May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 433 - Chapter 433 could not escape from his hands

Chapter 433: Chapter 433 could not escape from his hands

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng felt as if her neck was about to be crushed. She lifted her foot and kicked the man's lower abdomen. The thin heel of her shoe hit the man directly.

The man was in so much pain that he was convulsing. His large hand forcefully pushed Qin Sheng to the ground. "You b*tch, you're courting death!"

He lifted his foot and kicked Qin Sheng. He originally wanted to strangle the woman to death, but at that moment, he was in so much pain that he wanted to torture her instead!

Qin Sheng didn't have time to get up from the ground. She saw the man's foot as it came towards her. She reached out and used the computer to block the kick.

This time, the computer was completely shattered, and the weapon in her hand was gone.

The man took out a pistol from his pocket and aimed it at Qin Sheng's head. His eyes flashed with a fierce gaze as he pulled the trigger...

A gunshot rang out, so loud it nearly burst Qin Sheng's eardrums. She watched helplessly as the man fell in front of her.

For a moment, Qin Sheng, who hadn't regained her senses, stared blankly at Nie Feng behind the man.

Luckily Nie Feng came, or she would have lost her life!

Nie Feng ran over and helped Qin Sheng up. "Miss Qin, are you okay?"

Qin Sheng's mind was pulled back by Nie Feng's words. "I'm fine."

"I'll take you back to the bedroom," Nie Feng said.

"No need. You take care of him first. I'll rest here for a while," Qin Sheng said.

Nie Feng looked at Qin Sheng. After confirming that she wasn't injured, he helped her sit on the sofa in the corridor and let her rest. And then, he carried the man out of the side building.

Qin Sheng's heart skipped a beat. She sent Nie Feng away. She quickly returned to her father's bedroom. The floor had been pried up by the man just now. She wanted to know why he'd pried up the floor and what was hidden inside...

She walked over and picked up the pried up floorboards. She saw a wooden box inside...

What was it?

She took out the small wooden box and opened it. She saw a letter inside.

She quickly put the letter into her leather bag, put the wooden box and the wooden board back, and then ran to the sofa.

Nie Feng just happened to come back. "Miss Qin, let me send you back to your bedroom. The president will be back soon."

Qin Sheng's forehead darkened. Why did he want to come back?

"Then let's hurry back to the bedroom."

She hadn't had time to read the letter!

Nie Feng brought Qin Sheng back to her bedroom. Qin Sheng closed the door and hurriedly took out the letter.

The letter had been hidden so well that she thought there must be some secret inside.

When the letter was opened, she looked at the words on it in astonishment.

It was a letter that Nan Gong Chi wrote to her father, Qin Zixuan. It was a provocation to Qin Zixuan, saying that Qin Zixuan had stolen his woman and that he had taken Yun Xi away. If Qin Zixuan dared to harass Yun Xi again, he would die.

Qin Sheng's heart tightened. The truth of that year seemed to have surfaced. It turned out that Nan Gong Chi and Qin Zixuan had fallen in love with Yun Xi. Yun Xi might have been Nan Gong Chi's girlfriend, but she had gotten together with Qin Zixuan later on.

Meanwhile, Nan Gong Chi couldn't let go of the hatred of being robbed of his love. He warned Qin Zixuan that if she continued to pester Yun Xi, he would take Qin Zixuan's life!

Judging from the time and date of the letter, it was written one day after her mother had written to her father.

Her hands hung limply. All the evidence was just proof that her father had been killed by Nan Gong Chi!

The car accident was definitely not an accident!

She stuck her hands into her hair. Her father's death wasn't an accident, and she was making out with the murderer's son!

She blamed herself deeply. To her father and mother, she was ultimately an unfilial daughter.

While she was in a daze, there was a knock on the door.

"Qin Sheng, what's wrong? Open the door!" It was Li Ang's voice.

Qin Sheng opened the door and let Li Ang in. "I'm fine."

Li Ang pushed the wheelchair and came into the room. "How can you be fine? I saw you being escorted back by Nie Feng. Your face is so pale?"

He reached out and touched the woman's small face. Her pale face made him worried.

Qin Sheng couldn't help but cry. "I'm really fine. It's just that the wind blew sand into my eye."

Li Ang's arm wrapped around the woman's waist and he let her sit on his lap. "There's wind in the room? If you don't want to say it, don't say it. I'll lend you my shoulder."

The man's gentle voice entered Qin Sheng's ears. She was so tired. Her heart was really tired. She leaned her head on Li Ang's shoulder. She just wanted to find a place to take a rest.

"Li Ang, if my parents' death is related to the Gong family, what should I do?" she whimpered.

Li Ang roughly understood what had happened. "Did you find out something else? Qin Sheng, I said that love is not something that can be willful. If you two are together, you will only hurt each other. Whether it is him or you, your families will not accept your relationship."

He spoke from the bottom of his heart. With the blood debt, no matter how much they loved each other, they couldn't love each other anymore. After all, they couldn't ignore the feelings of their loved ones. Moreover, Qin Sheng couldn't let go of this feeling in her heart.

Qin Sheng's tears wetted Li Ang's shoulders. "I know, I promised Grandpa."

Her hands were clenched into fists. She had promised Grandpa, but she had deliberately put the matter of settling the score with the Gong family to the back of the pile.

Suddenly, the door opened and Gong Mochen's tall figure barged in. At a glance, he saw the little woman being carried by Li Ang.

"Li Ang! Let go of her!" His eyes were filled with anger.

"Why should I let go? Don't forget that Qin Sheng is my fiancé. Qin Sheng, let's go and call your grandpa." Li Ang deliberately angered Gong Mochen.

The corner of Gong Mochen's lips twitched. "Qin Sheng, come down!"

He reached out his hand towards the little woman. As long as she was willing to come down and come into his arms, he would pretend that this didn't happen.

Qin Sheng looked at Gong Mochen coldly. "Uncle, I want to sit on my fiancé's leg. Li Ang, take me to your room."

Her heart was in a mess. She clenched her fists and her nails pierced deeply into her palm.

She could see the man's face instantly turn black. But just as Li Ang said, if they were to stay together, it would only hurt them.

She hadn't yet avenged her parents, but she slept with the murderer's son every day.

Was she still human? Would her parents ever rest in peace?

The corner of Gong Mochen's lips twitched. "What are you saying? Say it again!"

Qin Sheng's heart was pounding. "Say it a few more times! It's always the same sentence. Uncle, if you can't make the murderer of my parents apologize, stay away from me!"

Gong Mochen clenched his fists. "I will investigate this matter."

Qin Sheng laughed bitterly. "Do you want to investigate it, or do you want to create an illusion for me? My father was killed by your father! Gong Mochen, do you still want to deny it? Do you dare to let me see your mother face to face?

"It's been so long... Aren't you happy that you played with me? How stupid am I to actually have sex with the son of a murderer!"