May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 487 - Chapter 487, I want you

Chapter 487: Chapter 487, I want you

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"F * CK! Let go of me! My arm is very precious! Do you know how much my surgery costs? " Qian Chuan yelled in pain.

"Hurry up and tell me! If you don't tell me, I'll cripple your arm and make it impossible for you to have another surgery for the rest of your life! " Sikong Jue said.

"No! No! Didn't I already tell you? Ming Tai said that it wasn't his child, and then Chuxia said that she wanted to abort the child, " Qian Chuan quickly said.

Sikong jue suddenly let go of his arm. He gritted his teeth. Damn woman, because she knew that the child wasn't Ming Tai's, she wanted to abort the child!

He turned around and rushed out of the office!

Qian Chuan rubbed his broken arm. He was on the verge of vomiting blood from the pain. "Sikong Jue, if you have the guts, don't do it in my hands. Otherwise, I'll kill you! "

He glared at Sikong Jue's back and said fiercely.

He suddenly thought of something. Chuxia regretted not having an abortion in the end. The child was saved. Should he tell Sikong jue about this?

He slapped himself hard. What a bitch. His arm was almost broken by Sikong jue just now, and he still wanted to tell Sikong jue about this?

He felt that there must be something wrong with his brain. He promised not to tell Sikong jue about Chuxia in front of him!


Sikong jue rushed to Chuxia's room and pushed it open. He had lost his son, and the one in his stomach was missing. He hated this woman so much that he wanted to kill her!

Ming Tai looked at Sikong Jue who had barged in with surprise and stood up. "Don't you know to knock when you enter? "

Sikong Jue's stiff lips twitched. "knock? Do I need to knock when I'm in my woman's room? I've played with her from the inside out. She was only 18 at that time.

Do you know where we had sex for the first time On the SOFA and on the table. Tsk Tsk, she always likes excitement. She didn't take the usual route for the first time!"

"Sikong Jue! YOU BASTARD! " chuxia roared angrily. Her entire body was trembling with anger. What did she owe this man for him to humiliate her like this?

She had sex with him when she was 18 years old, but she was drunk that time. She would lose consciousness when she was drunk. She had no idea what she had done with Sikong Jue.

When she woke up again, she realized that she had done such a thing with a man.

She did not regret giving birth to Jian Jian, but she had always felt that the ridiculous thing she had done at 18 years old was a stain on her life. After all, she did not accept onenight in her bones.

However, this stain was said out loud by a man in front of Ming Tai!

Her lips trembled, and her hands clenched the blanket into fists.

"I'm a bastard? I admit that I'm a bastard. Only a bastard is worthy of a bitch, isn't that right? Hehe, otherwise, why would the heavens think that we're a match and pair US up? " Sikong jue said with a cold smile.

"Who are you saying is a couple with you? I'm not going to be a couple with you! Even if all the men in this world are dead, I won't be with you! " Chuxia said fiercely.

"Don't make it sound so nice. You even gave birth to my son, yet you still make yourself sound so noble. Are you trying to lie to another man? Does Ming Tai know that Jian Jian is my son? " Sikong Jue's voice suddenly turned cold.

She immediately aborted the child when she heard that the child was not Ming Tai's. Wasn't it because she wanted to be with Ming Tai?

He was so angry that he wanted to destroy himself when he thought of this. She was heartless enough to abort his child in order to marry Ming Tai!

CHUXIA's face suddenly turned Pale. She did not expect Sikong Jue to know that Jian Jian was his son!

"What, what did you say? Jian Jian is not your son. Stop dreaming! " She denied immediately.

"No Since he is not, why would he have a congenital heart disease like me Let me tell you, I have a congenital heart disease. This disease is hereditary. I still have the DNA that Jian Jian and I tested. Do you still want to deny it?"Sikong jue asked aggressively.

How much did Chuxia not want to admit that Jian Jian was his son Was she so afraid that Ming Tai would find out?

His heart ached. He had seen clearly just how much she hated and hated him!

CHUXIA's heart twitched. So he knew about it a long time ago. However, he did not Acknowledge Jian Jian even though he knew!

How much did he not want this child Otherwise, shouldn't he acknowledge the child as soon as he found out?

"So what if the child is yours? I gave birth to the child and raised it. It has nothing to do with you! " She retorted.

Ming Tai placed his hand on Chuxia's shoulder. The woman's trembling body let him know how injured she was. He wanted to give her the most comfort.

"Don't be angry. It's not worth it to be angry for such a scumbag. He doesn't even deserve you to miss him! " He said to Chuxia.

He turned to look at Sikong Jue "I already know about the child. So what if the child is yours? Jian Jian was born by Chuxia, so he is Chuxia's child. I love Chuxia and her child. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I love Chuxia and everything about her. Don't you dare try to sow discord between us! "

Sikong Jue's hand was clenched so tightly that his arm was shaking. "asking you to help me raise my son sounds like I'm bullying you. When the child is found, I will take the child away. I will raise my child. "

The man's words hurt Chuxia's heart. "Who gave you permission to Take Jian Jian Away? I won't give you the custody of Jian Jian! "

"Do you think I won't give it to you? I have custody of my child's biological father, and I'm the only one who can treat his illness. I believe in the court's decision. With my strength, I'll definitely give Jian Jian to me! "!

"You have to change the child's name too. His name is Sikong Yi, " Sikong Jue said loudly. His son would be healthy and free to fly.

CHUXIA's heart twitched. "What right do you have to take custody of him? What right do you have to change his name? He's my son. If I want to call him Jian Jian, his name will be Jian Jian! "

He was really too much. He even wanted to change the child's name!

"Does Sikong Jian sound good? If you want to scold me, you don't have to use the child's name, do you? ! " Sikong jue roared angrily.

This woman hated him so much that she used the child's name to scold him!

Chuxia was stunned. It took her a moment to figure out what made Sikong jue angry. SIKONG JUE was cheap!

"Hehe, that can only be because you have a mental problem. I named the child to make him healthy! Only your twisted mind would think of Sikong jue as cheap. That's your own problem! "

The child was told that he had a congenital heart disease when he was born. His name was Jian Jian. It was purely because he wanted the child to be healthy. With his surname, she could only think of the first time they met.

It could be considered as a memorial to the man who did not want him.

That was their first time meeting... ...

Sikong jue was so choked by the woman that he could not speak. He gritted his teeth so hard that they were about to break. "twisted? My mind is twisted? Alright, since you look at me this way, I will let you know that I can be even more twisted!

"The child, I want it "I will see you in court when the child is found! "

He turned around and walked out of the ward. He Must Save the child and put it by his side. Damn woman, if you want to see the child, fine, I will make her kneel If she doesn't serve him well, she can forget about seeing the child!