May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 423 - Chapter 423 pregnancy, pregnancy 23

Chapter 423: Chapter 423 pregnancy, pregnancy 23

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Sikong Jue's pupils constricted. He really wanted to push Shen Tong away, but Shen Tong was crying like she was wronged. He couldn't bear to push her away.

"Shen Tong, get up. Stop crying," he coaxed Shen Tong.

Chu Xia averted her gaze awkwardly. She knew that Sikong Jue had gone to prepare the medicine for Jian Jian. She wanted to see if the medicine had been prepared, but she ended up bumping into someone else!

She turned around and walked into the room. Her heart felt uncomfortable. Even though she knew that they had always been childhood sweethearts, even though she knew that the person she should love was Ming Tai, she still couldn't control herself. It was a very, very uncomfortable feeling.

Sikong Jue could see that Chu Xia's expression wasn't good. He helped Shen Tong up and let her go back to her room to rest. He chased after Chu Xia.

"Chu Xia, don't misunderstand!" He ran into the room and grabbed Chu Xia's hand.

"There's no misunderstandings here. Jian Jian wants to take a nap. I just wanted to see if his medicine is ready." Chu Xia's expression was normal.

Sikong Jue's heart was cold. Chu Xia didn't even frown. She completely ignored the matter between him and Shen Tong.

Did that mean that he truly wasn't in her heart? She really didn't think of him in a romantic way...

Indeed, he wasn't in her heart. As long as there was a little shadow of him in her heart, she would mind, right? After all, he was Jian Jian's father!

His hand dropped to his side. "Well, I've prepared the medicine. I'll give it to Jian Jian now."

He walked towards Jian Jian and gave the medicine to the little boy.

CRASH! The sound of something breaking could be heard in the room.

Chu Xia walked out in surprise. Something smashing again and again echoed into her ears. It was coming from the kitchen.

She quickly ran into the kitchen and saw the broken porcelain on the floor. Ming Tai stood awkwardly among the broken porcelain. The floor and the countertop beside the sink were all filled with water and bubbles.

"I didn't expect it to be so slippery." Ming Tai smiled awkwardly. He never thought that he would fail so badly. He had only washed a few dishes and a few bowls, but he had turned it into such a mess.

Chu Xia couldn't help but laugh. Ming Tai was wearing a kitty cat candy apron. His embarrassed expression made her laugh uncontrollably.

"Oh my! I'm dying of laughter!" Chu Xia giggled.

Ming Tai looked at the laughing woman. He was extremely embarrassed. He imagined that Chu Xia laughed because she saw him wearing the pink apron.

He stepped over the broken porcelain and took a step to the woman's side. His large hand grabbed her arm. "It's just an apron. Don't laugh!"

"Oh Ming Tai, this is so funny! You look so cute in women's clothing!" Chu Xia laughed until tears pricked her eyes.

A grown man wearing a little girl's apron was really a sight to behold!

Ming Tai reached out and hugged the woman, locking her in his arms. "If you laugh again, I might have to teach you a lesson..."

Chu Xia continued to laugh loudly. She had never seen him look like this. He was always so serious and broody. She reckoned that she would never have the chance to see Ming Tai wearing women's clothing again!

"Wait a moment, I'll take a photo to commemorate it." She took out her phone to take a photo of the man.

"No photos!" Ming Tai put one hand around Chu Xia's waist and used the other hand to snatch her phone.

Chu Xia stretched her hand out high. "Just one photo?"

"No, you'll ruin my image. You can't take any photos!" Ming Tai protested. If Chu Xia took a photo of him, he would definitely be laughed at by her for the rest of his life!

From the moment Ming Tai saw her to now, he had never seen her laugh so much.

Such a smile made him want to take care of her. He wanted to take care of every single smile on her face, so that she would always be the happiest woman!

"Ming Tai! You've gone too far!" a man's voice roared from outside the kitchen.

Ming Tai turned to look at Sikong Jue and Shen Tong who had run in.

His eyes narrowed. "How have I gone too far?"

Sikong Jue gritted his teeth. If he had come a little later, Ming Tai would have gone even further with Chu Xia!

He hated Ming Tai so much that he wanted to hit him, but they were a public couple. He didn't even have the right say anything!

Ming Tai smirked and said, "But I don't think I went overboard."

"That's right! How did Ming Tai go overboard? It's his first time doing the dishes and it's normal for him to break a few bowls!" Shen Tong walked over and stood between her brother and Ming Tai.

"I'll compensate you for the broken bowls. I'll buy you a set from the internet later," said Chu Xia. It was more convenient to shop online now. She could buy two sets for Sikong Jue.

This man should be satisfied with that, right?

Only Sikong Jue knew that what he said had nothing to do with bowls.

"Pay me? Ming Tai, can you afford it?" Sikong Jue said coldly.

"I'm sorry, I can afford it. I'll give you a cheque. You can fill in as much as you want!" Ming Tai took out a cheque from his wallet and put it on the table.

He took off his apron and held Chu Xia's hand. "Let's go."

"It's all priceless to me! You can't afford it!" Sikong Jue said.

Did Ming Tai think that a cheque was enough to buy off his relationship with his son and Chu Xia. What the hell did Ming Tai think of him?

"Brother Jue, you're too much! It's just a few plates and bowls, and you want to take Ming Tai's money?" Shen Tong walked over, picked up the cheque, and tore it into pieces.

She turned to Ming Tai and Chu Xia. "You can leave. Ignore my brother. I don't want a single cent!"

Ming Tai looked at Shen Tong. "We'll leave now. Please take care of Jian Jian. Call me if anything happens."

Shen Tong nodded vigorously. "Okay, I got it. Don't worry. I'll send you a picture of Jian Jian every day. I'll make sure he's healthy!"

During the meal, Ming Tai and Chu Xia had added Shen Tong as a friend. It would be too easy to contact each other in the future.

Ming Tai held Chu Xia's hand and led her out of the kitchen. They drove away from Sikong Jue's house.

Sikong Jue was still standing in the kitchen sadly. Shen Tong held his hand.

"Brother Jue, it's too much to make someone pay for those bowls. I know you've worked hard to earn money. Don't be angry."

The man's expression made Shen Tong worried. She had never seen Sikong Jue so depressed. It was as if all the splendor in his body had disappeared.

"Tong Tong, tell me, how do you do it? You like Ming Tai, yet you're happy for him to be with Chu Xia. Aren't you angry?" asked Sikong Jue.