May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 398 - Chapter 398: Jealous Men can not flirt with 28

Chapter 398: Chapter 398: Jealous Men can not flirt with 28

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Yin Yin quickly retracted her gaze from Li Ang's phone.

Li Ang's brows furrowed. Gong Mochen was right... Qin Zixian was tied up, so who was the one who untied her?

He looked at Yin Yin beside him. She was mute and couldn't write, therefore she couldn't explain herself clearly.

Was there really a problem with Yin Yin?

Would she help Qin Zixian? The kind girl who saved him from hell... She had been in the mountains the whole time. She didn't know Qin Zixian, so why would she help her?

It didn't seem to make sense, and he couldn't explain who untied Qin Zixian's rope. His frown grew more severe.

Gong Mochen took Qin Sheng's hand and brought her back to the banquet hall. There were enough people looking for Qin Zixian. Qin Sheng had to return. After all, her banquet had to continue.

Li Ang also brought Yin Yin back to the banquet hall, but Yin Yin lowered her head and pointed to the bathroom, meaning that she wanted to go to the bathroom.

"Then I'll go back. Do you know the way back to the banquet hall?" he asked.

Yin Yin nodded. She indicated that Li Ang could leave and walked into the bathroom on her own.

When the people in the corridor had dispersed, the bathroom door opened a crack. Yin Yin's eyes peeked out from the crack. After seeing that there was no one in the corridor, she walked out and quickly disappeared into the corridor.

In the banquet hall, Qin Sheng was chatting with the guests. Many of these guests were the directors of the Qin Group. As the newly appointed president, she needed to understand her own directors.

Gong Mochen sat on a sofa, admiring the little woman as she moved through the crowd. His eyes were glimmering.

"Aren't you going to accompany Qin Sheng? I think the eyes of those old men are about to fall on Qin Sheng!" Du Can said with narrowed eyes.

Gong Mochen kicked Du Can's leg. "I think your eyes are about to fall on her. If you dare to look in places you shouldn't, I'll gouge out your eyes!"

Others would only look at Qin Sheng, but Du Can would have other thoughts... She was Gong Mochen's woman, even if they were brothers!

Du Can quickly retracted his gaze. "What are you afraid of? She's wearing clothes! I don't have x-ray vision. But that girl really does have such a fine figure... Ah!"

Du Can cried out in pain and said, "Gong Mochen, are you really going to fight me?"

"You need to show a little respect! I think you don't want your eyes anymore," Gong Mochen said loudly.

"Stingy! I can't even take a look! If you care so much, why don't you stay by her side?" Du Can didn't understand Gong Mochen's problem. If he was that concerned about Qin Sheng and didn't want men looking at her, he shouldn't let his woman entertain these people.

Gong Mochen's eyes were locked on his little woman. "She has grown up."

She had grown up, and her wings had hardened. She needed to fly by herself, and he would protect her from a distance. That was what he should do.

If he stayed by her side, those directors would only acknowledge him and not her. Then it would be meaningless for Qin Sheng to be the president. He wanted Qin Sheng to become the real master of the Qin family, not his accessory!

"You sound so sad. She has grown up. Are you old?" Du Can finally found a chance to argue.

"Get lost! I'm not old! Being my age guarantees quality and quantity," Gong Mochen said proudly.

"You only want one woman... How boring. I like group sex, where a group of women surrounds you and fights to have sex with you. That would be more satisfying!" Du Can said.

Gong Mochen sighed in dismay. "You're still fooling around? Be careful, Yan Miao won't marry you. But how about forcing her to marry you? Get her pregnant?"

At the mention of this, Du Can's face was ashen. "Don't mention that woman. She refuses to get married no matter what. She doesn't get pregnant. Every time, regardless of whether I wear a condom or not, she always takes birth control pills. What the f*ck!

"If I really piss her off, I'll find a random woman to give birth to a child. I don't believe that my grandfather will only acknowledge the Yan family. As long as it's my child, he'll accept it..."

Yan Miao was clearly pinching his weak spot, wanting to control him. Unfortunately, he wasn't a man that could be controlled. Letting him only have one woman for his entire life was worse than killing him.

After a man had obtained money and power, of course, he would want to play with women. Otherwise, wouldn't his life be wasted?

He wouldn't be as foolish as Gong Mochen and Ming Tai!

"You should be careful of the Yan family. Yan Miao's father does real estate. He is not someone to be trifled with," Gong Mochen reminded Du Can.

"If I break off the engagement, I will risk my grandfather's fortune and not inherit it. But why can't I start my own business? If I start my own business, I won't have to be with a woman who'd make me suffer. If I only get to touch one woman in my life, I might as well just die!" Du Can gulped down a glass of wine.

He turned around and saw Ming Tai, who was also drinking. "What's wrong with you? It's not your usual style. You don't like to drink during the day."

He noticed Ming Tai's abnormal behavior.

"It's nothing. I'm just happy and want to drink a few glasses to celebrate. I'm engaged today. Brothers, drink with me!" Ming Tai said.

"Why did you suddenly think of getting engaged? Could it be that you got Chu Xia pregnant and was forced to get married?" Du Can moved closer to Ming Tai and asked.

Ming Tai felt bitter. Chu Xia was pregnant, but the child was not his!

"Yes, she is pregnant," he admitted honestly. The child was going to be born, whether he liked it or not. This wasn't something that he could control.

Du Can was instantly energized. "D*mn! When did you succeed? You didn't even tell your brother! How long has Chu Xia been pregnant?"

"More than a month?" Ming Tai said as he gulped down another glass of wine.

"More than a month? Seriously? But then you lied to us when you said that you didn't have sex with her! Ming Tai, you're not a brother enough. Why did you need to hide this from us?" Du Can retorted unhappily.

Ming Tai forced a smile. "I really didn't lie to you. Drink!"

Du Can realized something. "Could it be that Chu Xia's child isn't yours? Tell me quickly!"

When Du Can said this, Ming Tai flew into a rage. He kicked Du Can. "I want to kick you to death! If it wasn't for that time when you called for help, I wouldn't have left Chu Xia alone! She wouldn't have been taken advantage of if I was with her!"

Du Can looked wronged. "Brother, what are you talking about? What did I do wrong? When did this happen?"

"It was the time when he brought Chu Xia to the Moonlight Club. We were all called away by you. Chu Xia's child was conceived on that night," Gong Mochen explained.

The wine glass in Ming Tai's hand was crushed by his fingers, and the broken glass fell onto the coffee table. "Mochen, help me check the surveillance footage at the Moonlight Club. The person I want to catch is the one who raped Chu Xia. I want to tear him to pieces!"