May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 406 - Chapter 406 pregnancy, pregnancy 6

Chapter 406: Chapter 406 pregnancy, pregnancy 6

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Ellen and I aren't what you think we are!" Sikong Jue said hurriedly.

Shen Tong's heart was like a crystal. She really couldn't be hurt. Moreover, she was in a state of psychological trauma. He was afraid that if Chu Xia said anything to Shen Tong, Shen Tong wouldn't be able to take it.

"If it's not what I think it is, then what is it? You've known each other for a long time, right?" Chu Xia questioned.

Sikong Jue gritted his teeth. Ellen had whispered into his ear. He realized how suspicious that must have looked.

His eyes narrowed and he said, "Chu Xia, why are you bothered about me and Ellen so much?"

He realized the problem. It seemed that Chu Xia was especially sensitive to him and Ellen.

Chu Xia choked on the man's words, and her face turned red in embarrassment. She glared at the man in front of her. "Are you trying to say I'm jealous of you? Are you kidding me? You're a jerk! I'm not jealous of you!"

Sikong Jue's eyes narrowed on the little woman's blushing face. "You're blushing... Doesn't that mean you're bothered by it?"

He was teasing the little woman. She and Ming Tai were engaged, so why would she be blushing if she really didn't care?

"You! You're so shameless!" Chu Xia turned around and left angrily. She really couldn't win against this man!

Sikong Jue watched Chu Xia's as she walked away and sighed softly. It was time for him to leave. He walked quickly to the parking lot.

The moment Chu Xia entered the room, she bumped into Ming Tai.

"I'm sorry, umm, you didn't lock the door," she stammered.

Ming Tai smiled. "What are you afraid of? Why are you so reserved now? You're not usually like this."

He teased Chu Xia. She was never reserved. She was usually the most energetic one in the room.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. It's just been a stressful day," she whispered.

"Yes, it definitely has! But I have you with me now." Ming Tai lifted Chu Xia's lowered head with his finger. "Chu Xia, I love you!"

She knew clearly that she should accept all of his love and all of his goodness!

Ming Tai frowned. Could she still not accept him?

It seemed that she always had reservations about them, so they couldn't love each other wholeheartedly.

His eyes were filled with sadness.

Chu Xia was like a child who had done something wrong. She was so nervous that she didn't know how to explain to Ming Tai. "I've... I've been pregnant for more than a month."

She stammered her words, hoping that what she said was good enough to pacify Ming Tai.

Ming Tai's lips twitched. "Yes, I know. I'll wait until you can accept me!"

He thought that this was God punishing him. In the past, he had made Yun Man wait for him in an empty room day and night because of work. Now, God was punishing him, making him wait for Chu Xia day and night!

However, he wasn't worried that Chu Xia wouldn't love him. After all, the marriage between the two of them had already been decided!


Outside the hotel, Shen Tong and Jian Jian were looking for Sikong Jue's car.

Their eyes were dazzled. The entire parking lot was filled with luxury cars. How were they going to find Sikong Jue's car?

Jian Jian leaned against the wall of the building. "Tong Tong, we're not looking anymore. When Master comes, let him bring us to the car!"

He wouldn't foolishly run around the parking lot to find a car.

Shen Tong nodded. Her gaze suddenly caught sight of a plant growing at the bottom of the building's wall.

"There's a plant growing here! I'll dig it out and bring it home to raise! There's not enough nutrition here, it won't grow well." She was pleasantly surprised to see the small plant growing in such a place.

Jian Jian didn't know what to say. Wasn't it just a small weed? It wasn't worth the effort to dig it out. The pharmacy never lacked such things!

"Tong Tong, don't go!"

Shen Tong didn't listen to his words. She walked straight to the bottom of the wall and reached out to dig for the plant.

Jian Jian had no choice but to follow her. He crouched on the ground to help dig.

Suddenly, a black figure jumped out of a window not far away from them. The man's silver mask scared Shen Tong so much that she screamed out loud.

"Ah! Ghost!" Seeing the man in the silver mask, Shen Tong was scared out of her wits.

Shen Tong's scream angered the man. The man jumped over and slapped her across the face. He really wanted to kill this woman.

He jumped from a room on the eighteenth floor to the balcony of another room and hid in that suite. He ran from the window of this room to another suite, and hid from Nie Feng's search party.

It wasn't easy for him to climb through the windows to get here. He was about to run away when he was called out by this woman!

"Tong Tong, I'll help you!" Jian Jian realized that Shen Tong was in danger. He bumped into the man's stomach, trying to stop him from hurting Shen Tong!

Nangong Mochen kicked Jian Jian.

Jian Jian couldn't dodge in time and was kicked to the ground by the man. Shen Tong hugged Jian Jian and tried to block another kick from the man.

"Tong Tong!" Chu Jian shouted. He heard the muffled sound of Shen Tong being kicked.

"Someone! Catch the bad guy!" Shen Tong turned around and hugged the man's leg, refusing to let him hurt Jian Jian.

Nangong Mochen, who was in a hurry to run away, raised his hand and hit Shen Tong's neck. Shen Tong fainted from the hit.

Jian Jian got up from the ground. "Bad man! I'll fight it out with you!"

He rushed towards the man...