May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 496 - Chapter 496, I want you to be 16

Chapter 496: Chapter 496, I want you to be 16

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Xi Si patted Dai Yuyan's Perky Butt. "That's too easy. How can you hire me like that? "

Obviously, the man was not satisfied.

As long as Dai Yuyan got off the man's body and walked around the room smoothly, she would never avoid being seen by the man. After all, he had seen it so many times that she would sometimes wonder when he would get tired of it!

In the changing room, all their clothes had been hung up. They were in the inner area. She had found what she was looking for. As long as she was there, those things would follow her like a shadow.

One after another, sexy little clothes that made people blush and their hearts beat. The cloth was so small that it was better not to cover it.

She picked up a Leopard's ear and put it on her head. A small leopard-patterned clothes barely covered the important parts of her upper body. Below it were leopard-patterned pants in a t-shape. There was also a Leopard's tail on her back.

Fortunately, the gloves and foot gloves of the Leopard's claws and a leather whip.

She put on these things and walked out of the changing room. Then, she knelt on the ground and imitated the movements of the leopard, crawling step by step in front of Xi Si.

She handed him the whip with both hands.

She had a very thorough understanding of such things. She had to make Xi SI happy today. Otherwise, she would not be able to save the person she wanted to save.

Xi Si sat up from the bed and looked at the woman beside his legs. He took the whip and lashed it at the woman.

"Why are you so obedient today? Didn't you say that you would never wear this kind of clothes even if you died? "

He had prepared these things for many years, but this damn woman would never wear them unless she begged him.

She wouldn't wear them even if she was hung in the room and beaten.

This was a serious challenge to him. There was nothing that he, King Xi Si, couldn't order, and this woman dared to disobey his orders.

After becoming his woman, she wanted to leave immediately and elope with her first love.

Everything he used could only be his!

The more she didn't want to be with him, the more he wanted to trap her for the rest of her life Want to kill him He would torture her for the rest of her life and see who would tame who in the end!

The whip hit the woman's body, making a crisp sound. This kind of whip wasn't a formal whip. It was very loud, but it wouldn't break a person's skin.

However, it would also hurt and leave red marks.

Dai Yuyan endured all the pain and still wanted to imitate the Leopard's cry. The humiliation made her heart tighten. She hated this man to death. She kept stepping on his bottom line, and even turned her proud and cold personality into his most hated bandit aura. In the end, this man.. Still wanted to press on her body every day.

"Hehe, Dai Yuyan, you can only be my prisoner for the rest of your life! " Xi Si said fiercely.

Dai Yuyan's eyes were misty as she continued to whimper. She knew that the more painful she was, the happier the man would be.

Her fair back was already covered in red blood marks. The Leopard's tail on the woman's buttocks piqued the man's interest. He grabbed the Leopard's tail and used the whip to whip the area below it.

Dai Yuyan held her hands on the ground and clenched them into fists. Everyone knew that Xi si was a pervert, especially in this aspect.

She endured all the pain. Other than mimicking the Leopard's cry, she did not dare to make any other sound.

In the blink of an eye, the whip was wrapped around her neck. Come over and eat well!

Xi Si sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed the whip with his hand. The woman was dragged to his legs. His gaze twisted the woman's eyes and she looked down with all kinds of dissatisfaction. Her dissatisfaction was a challenge to him. He wanted to see her submit to him, even if he was forced to.. She had to submit to his feet!

"Hurry Up, I miss your tongue! " He ordered.

Dai Yuyan felt so disgusted that she wanted to vomit. This was the most humiliating position, but she had no other choice... ...


In Qin Sheng's room, Jian Jian was eating the remaining durian. "Mommy's food is so delicious. Durian are all BOBCAT'S! "

"You know the variety of Durian? " Qin Sheng was surprised. Jian Jian was only five years old.

"I do. My Mom taught me. When she was busy with work, I would go to the supermarket to buy Durian for her, " Jian Jian said.

Qin Sheng's forehead was covered with dark clouds. This early summer was really something. Jian Jian had to do this kind of work.

She touched Jian Jian's head, feeling sorry for him. "It won't happen again in the future. Ming Tai will take care of your mommy and you. "

She believed that Ming Tai would be a good man!

Jian Jian ate the last mouthful of Durian. "Mommy, let's live here from now on. It's so good here. The House is better than home, the food is better than home, and there are so many aunties to play with me. "

"little thing, just get some good food and I'll capture you. There's no freedom here. By the way, have you done what I asked you to do? " Qin Sheng asked.

Jian Jian nodded. "I saw those bodyguards leave, so I went over and threw a life buoy into the sea. Will that bad aunt live? "

Qin Sheng shook her head. In the sea, what were the chances of survival with a life buoy?

"I don't know. Let's see her luck. "

"Mommy, why did you save a bad person? What if she survives and comes to harm you again? " Jian Jian asked.

"I hope that she has experienced life and death and can see through some things. I hope that she will wake up, " Qin Sheng said.

She sighed softly. If Yan Fei had woken up earlier between them, things would not have turned out like this.

"Mommy, aren't you going to bandage your wound? " Jian Jian pointed at Qin Sheng's arm.

"The wound isn't deep. It's just a scratch. It doesn't need to be bandaged, " Qin Sheng explained.

It was only because of a cut by the blade that the skin would bleed. The wound had already scabbed, and it would heal when the scab came off by itself.

After Jian Jian finished eating the fruit, he thought of the ice cream cake again. He wondered if there was still any left when he went back?

"Mommy, I'm a little hungry. I'm going to the restaurant to eat something. " After he said that, he ran away.

Qin Sheng stared at the back of the little boy. The child's digestion was really fast. Just now, he was so full that he could not eat. Now, he wanted to eat again.

She shook her head helplessly. She would forget about the next few days. When she went back, she would definitely make Jian Jian lose weight.

She got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Just now, she and Yan Fei were covered in sweat, and her body was sticky.

After she finished washing, she realized that she had forgotten to get her clothes washed. She definitely could not wear old clothes that were stained with blood.

She could only take off her bathrobe and put it on, then walked out of the bathroom.

Suddenly, she was shocked. The tall figure of the man was standing in her room.

"What are you doing here? " Qin Sheng's hand subconsciously grabbed the collar of her bathrobe. The collar of the bathrobe was too big.

Nangong Mochen's gaze became long and narrow, twirling the woman's dripping hair.

"Have you showered? " He walked step by step into the woman and felt the moist and hot breath coming from her body.

Qin Sheng retreated step by step. "I won today. You CAN'T ENTER MY ROOM! "

Nangong Mochen reached out and grabbed the woman's wrist. She pulled her arm away and pulled her into his embrace... ...