May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 506 - Chapter 506, I want you to be 26

Chapter 506: Chapter 506, I want you to be 26

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng watched as Xinxin slapped Dai Yuyan's face. She anxiously threw the soup in her hand at Xinxin.

"Who gave you permission to hit someone? "

Dai Yuyan's fair face was imprinted with a woman's handprint. She pulled Qin Sheng and left.

However, Xinxin and a few other women, who had been splashed with hot soup, stopped Qin Sheng and Dai Yuyan. The two women held Dai Yuyan down and let Xinxin hit her.

Another woman hugged Qin Sheng and did not let her go over to help Dai Yuyan.

Dai Yuyan raised her leg and kicked Xinxin. Initially, she pitied Xinxin and did not want to argue with Xinxin. She did not expect this woman to not be finished!

Her long leg kicked Xinxin's stomach, causing the woman to take a few steps back. The two women who were holding her down grabbed Dai Yuyan's hair and beat her up.

Suddenly, a few bodyguards rushed over and grabbed Dai Yuyan and the other women who were beating Dai Yuyan up.

Qin Sheng turned her head and saw Xi SI walking in. The man's entire body was filled with a murderous aura!

"reporting to the king, the women who beat up Concubine Dai have been captured! " The bodyguard reported.

The women were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They all looked at Xinxin. It was obvious that this situation was not right. They had been captured, but Dai Yuyan had not been captured.

"King Xi Si, we saw that Dai Yuyan bullied Xinxin, so we helped to avenge Xinxin! "

"Yes, it was Xinxin who made us do it! "

"That's right, I can prove it! "

Xinxin was so scared that she was trembling. "You. How can you do this? You instigated me to beat up Dai Yuyan! King Xi SI, don't listen to their nonsense, I was instigated! "

Xi Si's cold voice rang out. "My woman, if you want to beat or kill her, when is it someone else's turn to do it? THROW THEM INTO THE SEA! "

His woman, even if he wanted to beat or scold her, he had to do it alone. Anyone who dared to touch his woman, just look!

The bodyguard immediately accepted the order and dragged the few women out of the restaurant. Outside was the deck. They could throw them into the sea from there.

The few women screamed in fear. They did not want to die yet!

"WEALE! Save us, we are your girls. We have earned quite a lot of money for you! " Xinxin saw weale walk in with one glance.

They were the top women here. They were here to support weale. She didn't believe that weale would be willing to throw them into the sea!

Weale panicked!

"King Xi Si, even if these women are in the wrong, they're still my women, " he walked over and said.

Xi Si threw a check to weale. "Now they're my slaves. I can do whatever I want with them, right? "

Weale looked at the blank check and nodded. "Sure, go ahead! "

It was blank He could fill in as much as he wanted. He wouldn't offend Xi SI even if he had money. He could buy as many women as he wanted with this money?

He waved his hand to signal for his men to move out of the way and let Xi Si's bodyguards throw people away.

Qin Sheng heard the desperate cries of the few women. She looked at Xi Si as if this man did not even spare a glance at Dai Yuyan. However, he dealt with all the women who bullied Dai Yuyan in the cruelest way possible!

She really could not see through this man's heart.

Dai Yuyan's face was still cold. She did not say a word. King Xi SI's orders were orders, and no one was allowed to change them.

She did not go to get breakfast. She turned around and walked out of the restaurant. She did not look at the king of sith either.

However, she did not know that when she turned around and walked out of the restaurant, the man's eyes looked deeply at her back.

Qin Sheng did not follow Dai Yuyan. She did not know what Xi SI meant. She wanted to stay here and take a look. If there was anything, she could inform Dai Yuyan.

In the corridor, Dai Yuyan saw Ming Tai walking towards her.

Ming Tai saw that there was no one around and walked towards Dai Yuyan. "What happened to your face? Were you hit? "

After all, they were friends. Ming Tai could not be indifferent.

Dai Yuyan smiled coldly. "It's nothing. I was just slapped. "

Ming Tai frowned. "Can't you leave Xi Si? I don't think you and him are happy. Back then, you and Yun Teng... "

He paused for a moment. Because the two of them were going to have a scandal, he and Dai Yuyan could only force themselves to date during that period of time. There was really nothing to talk about, so the two of them could only talk about their other half.

Ming Tai talked about Yun man, while Dai Yuyan talked about Yun Teng.

At that time, he could feel that Dai Yuyan and Yun Teng were very happy.

The two words "Yun Teng" poked Dai Yuyan's tears, and her eyes were full of tears.

"He died, died in my arms. It was Xi SI who killed him. I WANT TO KILL XI SI TO AVENGE HIM! " Her tears could not be controlled. She had not cried for so many years because she had no friends to confide in.

Ming Tai's heart stopped. He stretched out his arm and a friend hugged him, "don't cry. A person can not be resurrected after death. It is too dangerous for you to kill Xi Si. I believe that Yun Teng does not want to see you like this for him.

"Leave Xi SI and live your own life. Forget about all those grudges. "

He knew that Dai Yuyan would definitely feel that she owed Yun Teng too much. However, he couldn't let Dai Yuyan go just for revenge.

Dai Yuyan forced a smile. No matter if she wanted to avenge Yun Teng or not, she couldn't leave Xi Si.

"I know what to do. I haven't had the chance to tell Xi si about you yet, but he will do what he promised me. Don't worry. I'll tell him later. "

"Okay, I will wait for your news, " Ming Tai said.

Dai Yuyan nodded, got out of Ming Tai's arms, and strode back to her room.

However, not long after, the bedroom door was kicked open by the man!

"This is the person who asked for your help, right? Ming Tai, I forgot that you two had a scandal. Are you planning to fake it? " Xi Si's voice was cold.

Dai Yuyan asked him to help her save two people, and he agreed. However, Dai Yuyan refused to tell him who asked her. He was really curious. Ever since she became his prisoner, Dai Yuyan had never contacted the outside world. Who else could persuade Dai Yuyan to ask him?

He naturally agreed to the woman's request. He really wanted to know who that person was. Who could be so important in this woman's heart.

It seemed that he had an answer today!

This person was Ming Tai. Moreover, they were still hugging just now, and Dai Yuyan was crying!

For so many years, no matter how much he abused Dai Yuyan, she had never cried. Yet, she was crying in this man's arms!

He swiped the phone screen and showed Dai Yuyan the photo on it. It was a photo sent to him by his subordinates. It was a photo of Dai Yuyan and Ming Tai hugging.

Dai Yuyan pursed her lips into a straight line. Only then did she know that Xi SI had placed so many spies around her!

Her lips pursed into a straight line. "You promised me not to ask. I have no obligation to answer you. "

Actually, the person who begged her was not Ming Tai. It was long before Ming Tai called her. Someone had already called her. She did not want to get involved in such matters, but that person told her that Qin Sheng was a member of the Yun family and was Yun Teng's cousin.

She felt that she should do something for Yun Teng, so she agreed to that man's request. Ming Tai then called her, so she naturally agreed.