May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 456 - Chapter 456, one night 6, was auctioned

Chapter 456: Chapter 456, one night 6, was auctioned

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"He's taking a bath in the bathroom," Qin Sheng replied.

"He also asked me to get the first aid kit for him. He's injured." She suddenly remembered this matter.

There were several wounds on that man's body. When he was pushed into the bathtub, the blood had already dyed the water red.

Gong Mochen's eyebrows were pressed down. "He's in the bathtub, and he asked you to get the first aid kit for him? You and he were both in the bathroom?"

He instantly grasped the key point.

Qin Sheng's heart skipped a beat, and she pushed the man in front of her. "It's not what you think."

Gong Mochen hugged the woman. "Tell me, did he touch you?"

He was really worried. Nangong Mochen clearly wanted Qin Sheng. Otherwise, he wouldn't have brought her here. Nangong Mochen and Qin Sheng had been here for a while. If he wanted to do something, he had time!

"No!" Qin Sheng pinched the man. Suddenly, an idea popped into her mind. "I have an idea. I'll take the first-aid kit and go in, and then..."

Before she could finish, Gong Mochen pressed his hand against her mouth. There was anger in his eyes. "You want to go in when the man is bathing?"

Didn't this girl know that Nangong Mochen could be naked?

"If I go in to see him now, he will be at a disadvantage, right? Besides, if I don't go in to cover for you, how are you going to go in?" Qin Sheng retorted.

She had thought about the current situation. They wanted to capture General Feiying, then take him as a hostage. Only then could they run away.

If they wanted to capture General Feiying, they couldn't alert his subordinates. So, she could only go in to distract him, think of a way to make him turn around, and then Gong Mochen could preform a sneak attack.

However, the man didn't seem to appreciate her plan.

Gong Mochen glared at the little woman. "Give me the first-aid kit!"

He wanted to save his woman, so why would he need her to plot for him?

Qin Sheng brought Gong Mochen back to the bedroom and took out the first-aid kit from the bedside cabinet.

Gong Mochen picked up the kit and went to leave. Qin Sheng pulled the man back and lowered her voice. "What are you doing?"

She was afraid that if he went in carelessly and General Feiying called out, his subordinates outside the door would be alerted.

Gong Mochen patted Qin Sheng's hand, signaling her to be at ease.

"Where's my first aid kit? What are you waiting for?" a man's voice came from the bathroom. Nangong Mochen was impatient.

Gong Mochen gave Qin Sheng a look to get her to reply.

Qin Sheng nodded and said loudly, "I'll bring it to you right away."

Gong Mochen carried the first aid kit to the bathroom door, pushing it open.

The man in the bathroom was wiping his wounds with a towel. There were bullets left, and the wounds were still bleeding.

His eyes noticed a shadow reflected on the tiles, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

"My brother, you came so quickly. For that woman, you dare to break into Weale's place? Don't forget, we have an international convention!" his words came out from between his teeth.

Gong Mochen closed the door behind him. "I didn't forget, so I didn't bring anyone to fight. Brother, you've gone too far this time!"

He walked over, his entire body filled with anger.

"For the daughter of my enemy, you say I've gone too far. Who exactly am I doing this for? If I didn't want you to give up and break up with this girl, would I have needed to put in so much effort? You shouldn't turn against your mother!" Nangong Mochen stood up in the water. The water was filled with bright red blood and flowed down his body.

"I've said before that you don't need to care about my matters! This is the first aid kit that you wanted. I'm going to take Qin Sheng away. Do you want to surrender yourself, or do you want me to beat you into submission? I see that you have no chance of winning against me with your injuries," Gong Mochen said coldly.

Nangong Mochen sneered and said, "You were the one who leaked my battle plan, right? You stole my identity?"

His eyes were filled with viciousness. Only now did he understand why that traitor was complaining before he died.

In fact, that person didn't betray him. Gong Mochen stole his identity and asked that person for his battle plan. Then, he leaked it to the pirates!

Gong Mochen didn't deny Nangong Mochen's words. "Can you really win against me? Look at you! You're in no fit state."

The corner of Nangong Mochen's lips twitched. "I almost died at the hands of those pirates. What if I died? In order to save a girl, you sent your own brother to die!"

"Brother, I knew that you wouldn't die. Don't think of stalling for time. Do you want to fight, or do you want me to tie you up?" Gong Mochen snapped.

His heart ached. Looking at his brother's injuries, he also felt pain.

However, Qin Sheng was someone that he couldn't leave behind.

Nangong Mochen stepped out of the bathtub and put his hands behind his back. "Tie me up. I'm one step behind. I admit defeat!"

He knew he had no chance of winning against Gong Mochen with his injuries. Rather than fighting, he might as well let his brother tie him up.

Gong Mochen put down the medicine box and took out a bandage. This situation was truly non-negotiable.

"This is for the best. After I leave, you can ask the doctor to clean your wounds."

He reached out and grabbed Nangong Mochen's arm to tie him up.

"Qin Sheng's waist feels very nice, and her small mouth is perfect. Her fingers were soft, especially when she undressed me. Her slightly cold fingertips trembled a little, and she was so embarrassed that her face turned red. You're very familiar with how she is, right?" Nangong Mochen's eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"What did you say?" Gong Mochen's anger rushed out.

"Didn't she tell you? She undressed and bathed me. We've already done it. Her waist is one palm wide. I could hold it with one hand. It felt very soft." Nangong Mochen deliberately spoke slowly. It stimulated Gong Mochen's mind, and he suddenly kicked his leg backward, kicking Gong Mochen.

In order to dodge Nangong Mochen's leg, Gong Mochen could only let go of Nangong Mochen's hand.

As Nangong Mochen's fist came towards him, he stretched out his hand to block Nangong Mochen's attack.

The two men fought with all their strength.

Qin Sheng heard the commotion in the bathroom. She hurriedly walked over to open the door, lowered her voice, and said, "Uncle, are you okay?"

She pushed the door open and wanted to help Gong Mochen.

"Get out! Don't look!" Gong Mochen kicked the door shut. Nangong Mochen was naked; how could he let Qin Sheng in!

As Nangong Mochen pounced on him, he kicked him to the ground with a side kick.

He used a bandage to tie up Nangong Mochen's arms.

"You're distracted! That woman is your weakness!" Nangong Mochen said.

He was almost able to control Gong Mochen with one move. If he wasn't naked, he could have defeated Gong Mochen!

"I was distracted because she can only be mine!" Gong Mochen said.

"You think you can escape with her? Dream on!"