food. "Do you have grilled eggplant? "

"Yes, I know you like grilled eggplant. Last time, you ate an entire one in one go. How many can you eat this time? " Nangong mochen teased.

That time, the little girl had scared him. He didn't expect her to eat so much. He was even worried that he would feed her until she became a fat girl!

Qin Sheng almost choked on her food. How would he know that she ate an entire roasted eggplant when she was young?

That time, Gong Mochen was the only one who brought her to a picnic, and it was also the only time.

Her gaze landed on the man's hand that was cutting the eggplant. He cut the entire long eggplant into pieces, then smeared the garlic paste and spicy sweet sauce meat on the inside. He closed the eggplant and placed it on the grill to grill.

All of his actions were the same as what she saw when she was young!

"You... " she paused for a moment. If he wasn't Gong Mochen, how did he know so much?

"Well, uncle, I only like grilled eggplant and a little kebab. I don't like anything else, " she probed.

"WHO said that? Last time, I caught a small mountain pig in the forest and grilled it until it was cooked. You ate until you were stuffed! I was the one who carried you down the mountain when you came back, " Nangong Mochen said casually.

Qin Sheng's mind flashed. How did he know... ...