May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 535 - Chapter 535 wait for me to love you 25

Chapter 535: Chapter 535 wait for me to love you 25

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Willam's eyes narrowed. He had already learned martial arts at such a young age. His outstretched hand was definitely not inferior to a normal adult's!

His wrist grabbed Dai Yuyan's hand that was grabbing his neck and threw it forward. Dai Yuyan's already weak body was completely unable to resist. She was thrown to the ground by Willam..

"You dare to assassinate me? ! " Willam's voice was extremely cold, extremely similar to his father's!

Mei Qian could not suppress the smile on the corner of her lips. This time, she wanted Dai Yuyan to die for sure!

"HELP! Someone is trying to assassinate the Prince! Quick, protect the prince! Arrest this murderer! " She shouted and called the guards around her over.

It was simply too satisfying. Dai Yuyan had killed her own son with her own hands and used this reason to kill Dai Yuyan!

Watching the mother and son kill each other was the happiest thing she had done in the past few years!

A few guards rushed over and grabbed Dai Yuyan, holding her arm in her outstretched hand.

"Willam, you are already a boy and can handle the affairs of the country. What do you want to do with this woman? She wanted to kill you just now! " Mei Qian's hand grabbed Willam's hand Step by step, she wanted to let Willam die at the hands of her son!

"Prince Willam, the law of our country is to execute anyone who assassinates the Royal Family! " Lisa reminded Willam.

Willam's gaze landed on Dai Yuyan's face. He did not panic at all. His eyes were as bright as sapphires. He said his words slowly, "why do you want to kill me? "

Dai Yuyan felt suffocated by his question. Because his father had killed her child, she wanted to kill him for revenge!

However, she couldn't say it when she looked at the child. She didn't know why, but she looked into his eyes and wanted to cry and hug him!

She felt like she had gone crazy. How much did she miss the Child? She actually wanted to hug Mei Qian's son!

"I, I"

Before she could make up an excuse, a man's voice rushed over from behind them.

"It's because she wants to save you. "

The man's voice instantly shocked everyone. Dai Yuyan clearly wanted to strangle the prince to death, so how did she become the one to save the Prince?

"Who are you? What nonsense are you talking about? How can you just let anyone into the king's bedroom? " Mei Qian immediately shouted.

The man's lips curved slightly, "I am Feiying, I just arrived at the palace yesterday. It was King Xi Si who let me stay here. I just saw the situation here on the balcony, I think it's a misunderstanding! "

Mei Qian looked at the masked man, feiying. She had heard of this man, and also heard that XI SI wanted to recruit this person. She did not expect to get feiying so quickly.

"misunderstanding? I don't think there's any misunderstanding, right? General Feiying, you have to be careful when you speak in the palace. Everything depends on evidence! " She reminded feiying.

She was about to make Dai Yuyan into a prince assassin, but this man said that she was going to save the Prince However, it did not matter. After all, this man had no evidence to back up his nonsense!

Gong Mochen sneered, "Does the Queen want evidence? There's one here. It's on the prince's body! "

As he spoke, he walked to Willam's side and grabbed Willam's body. Then, he opened his palm for everyone to see.

Everyone's gaze was focused on the man's palm. On it was a bee that had been choked.

Gong Mochen looked at everyone's confused expressions and explained "This is the most poisonous wasp. Once bitten by it, it will be fatal. That's why I said that this girl is saving the prince's life! She just choked the prince's neck to strangle a wasp to death.

As she let go, this wasp fell onto the prince's body. However, my vision has always been very good, so I saw it on the balcony just now."

Everyone was stunned. Was It really to save the Prince that he strangled the prince's neck?

However, no one had noticed whether the prince had a wasp on his body just now, and now, there was no way to verify whether the wasp had fallen on the prince's body just now.

"Is that so? Who can prove that this wasp was on Willam's neck just now? " Mei Qian was furious.

Her perfect plan was about to be ruined by this man!

"If it wasn't on the prince's body, then where did I get this wasp? Everyone saw it, I got the WASP FROM THE PRINCE! " Gong Mochen said calmly.

No one could deny that he got it from Willam because everyone's attention was on Dai Yuyan just now. They didn't pay attention to whether there were wasps on Willam's body.

Mei Qian was speechless. She pursed her lips in a straight line and her gaze landed on Dai Yuyan. This woman was really a vixen. Wherever she went, men would save her!

Dai Yuyan looked at the Eagle and felt that her mind was in a mess. Would the Eagle help her?

But she had meddled in the matter between him and Qin Sheng. Didn't the Eagle hate her?

However, her mind also reacted. This was her only chance to survive.

"I was just trying to save the Prince. I grabbed the prince's neck when I saw the wasp. The Wasp landed on the back of the prince's neck, " she said quickly.

Willam looked at the wasp in the man's hand and then looked at Dai Yuyan. He strode towards Dai Yuyan and reached out his small hand to the woman like a gentleman. "thank you for saving me. I'm sorry that I fell on you just now. I'll get you a royal doctor to look at your injury. "

Dai Yuyan's arm was released by the guard. She subconsciously held the child's hand. The child's soft little hand made her tremble as if she had been electrocuted. She subconsciously lowered her head and kissed the back of the child's hand.

"It's my honor to be able to work for the Prince. "

Her voice was slightly choked with sobs. She did not understand what was wrong with her.

Willam retracted his hand and instructed the Guard to summon Dai Yuyan's imperial physician. Then, he looked at Mei Qian.

"mother, since father is not here, shall I accompany you back to the bedroom first? "

Mei Qian forced the expression on her face. "Alright, my son is still filial. Let's go back to the bedroom. "

She held onto Willam's little hand. Unfortunately, she did not kill Dai Yuyan. However, Willam was still in her hands. She had plenty of ways to turn the mother and son into enemies!

After everyone had left the bedroom, Dai Yuyan walked towards her savior.

"thank you for saving me, but why did you save me? I ruined you and Qin Sheng, don't you hate me? I don't like to beat around the Bush, you'd better tell me what your purpose is! " Dai Yuyan said straightforwardly.

The corners of Gong Mochen's lips curled up slightly. He had ruined Nangong Mochen's sleeping with Qin Sheng, so he should return her a favor.

"I just came to the palace, and I need to train my own people. You happen to be a good candidate. You're Xi SI's favorite. "

Dai Yuyan sneered, "I'm afraid you've miscalculated. I'm just his prisoner, a prisoner who will be played to death by him at any time. I can't help you with anything. If you agree to my conditions, I might be able to help you. "

"What conditions? " Gong Mochen asked.