May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 414 - Chapter 414 pregnancy, pregnancy 14

Chapter 414: Chapter 414 pregnancy, pregnancy 14

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia really wanted to say yes, but when she saw the man's dark face, she decided not to tease him anymore.

"No, no, let's go."

Sikong Jue grabbed Chu Xia. "No, tell me clearly. What kind of person am I in your heart?"

"Well, you're..." Chu Xia paused. "To be honest, I don't have you in my heart." She shook Sikong Jue's hand away.

She strode towards the hospital. Her eyes were misty, and she bit her lips. When she cared about him the most, he hurt her badly. When she wanted to forget him, he tried his best to crawl into her heart.

Unfortunately, she was already carrying Ming Tai's child. If she couldn't turn back, why would she bother?

Sikong Jue stood rooted to the ground. He didn't expect such an answer. He had been thinking about if he had a place in her heart.

It turned out that he was thinking too much. He was not in her heart at all. He didn't even have the right to enter her heart!

Just as Chu Xia walked into the ward, thinking that Sikong Jue would run away because of her anger, Sikong Jue pushed the door open and walked in.

"Jian Jian..." Sikong Jue paused for a moment. "Um, Master is here to see you."

It wasn't the time to introduce himself to his son yet, so he still used the title of master.

He placed a pile of colorful fruits on the table and glanced at Ming Tai.

Jian Jian looked at the fruits and then at the man. "Did Tong Tong ask you to bring the fruits to me?"

Sikong Jue's lips formed into a straight line. What kind of image did he have? Why did no one believe him even when he spent money?

"No, Master was thinking of you and bought it all for you. Do you like to eat peaches?" Sikong Jue said as he took out a peach for Jian Jian.

He looked up and saw the little boy looking at him suspiciously. The little boy stuffed a segment of the chopped peach into his mouth.

"Master treats you badly usually?" He looked at the little boy for an answer.

Jian Jian chewed on the peach with a stiff smile on his face. "Master treats me the best. Every day, he makes me get up before dawn to practice. If I don't practice well at night, he makes me practice without sleep.

"If I'm naughty, he doesn't let me eat. I've lost weight recently. This is all thanks to Master. Master is the best!"

Sikong Jue felt more and more awkward as he listened. Was that meant to be a compliment?

He could already feel Ming Tai's cold smile.

"Master will dote on you in the future. Other than practicing, Master will promise you anything you want!" He touched the child's head with his hand.

His eyes focused on the child's small face. He didn't know how the little boy could affect his mind. He thought that this down to the fact that they were blood relatives.

Jian Jian's eyes shifted. "Really? Master, you're too kind. I want to sleep with Tong Tong every day from now on!"

He got up and kissed Sikong Jue on the cheek.

Sikong Jue forehead creased. How was this brat like him? He wasn't as lustful as him!

When he found a woman, it was only to solve his physiological problems. He never looked at girls like an animal.

His eyes glanced at Chu Xia. She was very similar to him, he realized.

In order to build a good relationship with his son, he could only allow Jian Jian to sleep in Shen Tong's bed.

"Alright, as long as Tong Tong is willing, you can sleep with her."

"Yay! Master, you're too kind. Don't worry, I'll definitely practice my martial arts well. Once I catch that bad guy, I'll beat him to death and avenge Tong Tong."

Chu Jian clenched his small fists tightly. This time, he made up his mind to learn martial arts from Sikong Jue. If his martial arts were good enough, he could protect Tong Tong!

Sikong Jue looked at Jian Jian happily. He had always forced Jian Jian to practice his martial arts, so he could be good at it. The kid had talent, but he didn't use it. Seeing Jian Jian make up his mind, he felt that Jian Jian's heart disease would definitely be cured!

"Okay, Master will take you home?" he asked.

Seeing his son with Ming Tai, he felt terrible.

"Okay. I don't like being hospitalized. Master, let's go!" Jian Jian said.

"No, the doctor hasn't said you can leave hospital yet!" Chu Xia said quickly.

"The director of the hospital is my friend. I can speak to him. Jian Jian can come back with me. I'll take good care of him. Besides, I have the best medicine. It's safer than being in the hospital," Sikong Jue explained.

Chu Xia seemed to be determined to keep Jian Jian away from him. If this girl who lied to him wanted to see her son, she would have to come to his house!

If she didn't confess that Jian Jian was his son, he would continue playing with her!

"I want to go home and practice martial arts with Master!" Jian Jian said to Chu Xia.

Ming Tai held Chu Xia's hand. "Since Jian Jian wants to go back and practice martial arts, let him go back. After all, practicing martial arts is good for his illness."

Chu Xia knew that she should let Jian Jian go back with Sikong Jue. However, she was a little reluctant to let her child work hard. After all, he had just suffered a heart attack.

"Alright then. I'll send you back to the pharmacy," she said.

"No need. I'll drive. If you're worried, you can come back with me," Sikong Jue said.

While everyone was talking, Shen Tong walked in with a large thermal box. "You're all here. I made breakfast for everyone."

"No need. Qin Sheng made us breakfast this morning. We've already eaten," Chu Xia said as she held Shen Tong's hand. "But thank you for your kindness."

"Ah? You've already eaten? Then why did Brother Jue call me to make breakfast?" Shen Tong pouted. If it wasn't for cooking, she would have come to see Jian Jian sooner.

"It's okay. I didn't eat. I'll eat it when we get home," said Sikong Jue.

He didn't know that Qin Sheng would bring food over. He called Shen Tong a long time ago and asked Shen Tong to cook for him.

When he saw Qin Sheng, he was worried about the results of the test and forgot to tell Shen Tong not to bring it.

"Brother Jue, weren't you always here? Why didn't you eat?" asked Shen Tong.

"I didn't want to eat before. Let's bring Jian Jian home!" said Sikong Jue.

Shen Tong was happy to hear that Jian Jian could be discharged from the hospital. She helped Jian Jian change his clothes.

Chu Xia was confused. Was Sikong Jue always here? Why didn't she see him?

Sikong Jue didn't care about the woman's complaints. He carried Jian Jian out of the ward. He held his son tightly in his arms, as if he was holding a rare treasure.

Chu Xia and Ming Tai followed him out. They planned to visit Jian Jian before leaving.

Sikong Jue let Jian Jian and Shen Tong sit in the back seat. He looked at Ming Tai. "There's only one seat left for Chu Xia. I can't take you there."

A luxury car didn't have a row of seats. Instead, there were two separate seats in the back. This car could only seat four people.

Ming Tai's lips twitched. It was obvious that Sikong Jue didn't want to take him there!

"It's okay. I'll drive myself and follow you." He strode towards his own car.

Sikong Jue didn't wait for Ming Tai to come at all. He watched as Chu Xia got into the car and started the engine. All the women and children were in his car. He wanted to see how Ming Tai would react!


In the resort, Qin Sheng, who was in a meeting, received a call from Li Ang. Li Ang told her that the Qin family's old house was on fire. And the place that was most damaged was the side building that was connected to the main building.

Qin Sheng hung up the phone and rushed to the Qin family's old house. The side building had been where her father had lived. Why was there a fire when she was just about to look for her father's belongings?