May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 403 - Chapter 403 pregnancy, pregnancy 3

Chapter 403: Chapter 403 pregnancy, pregnancy 3

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Achoo! Achoo!" Jian Jian sneezed twice and rubbed his nose with his small hands. Who was scolding him?

The next moment, his eyes were attracted to a huge lollipop. He flashed his signature smile at the waitress.

"Auntie, thank you. You're the cutest girl I've ever seen!"

The waitress smiled reasonably. "You're the cutest baby I've ever seen. This lollipop is for you!"

Jian Jian smiled as he took the lollipop that was bigger than his face and licked it happily.

Chu Xia was speechless. This kid had the ability to coax girls since he was young. She didn't know who he inherited it from, but that daddy of his never knew how to make girls happy.

When she thought of Sikong Jue, Chu Xia's heart sank.

She quickly collected her thoughts and stopped thinking about that man. "Jian Jian, you can't eat too much candy. This one is too much."

"Xia Xia, you're not cute anymore. Adults should be gentle with children's requests. Don't you know that we're the flowers of our country?" Jian Jian said.

"Eh, does our country have flowers as fat as you? You can have two more bites and that's it!" Chu Xia was determined not to let Chu Jian eat too much candy.

Jian Jian gloomily ate two bites and handed the candy to Shen Tong to hold. He wouldn't trust others with his prize!

His gaze landed on Ming Tai's face and he smiled as he moved closer to Ming Tai. "You and Xia Xia are engaged. Congratulations."

He extended his small hand like a gentleman.

Ming Tai was stunned. He didn't know what the little boy was up to, but he still cooperated and shook hands with him.

"Thank you for your blessings. When we get married, you will be our flower boy."

Jian Jian blinked his eyes. "Flower boy? Do you know how many people have proposed to Xia Xia, but they were all eliminated by her in the end? There have been too many people who couldn't woo Xia Xia.

"But I still think highly of you. You should be able to rank high among her many suitors. If you work hard, you should be able to woo Xia Xia in your lifetime."

Chu Xia was so angry that her eyes were wide open. When had she ever had so many suitors? This brat dared to spread rumors about her!

"Chu Jian! Tell me clearly, when have I ever had so many suitors?"

Ming Tai raised his hand and stopped Chu Xia.

"I believe that I will be able to marry Chu Xia very soon because I am confident that I am the man who loves her the most!" He roughly understood what the little boy meant. The little boy obviously wanted him to back down.

A look of disappointment flashed across Jian Jian's eyes. Ming Tai was not afraid at all!

His gaze shifted and he seemed to have thought of something. He said to Chu Xia, "Xia Xia, I saw some ice cream with marshmallows. Let me get some for you."

As he said that, he ran out of the lounge.

Chu Xia was so angry that she stood up and chased after him. "Jian Jian, you're not allowed to eat ice cream anymore!"

In the corner of the corridor, she saw Jian Jian standing there like a little *****. He didn't look like he wanted to eat ice cream any longer. She was a little surprised.

Jian Jian waited for Chu Xia to walk over. His melancholic gaze landed on Chu Xia's face.

Chu Xia had never seen such a melancholic expression on her son's face. Even when he had undergone surgeries, her Jian Jian was always optimistic and cheerful!

"Jian Jian, what's wrong? " Chu Xia walked to her son's side and squatted down to look at him.

"Mama, do you not love me anymore now that you have a new man?" Jian Jian asked in a low voice.

Chu Xia's eyes were misty as she pulled Jian Jian into her arms. "How can Mama not love Jian Jian? The person that Mama loves the most is Jian Jian."

"What about that man?" Chu Jian asked.

Chu Xia's heart stopped. She really couldn't say anything about Ming Tai, but she knew that Ming Tai was the person that she should love!

"Jian Jian, remember this. No matter if Mama is married or not, no matter who she marries, the person that Mama loves the most is you!"

Chu Jian's two small arms wrapped around Chu Xia's neck. "Then who is my biological father? Mummy, tell me!"

He desperately wanted to know who his real father was, then he would be able to compare him against Ming Tai to see who was the best.

He wanted to find the best man for his mummy.

Chu Xia was stunned. Chu Jian had never asked about his father before. When he suddenly asked this question, she stammered and didn't know how to tell her son.

She couldn't tell him that the master he saw every day was his father, right?

"Well, that father of yours, he's... He's turned into a little angel in the sky." She came up with the easiest reason to pacify the child.

Chu Jian's forehead darkened. "Mommy, this isn't a fairy tale!"

"Oh, oh, it's not a fairy tale. Then he's a superman on Mars now!" Chu Xia said in all seriousness.

Jian Jian rolled his eyes. "It's not a science fiction film either!"

"Oh, oh, I remember now. He was busy exploring and discovering something. He was taken in by polar bears who took him in as their son-in-law." Chu Xia racked her brain to come up with another reason.

Jian Jian massaged his temples. He didn't know what to say in response to his mother's crazy stories.

"Mother, I've had enough. Let's just forget about it..."

He decided not to ask anymore. If he continued to ask, he didn't know what his mother would say next.

It seemed that he had to rely on his own abilities to find his father!

"Jian Jian, Xia Xia, you guys are here. I went to the banquet hall to look for you guys, but I couldn't find you!" Shen Tong finally found the person she was looking for.

When she went out, she saw that the two of them were gone. She thought that they had already gone to the banquet hall, but they were at the other end of the corridor.

"Xia Xia, look, Tong Tong looks hot and sweaty. Can you help Tong Tong to get a cup of freshly squeezed juice? You have to squeeze it with the Kumquat.!" Jian Jian said.

"No need. I can ask for it myself. Xia Xia doesn't have to get it for me," Shen Tong said quickly.

"It's okay. You and Jian Jian wait for me here. I'll go get it." After saying that, Chu Xia rushed away. Shen Tong took good care of Chu Jian, so she wanted to do something for Shen Tong.

Chu Jian stared at Chu Xia until she disappeared and turned to look at Shen Tong. "Tong Tong, you're the cutest. Help me get some fruits. I want to eat strawberries, figs, egg fruits, Sakya fruits..."

He told her about all the fruits that he could remember.

Shen Tong remembered the names of the fruits and went to get some for Jian Jian. However, she didn't know that the little thing ran away as soon as she left.

He didn't run home. Instead, he ran back to the resting room!

As soon as he entered the room, he burst into tears. "Xia Xia, quickly save Xia Xia!"

Ming Tai was shocked. "What did you say? What happened to Chu Xia?"

"Xia Xia accidentally fell through the ice in the backyard pond just now! My Xia Xia is going to die!" Chu Jian cried loudly.

Ming Tai got up and rushed out of the lounge, heading straight for the pond in the backyard.

The pond had long been frozen, and holes had been gouged into its frozen surface, so that people could fish.

"Chu Xia! Where are you?" Ming Tai shouted loudly.

Jian Jian pointed at a hole in the ice. "She fell there!"

Ming Tai jumped into the hole without hesitation...