May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 413 - Chapter 413 pregnancy, pregnancy 13

Chapter 413: Chapter 413 pregnancy, pregnancy 13

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Was Chu Xia punishing him? Not telling him that he had a child because of what he'd done in the past...

His lips fell into a straight line. He had a son...

When he walked to the door of the ward, he saw Chu Xia walking out.

Chu Xia looked at Sikong Jue walking over and was slightly surprised. Why was Sikong Jue here so early?

It was thanks to him that Jian Jian was saved yesterday. If he hadn't given Jian Jian the medicine in time, her son would have surely died. She should have thanked him yesterday.

She stood at the door and waited for the man to walk over. She was about to say thank you to him.

Sikong Jue's eyes were locked on the little woman. He raised his eyebrows. No matter how much she hated him, she shouldn't have hidden his son from him, right?

For a moment he didn't know what to do, what to say. So many confusing emotions flooded him.

He grabbed Chu Xia's arm and pulled her to the corner of the corridor.

"Sikong Jue, what are you doing? Let go of me!" Chu Xia shouted.

She had wanted to thank him, but now she wanted to hit him!

"I... You..." He wanted to speak to her about Jian Jian, but he didn't know how to say it. He also wanted to know why she had named the child Jian Jian.

However, he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't utter a single word.

"What's wrong with you? Did you not take your medicine?" Chu Xia complained. She was going to buy fruit for her son, and wanted to thank Sikong Jue. But now she felt angry with the man for handling her so roughly.

Sikong Jue frowned. The report in his hand was twisted. She had given birth to the child, but she did not tell him. She had sent the child to his side, but she didn't introduce father and son, keeping their identities a secret. He thought that she really hated him. If that weren't the case, she wouldn't have made such a decision.

If he exposed her, would she still have her son by his side?

His heart was torn. Back then, she wouldn't have done anything, but now he was sure that she had the ability to disappear with the child.

Chu Xia looked at the man who was staring at her. She raised her hand and touched the man's forehead. "Didn't you turn on the light when you took your medicine this morning? Did you take the wrong medicine?"

The look in Sikong Jue's eyes definitely didn't look normal!

Sikong Jue waved the woman's hand away. "Who took the wrong medicine? I'm... Um, I wanted to ask, how is Jian Jian's condition?"

He came up with a reason.

Chu Xia's lips twitched. Did he have to drag her to the corner of the corridor just for this?

"Jian Jian's condition is very good. He woke up just now and didn't relapse again," she said.

"Oh, err, can... can I see him?" Sikong Jue asked.

"Sure, go ahead. I'll go buy some fruits for Jian Jian." Chu Xia turned around and left as she said that.

"I'll go too. I'll buy some fruits for Jian Jian with you!" Sikong Jue quickly followed the woman. He had never bought anything for the child before.

Chu Xia was stunned. When did this iron rooster pull out his feathers?

She called Jian Jian. Jian Jian often complained that Sikong Jue didn't buy him any snacks. Only Shen Tong secretly bought him snacks to eat.

It was obvious that Sikong Jue was being stingy. However, she didn't approve of the child eating snacks, so she didn't care about this matter.

She brought Sikong Jue to the fruit stall at the entrance of the hospital. There were a lot of fruits here. Some were from the south, some were from the north, and some were imported.

However, it was all very expensive.

Chu Xia stood at the fruit stall and looked. She didn't intend to buy the fruits that were too ridiculously priced. When she had time to go home, she could buy more fruit from the market near her house. The things there were fresh, tasty and cheaper.

"How much is this red apple?" she asked.

"My produce is imported from the far reaches of the planet! I'll give you a discount for one kilogram. How about 50?" The stall holder looked at the two well-dressed people, his eyes shining with a golden light.

Chu Xia felt like she had been cheated. The fruits were ridiculously expensive here!

"No need, I'll look at something else."

She was single and brought Jian Jian up on her own, so she understood the importance of money more than her peers. She always remembered when she was almost forced to marry an old man for money, so she wouldn't let herself spend a penny recklessly.

"There are also Vietnamese imported lotus mist, American imported cherries, Thai imported durian, Korean..."

"Stop!" Before the stall holder could finish, Chu Xia cut him off decisively. Her eyes curved into a smile. "Are you holding a United Nations Conference for fruits? I just want oranges, bananas, apples, and pears native to this country. Do you have any?"

The stall holder's face instantly fell. Those were all common goods, and he couldn't increase the price by much.

"Are you buying for a patient? There's no sincerity in buying such things! People in the hospital need to be treated."

"Well, give me the best fruits you have! I want all of them. Give me the best, and the freshest!" Sikong Jue said.

Chu Xia held her breath. Why was Sikong Jue acting like this?

She pulled Sikong Jue and said, "Those things were all transported by air. They will be so expensive. I would rather spend the money on something else. I might as well take a plane to America, Thailand, and Vietnam to buy them.

"The apples and pears that are native to this land are all ripe. There's no need to spend a fortune here." Chu Xia refocussed on the stall holder. "Give me four candy apples."

She calculated that Jian Jian would eat two apples a day. Two days worth would be enough, and she could take Jian Jian out of the hospital tomorrow.

The fruit shop owner was speechless and held the apples unhappily.

"Sir, weigh the things I asked for just now," Sikong Jue insisted.

The shop owner's eyes immediately curved into a smile. "This gentleman is so generous! At least he knows how to treat patients in the hospital."

"What did you say? I'm still buying things. Why mock me?" Chu Xia roared angrily.

Sikong Jue held Chu Xia's hand. "It's okay. Let me buy them. Why argue with him? I'm the one spending the money."

Chu Xia glared at Sikong Jue. "You know you're being cheated, yet you still want to buy. Are you stupid?"

Sikong Jue's eyebrows lowered. He wanted to be generous, but he was scolded by the woman!

"It doesn't matter how much it is. As long as Jian Jian and you are happy, it's fine." He looked at Chu Xia affectionately.

Chu Xia frowned uneasily. This guy was too abnormal. His attitude changed as fast as the weather.

"Hey, how much do you want to charge for the medical fees?" She had a hunch that Sikong Jue was trying to earn back the money.

Sikong Jue's forehead darkened. "I don't want Jian Jian's medical fees. I'm doing it free of charge!"

Chu Xia pinched her face. Was she dreaming?

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. "Chu Xia, why are you looking at me like that? Can't I treat you?"

He wanted to make it up to Chu Xia and the child, but the woman looked at him as if he was a monster.

Chu Xia pursed her lips. "Alright, let's make it clear. You're not allowed to ask me for a single cent later!"

He bought a few bags of fruit for a few hundred yuan. He wouldn't dare ask her for money!

Sikong Jue's face darkened as he carried the fruit and returned to the hospital to see his son. "Chu Xia, is that what you think of me?"