May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 401 - Chapter 401 pregnancy, pregnancy 1

Chapter 401: Chapter 401 pregnancy, pregnancy 1

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. Both mother and daughter were as bad as each other, always finding excuses for their inexcusable actions.

"Grandma, Auntie helped me. Why would I hurt Auntie? I haven't even thanked her yet! Could it be that Second Uncle is angry that Auntie helped me and hurt Auntie?"

He Fen's face turned pale. "No, why would Zirui hurt his own sister?"

"But I really do think Second Uncle is angry at Auntie. I think he is the biggest suspect. We should arrest him and interrogate him!" Qin Sheng said.

"Let's ask Zixian first and see what she has to say," said Qin Ze, interrupting the conversation between Qin Sheng and He Fen. He glared at his woman.

When the door to the room opened, Qin Zixian walked out with her head lowered. Her legs were so sore that she struggled to walk. It was obvious that it was caused by overwork.

"Grandpa, let's ask Auntie now," Qin Sheng said.

Qin Ze nodded and gestured for Qin Sheng to lead the way. He followed her to the opposite room.

Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen were in the living room. Qin Ze was sitting on the sofa while He Fen was hugging her daughter and crying.

"My daughter, you've been wronged. Hurry up and tell Mommy who bullied you?" she asked.

Qin Zixian's heart stopped. How could she dare to say Ta Luosi's name? Even if she said it, she didn't know who Ta Luosi was really. They wouldn't be able to catch him.

"I-I don't know who that man was," she stammered.

"Auntie, would you really sleep with a man if you didn't know who he was? Or were you drugged? Auntie, please tell us more about the drugging so that we can help you catch the person who harmed you!" Qin Sheng smiled at Qin Zixian.

Qin Zixian gasped. How could she reveal that she had drugged herself by accident? After all, the drugging was meant for Qin Sheng!

"I don't know how I was drugged. If I knew, wouldn't I not have been drugged?" she said, coming up with a reason.

"Is that so? Then it seems that this person drugged you secretly. Why don't we find out where Auntie went and what she did just now? I think you went to the bathroom. Nie Feng, can you go to the female bathroom and see if there's anything wrong in there?" Qin Sheng said.

Qin Zixian was shocked. "There's no need to go to the washroom. I wasn't drugged in there."

"Then where was Aunt drugged?" Qin Sheng pressed.

"I-I wasn't drugged," Qin Zixian stammered. She knew that if she revealed that she had been drugged in the washroom, Nie Feng would go to the washroom and find evidence. She hadn't even had the time to clean up the incense, so she could only bite the bullet and say that she wasn't drugged!

"Since she wasn't drugged, then was Aunt secretly meeting a man here? Grandpa, Auntie has lost all respect in the Qin family! This matter must be dealt with. Otherwise, if the young miss of the Qin family were to be rumored to be promiscuous, it wouldn't sound good. After all, the Qin family is a prestigious family in this country!" Qin Sheng said to Qin Ze.

Qin Zixian was so scared that her whole body trembled. "No! Dad, I didn't secretly meet a man. I didn't know that man!"

She quickly denied it.

"Auntie, so you weren't drugged and you didn't secretly meet that man? Could it be that you saw a man and dragged him into the room to play on the bed?" Qin Sheng asked loudly.

Qin Zixian was so angry that she almost vomited blood. The more she explained, the more she couldn't explain!

"No, I'm not promiscuous! I'm..." She bit her lips hard. She didn't dare to say that she knew the man.

She was so anxious that she almost hit the wall.

He Fen was also anxious. "You child, why are you talking nonsense? Did that man force you? Quickly tell me who he is, and let your father arrest him!"

Qin Zixian just couldn't say the name of Ta Luosi, because once she said it, she was sure that Ta Luosi would make her die an ugly death!

"N-no, it's not..." she stammered and didn't know what to say.

He Fen was so anxious that she pinched her daughter's arm. "How did I give birth to a child like you? Quickly tell me clearly!"

Qin Zixian was in pain from He Fen's pinch. She pushed her mother away. "You don't need to care about my matters!"

He Fen was almost pushed to the ground by Qin Zixian. "Zixian! You're crazy. I'm your mother!"

"What's the use of having a mother like you? My status in the family is not as high as a b*stard's status!" Qin Zixian roared angrily.

Qin Sheng, the bastard, had become the president, but she had fallen to such a state because He Fen was not Qin Ze's wife!

He Fen's face was pale from her daughter's scolding. "You... how can you say that about me?"

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. "Grandpa, the news has gone crazy online. We, the Qin family, have to take action."

She couldn't be bothered to watch Qin Zixian and He Fen fight, so she let Qin Ze make a choice.

Qin Ze frowned. After a moment, he said in an aged voice, "Zixian did such a disgraceful thing and insulted the Qin family. She clearly doesn't want to stay with the Qin family anymore! Let her go!"

Qin Zixian was so scared that her legs went soft. "Dad, what do you mean? You want to kick me out?"

Qin Ze looked at his daughter in disgust. "What else? Do you want me to let you continue humiliating yourself and the Qin family?"

"No! I won't go!" Qin Zixian pounced on her father.

Gong Mochen raised his hand. "Nie Feng throw her out."

Nie Feng immediately went forward, grabbed Qin Zixian's arm, and dragged her out of the room.

Outside the room, Qin Zixian was dragged away by Nie Feng. Her heart was filled with hatred, and she saw Yin Yin and Li Ang in the corridor.

Her eyes instantly burned with fire. It was Yin Yin and Li Ang who caused her to be expelled from the Qin family!

"It's you! It's you who caused me to be expelled!" she shouted at Yin Yin.

Yin Yin seemed to be frightened. She hid behind Li Ang and looked at Qin Zixian who was dragged away.

Qin Zixian's eyes dug into Yin Yin's face. Did she recognize that girl? For an instant she thought she did. And then the seriousness of her situation sunk in and those thoughts left her.

Li Ang didn't care that Qin Zixian was dragged away. It seemed that the Qin family's matter had been resolved.

He turned to look at Yin Yin. "I'm sorry, Yin Yin. I suspected that you helped Qin Zixian untie the rope and let her escape."

He thought that he was really wrong. How could Yin Yin let Qin Zixian go? It was all thanks to Yin Yin that Qin Zixian was caught and driven out of the Qin Family.

Yin Yin smiled at Li Ang and shook her head. When she saw Qin Sheng coming out of the room, she went up to her.

She gestured with her hands and Qin Zixian was dragged away.

Qin Sheng also felt that she had misunderstood Yin Yin. She held her hand and said, "Thank you."

Yin Yin smiled brightly like a child without any schemes.

Gong Mochen held Qin Sheng's hand and said, "We've been away for too long. It's time to go back to the banquet hall."

Qin Sheng obediently followed Gong Mochen back. She immediately saw Shen Tong and Jian Jian looking for them in the banquet hall.

"Mommy!" Jian Jian rushed towards Qin Sheng.

Gong Mochen frowned and extended his big hand towards Jian Jian...