May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 613 - Chapter 613 love each other

Chapter 613: Chapter 613 love each other

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Hmm, looks like Qin Sheng, right? " Gong mochen pinched NIAN NIAN's little face with his fingers.

"What are you doing? Don't break it! "

Without waiting for Lian Lian to speak, the man gave up. He pushed Gong Mochen's hand away and rubbed Lian Lian's little face with heartache.

"Damn, she's not your daughter. Do you have to do this? " Gong Mochen ridiculed.

"Only if she's not your daughter would you be willing to break it. Let me tell you, even if she's Li Ang's daughter, if you don't treat her well, see how I'll deal with you! " The man shouted.

"You'll deal with me? Can You beat me? " Gong Mochen had a disdainful look on his face.

The man's face stiffened for a moment. Heavens, how was he supposed to respond to that?

He really couldn't beat Gong Mochen. "since your subordinate has offended your superior, I'll see that you're courting death! "

"Hehe. I'll be leaving first. You enjoy it slowly. Remember to take it lightly and send it to the place for me. " After saying that, Gong Mochen turned around and ran away.

He couldn't disappear for too long, or else Willam would definitely suspect him.

The man's lips twitched. Take it lightly Did he really think this little thing was a thing? !

He wrapped Lian Lian in his windbreaker and disappeared with her at the end of the alley.


Nangong Mochen was entangled by the two boys and couldn't chase Lian Lian at all. He was in a hurry to escape but was entangled by Jian Jian and Willam.

Qin Sheng ran up to the rooftop and saw the people fighting.

"Stop, where's Lian Lian? " She asked anxiously.

"Lian Lian was let go by the two of them! " Nangong Mochen said.

Seeing Qin Sheng ask this, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Qin Sheng didn't meet Lian Lian.

"She ran away? I brought my men to search the entire town, but they did not find Lian Lian, " Qin Sheng said.

Her men searched every street in the town. If Lian Lian was there, it was impossible that they could not find her.

Nangong Mochen used a feint and took a few steps back, dodging the attacks of the two boys.

"I won't play with you guys today. Darling, let's go! " He put his arm around Qin Sheng's shoulder and brought her downstairs.

Willam and Jian Jian also stopped fighting. When they heard that Lian Lian could not be found, the two of them were anxious to find Lian Lian.

Nangong Mochen had always been by Qin Sheng's side, and his men had all gone out to look for Lian Lian. However, when everyone returned, they only said three words: They could not find Lian Lian.

Qin Sheng's heart was in her throat. It was not easy for her Lian Lian to run out of the castle, but she had disappeared again!

Gong mochen comforted Qin Sheng, "maybe she is playful. Maybe she has gone somewhere to play. We will keep people here. As long as she wants to go home, she can look for anyone we leave behind and find us. "

Of course, he had to keep people here. He could not let Lian Lian contact Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's brows were tightly knitted. Lian Lian would not go missing for no reason, even if she liked to play. She would not go somewhere else to play even though she knew that Lian Lian was looking for her.

"Let's go, " she said helplessly. The whole town had been turned over, but Lian Lian could not be found. This could only mean that Lian Lian was not here.

But where was Lian Lian And who took her away?

She did not know, so she could only slowly investigate.

Nangong Mochen wanted to bring Qin Sheng back to the villa, but Qin Sheng rejected him. Qin Sheng said that she wanted to see Qin ze, so Nangong Mochen could only agree.

Willam stood on the streets of the small town. His men searched until late into the night, but they could not find Lian Lian.

Lian Lian You Dare to run away, Your Life is mine!

His anger rushed straight to his brows, and his eyes exploded with a cold light. He would not let Lian Lian off, he would not!

"Our men should retreat. There is no Lian Lian here, even if we dig three feet into the ground, there is no Lian Lian, " Gong Mochen walked to Willam's side and said.

He had never seen a boy who was full of anger. Even if Willam was almost killed by his mother, Willam did not have such anger.

"retreat. Have you checked the surveillance cameras at the intersection? " Willam asked.

"I have already checked, but I haven't found anything, " Gong Mochen replied.

"Hehe, this little thing wants to play hide-and-seek with me. I'll play with her to the end! " Willam turned around and walked into his car.

Gong Mochen's brows were deeply furrowed. Willam cared about Lian Lian much more than he had imagined.

He followed Willam into the car and returned to the castle.

Jian Jian returned to his presidential suite, packed his things, and ran away overnight.

Less than an hour after he left, Sikong Jue and Chuxia rushed over.

"where's my son? " Chuxia shouted angrily as she looked at the empty room.

In order to reassure Shen Tong, she had stopped fighting with Sikong Jue for Jian Jian. In the end, the child even ran away from home.

The most infuriating thing was that Sikong jue only found her two days after the child ran away from home. He asked her if she had seen Jian Jian. Only then did she know that the child was missing!

"I received news that Jian Jian appeared in this town. Also, we just checked the hotel's check-in records. He stayed here. " Sikong jue felt wronged. The news was accurate. Having a son was more cunning than a Fox. It was not his fault, right?

"Give me back my son! " Chuxia was furious. She grabbed the man's collar and hit him on the chest.

Sikong jue hugged Chuxia with his arms and said gently, "it's my fault. I shouldn't have locked him up. I locked him up because I was afraid that he would run away. "

He had locked him up because he was afraid that his son would run away. In the end, he still could not keep an eye on him. There were iron bars on the windows and doors. In the end, Jian Jian ran to the roof and ran away from the roof with a hole in it.

"Who told you to lock him up? Is he your son or your prisoner? " Chuxia questioned loudly.

"He didn't have to follow you. Why would I lock him up? Chuxia, you can't be so ruthless. You didn't even leave your son to me, " Sikong Jue's voice was hoarse.

"I'm ruthless? Sikong Jue, who was the one who fed me the abortion medicine back then? If I was more ruthless, Jian Jian wouldn't even exist! " Chuxia retorted.

"I know I was wrong back then. I thought about making up for you and your son. It was you who insisted on marrying Ming Tai! " Sikong jue raised his voice eight degrees. Thinking about her marrying Ming Tai made him want to kill her.

"So what if I marry Ming Tai? Don't you still want to marry Shen Tong? Sikong Jue, I don't owe you anything. You have no right to blame me! " Chuxia was about to die.

If she wasn't pregnant again, could she marry Ming Tai?

Ming Tai acknowledged the child and gave her a quiet sky. He protected her and Chu Chu. The only person she owed was Ming Tai!

"I want to marry Shen Tong because... "

"Brother Jue, have you found Jian Jian? "

A woman's voice interrupted their conversation.

Chuxia looked at Shen Tong who walked in and awkwardly retracted her hand that was holding onto the man.

"Shen Tong, you're here. " Her voice was a little awkward, as if her actions of grabbing onto Sikong jue earlier were a little ambiguous.

"I was worried about Jian Jian, so I followed him here. You know that he likes me very much, " said Shen Tong.

Her heart was still beating wildly. If she had not followed him here, what would Sikong jue have said to Chuxia just now?

Was her secret going to be told to Chuxia by Sikong Jue, and would chuxia forgive Sikong Jue?

She did not dare to think about the consequences anymore.

CHUXIA's heart was aching. Both father and son had the same taste, and both of them liked this kind of delicate girl. It was a pity that her strong personality was annoying.

"Yes. Um, Jian Jian is not here, I'll go back first. " She walked past Sikong Jue.

Her wrist was grabbed by the man... ...