May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 435 - Chapter 435 can't escape from his palm

Chapter 435: Chapter 435 can't escape from his palm

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Yin Yin carried the soup out of the kitchen again and saw Nie Feng walking towards her.

She went around Nie Feng but was blocked by him.

"Who is this soup for? If it's for Qin Sheng, come with me. I want to test the soup," Nie Feng said.

Yin Yin pursed her lips and pointed to Li Ang's room upstairs.

Nie Feng took a look and ordered the female doctor behind him, "Someone, test the soup."

Whether Yin Yin was willing or not, her soup was taken away.

Soon, the test results were out. The soup was completely fine, and it was a good soup that nourished the body.

Nie Feng then let Yin Yin go and let her take the soup upstairs. He also sent the female doctor up to treat Qin Sheng's injuries.

Yin Yin walked up the stairs, and cold sweat dripped from her forehead. She was really close.

She had put something in the first bowl of soup, but Qin Zirui had spilled it. She didn't have any medicine in her hands, so she couldn't put any in this bowl even if she wanted to.

Qin Sheng looked at Yin Yin and the doctor who walked in, and her eyebrows sank. She looked at Li Ang and said, "You asked the doctor to come? Didn't you say that I'm fine?"

She only had a few minor abrasions on her body. These would be healed in two days at most.

Li Ang looked at the female doctor. "You'd better have a check-up just in case. Anyway, it's good for you. Since you don't like to take medicine, can't we not take medicine?"

He didn't dare to say no. He was afraid that Gong Mochen had called him, and Qin Sheng didn't want to see him.

"Yes, Miss Qin. I just want to check you over. I won't prescribe medicine for you," the female doctor said.

Qin Sheng could only nod her head and agree to the doctor's request.

The doctor walked over to examine Qin Sheng. Li Ang and Yin Yin were on the sofa. Yin Yin gave Li Ang a bowl of soup.

Li Ang tilted his head to peek at Qin Sheng. He was depressed. The doctor was blocking him, so he couldn't see anything.

After a series of examinations, the doctor only found a few abrasions on the girl's body. They weren't serious.

She told Qin Sheng to have a good rest and then left the room.

Gong Mochen was in the corridor. He said in a cold voice, "How is she?"

The female doctor walked over. "Her injuries aren't serious. If she doesn't apply any medicine to her abrasions, she'll be fine in a week at the latest. There are marks on her neck. Her throat and vocal cords aren't hurt. She just needs to recuperate."

Gong Mochen took a deep breath and finally felt relieved. "Her stomach hasn't been good these days. She vomits. What illness is it?"

"All kinds of stomach problems can cause vomiting. It can't be seen from the outside. It's best to take miss to the hospital for a gastroscopy," said the female doctor.

Gong Mochen frowned. It was such a painful thing to do a gastroscopy. Qin Sheng would never go.

"Is there any way to treat the stomach disease? She doesn't like to take medicine."

The doctor sighed. How could she treat the disease if she didn't like to take medicine?

"Well, how about food therapy? It can also be adjusted to the diet."

The doctor couldn't think of anything else without doing a more detailed examination, especially if Qin Sheng didn't like to take medicine.

"This can be done. Write a few recipes for food therapy for the chef," Gong Mochen instructed.

"Yes," the female doctor agreed and went downstairs.

Qin Sheng drank the tonic soup given by Yin Yin and left Li Ang's room. She didn't want to stay here for another minute.

She went to look for Qin Zirui to inform him about the embezzlement of public funds.

However, she found that Qin Zirui was not in his room. She turned around and was about to leave when she met Zheng Min in the corridor.

"Second Aunt, do you know where Second Uncle went?" she asked.

Zheng Min sneered and said, "You're looking for him? If you want to find him, follow me."

Qin Sheng followed Zheng Min, but Zheng Min took her out of the main building of the Qin family villa.

"You have a car, right? Drive your car," Zheng Min said.

Qin Sheng opened the car door and let Zheng Min get into the car. Since she was the one driving, she wasn't worried that Zheng Min would do anything to her.

"Second Aunt, where exactly is Second Uncle?" she asked.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you find him. I want to find him too!" Zheng Min said fiercely, suppressing a ball of fire in her heart.

Qin Sheng followed Zheng Min's directions and drove. She was surprised to see the Half-human World come into view.

Qin Zirui was in the Half-human World?

She wasn't surprised that Qin Zirui had such a hobby, but why did Zheng Min bring her here?

Before she could say anything, Zheng Min got out of the car and rushed straight towards the Half-human World's main door.

The bodyguards at the main door immediately stopped the woman who was about to rush in.

"Madam, we're not open during the day!" The bodyguards made a human wall to block the way.

The Half-human World was a place where men played with women.

All the men who came to this place were rich and powerful. The bouncers could tell that this woman was also rich, but they didn't dare to touch someone like her.

They could only form a human wall to stop her from entering.

Zheng Min's eyes were red with anger. "Get out of the way! If you don't get out of the way, I'll kill you all!"

She took out a knife from her purse and slashed at the bodyguard who was blocking her.

The bodyguard dodged. No one wanted to be stabbed to death.

When the bodyguard dodged, Zheng Min took the opportunity and ran through the door.

The bodyguard immediately became angry. He turned around and rushed to grab the woman's wrist. "You can't go in!"

Zheng Min's hand that was holding the knife was grabbed. She was so anxious that she wanted to stab the bodyguard with the knife, but she couldn't.

"Let go! Let go of me! Or I'll call the police!" she shouted.

Her voice alerted the people inside, and Qin Zixian walked out.

"Who's causing trouble here? Throw her out!"

Following Qin Zixian's words, the tall bodyguard grabbed Zheng Min and threw her into the courtyard.

"Qin Zixian! B*tch! You actually allowed your brother to see other women behind my back! I'll kill you!" Zheng Min woke up from the shock of seeing Qin Zixian. She never thought that Qin Zixian was the owner of this place.

Qin Zixian walked out of the door and slapped Zheng Min's face. "How dare you scold me! Don't you dare scold me again! F*ck, does he really need me to find women for him? Don't you know how many women he has abroad?"

Zheng Min was clearly angry because her husband was playing away with women behind her back. But it had nothing to do with Qin Zixian. She couldn't care less!

She turned her head and signaled her subordinates to call Qin Zirui out. She didn't care about his business!

Qin Zirui ran out. "D*mn it, do you have nothing else to do? You came here to cause trouble for me! Get lost!"

Zheng Min finally saw her husband, but she couldn't move her arm at all because of the bodyguards.

She cried loudly, "Do you all see? This is how the Qin family treats me! My sister-in-law finds women for my husband! My husband has more than ten women. I want a divorce!"

Many lights suddenly flashed, and reporters came out from behind the trees. A rich family in turmoil! Divorce created the best gossip!

The corner of Qin Zirui's lips twitched, and she kicked Zheng Min. "Crazy woman! If you dare to make trouble for me, I'll kill you!"

"You saw it! He wants to murder me! I want to ask the police to protect me! He cheated! He wants to compensate me for my mental loss. I want half of his property!" Zheng Min shouted as if she was afraid that the cameras couldn't see clearly.

Qin Sheng was speechless. It turned out that Zheng Min had brought her here because she wanted a divorce...

She walked over and said, "Second Aunt, you can't split the assets now. Because Second Uncle embezzled a huge amount of company money. He needs to pay back the company's money first! Second Uncle, please pay back the money!"

Qin Zirui didn't expect Qin Sheng to investigate so quickly. His lips pursed. He saw that Qin Sheng was courting death...