May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 395 - Chapter 395. A jealous man can not flirt with 25

Chapter 395: Chapter 395. A jealous man can not flirt with 25

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng turned around and saw Qin Zirui and Qin Yunbo rushing in. She didn't expect them to come back so soon.

"Second Uncle, do you even have the right to object? You are not my grandmother's son."

Qin Zirui took a deep breath. This was the most depressing thing for him. If he was the son of his father's first wife, wouldn't the property be his?

"But I am Dad's son. Dad, if you want to give the property to Qin Sheng and let her marry with it, whose surname will the property be under?" he said.

"Didn't my grandmother get married with the property? Why can't I? Second Uncle, you have to find a better excuse," Qin Sheng said.

"That's because your grandmother's family didn't have a son, and your grandmother was an only child! Dad, doesn't our family have a son? The Qin family has so much property, and you're going to let this woman inherit it? Doesn't the Qin family have any respect?" Qin Zirui said.

When he received the news from He Fen, he rushed back with his son, saying that the Qin family's property couldn't be inherited by Qin Sheng!

Qin Ze frowned deeply. "Let's think about this. No matter what, we have to restore Qin Sheng's name today. No matter what, she's still my granddaughter!"

Qin Sheng almost laughed out loud. Qin Ze was really generous. How could he even continue to deny that she was his granddaughter? Her arrest warrant had already been revoked. No one could stop her from restoring her name!

"Grandpa has thought it through. I must become the CEO of the Qin family today!" she said sternly.

Qin Ze's eyes were locked on the aggressive girl. After not seeing her for a few years, she was much more mature than before. He already knew how important his trump card was.

Indeed, if she insisted, he would definitely agree, because there was still Gong Mochen outside!

He couldn't let the will really become the will!

"Let's go out. It's time for your press conference," he said in his aged voice.

"Dad, what are you thinking!" Qin Zirui called out unwillingly.

Qin Ze stretched out his hand to signal for Qin Zirui to shut up.

Qin Sheng's lips curved into a harmless smile. "Grandpa is the wisest. Let's go out and have a press conference!"

She strode out of the lounge.

The reporters in the banquet hall had already set up their cameras, waiting to take Qin Sheng's picture.

Qin Sheng gracefully walked towards the rostrum. Her gaze swept across the crowd below the rostrum and she immediately spotted Gong Mochen, who was the closest to her.

The man stood there without saying anything. His aura was enough to intimidate everyone in the banquet hall, including Qin Ze, who had followed Qin Sheng onto the rostrum.

Qin Sheng gently opened her red lips and said, "Everyone has been suspecting that I am Qin Sheng. Today, I will hold a press conference. Let me explain to everyone that I am Qin Sheng. The Qin Sheng who disappeared many years ago. Yun is my grandfather's surname. In fact, I am also Yun Sheng."

"It is rumored that you planted the bomb to blow up CEO Gong. Is this true?" a reporter asked.

"Of course it isn't true. At that time, I left the country with my boyfriend, Duke Li Ang. I didn't plant the bomb. Moreover, the arrest warrant has been revoked. I believe that everyone has seen it," Qin Sheng said.

"Then, who is the person who planted the bomb?"

"Was it a frame-up to frame Miss Qin for not being able to bear the surname Qin?"

"That's right! If we can catch the person who planted the bomb, we should tie that person to the bomb!"

Qin Zixian listened to everyone's discussion. Her face was pale and her hands were clenched into fists. She had revoked the arrest warrant and Qin Sheng had saved Li Ang, but Qin Sheng still refused to give her the video!

She looked up at Qin Sheng and saw that Qin Sheng was staring at her. Her heart suddenly trembled. Qin Sheng's eyes were like a knife. She took a deep breath. Qin Sheng wouldn't take revenge on her, would she?

Qin Sheng raised her hand to signal for everyone to be quiet. "I've already explained my identity to everyone. My grandfather has something to announce now."

Qin Ze looked around. Everyone's eyes were focused on him. They wanted to know what he was going to announce.

"I want to announce that my granddaughter, Qin Sheng, will be the CEO of our Qin family!"

"I object!" Qin Zirui shouted impolitely. "Dad, I have 20% of the company's shares. I'm the director of my company. I have the right to object to the appointment of the CEO. Zixian, you also have 10% of the shares. You object too, right?

"My son also has 20% of the shares. Now that's 50% of the shares that object. Who else would object to Qin Sheng being the president? As long as the majority rejects, she won't be able to be the president!"

He looked at Qin Sheng proudly. Qin Sheng definitely wouldn't have thought of this ending because no one knew that Qin Ze had secretly transferred the shares to their name.

Qin Sheng definitely didn't expect Qin Ze to be so cunning. He held 50% of the shares and then distributed the other shares. No matter what, he had a way to stop her from being the president. Because Qin Zirui and Qin Zixian would never let her be the CEO!

Her eyes landed on Qin Zixian's face, and she said firmly, "I believe that Auntie will support me to be the CEO! Auntie, don't you agree?"

Qin Zixian's face was stiff, and she didn't know how to answer Qin Sheng.

"Zixian, tell her that you object!" Qin Zirui said loudly.

Qin Zixian was dragged forward by her brother and staggered. "I, I..."

She paused. Qin Sheng had already picked up her phone and smiled at her. What did she mean? She knew very well that Qin Sheng was warning her that if she went against her, she would send the video!

"I-I support Qin Sheng," she said in a low voice.

Qin Zirui looked at her sister in surprise. "What did you say?''

"I-I said I support Qin Sheng to be the president," Qin Zixian said again.

"You're crazy!" Qin Zirui pushed Qin Zixian away, almost knocking her to the ground.

Qin Zixian was pushed onto He Fen's body. She had a hard time explaining it to her brother.

He Fen hugged her daughter. "Zirui, why did you push your sister? She didn't want to see the Qin family arguing over the position of president. We can't all oppose Qin Sheng to be the president and make it look like we're bullying Qin Sheng, can we?"

"Yes, Miss Qin Zixian is still kind-hearted!"

"Yes, it's not easy for Miss Qin Zixian to make such a choice for her niece and brother!"

Many people were talking about Qin Zixian, as if they had seen a holy maiden!

If not for the fact that there were so many people, Qin Sheng would have rolled her eyes at Qin Zixian. How was she kind-hearted? She was obviously afraid that the matter of her planting the bomb would be exposed!

Regardless, it was a good thing that her position as the president was now fixed!

"Since Auntie supports me, and Second Uncle and his son only have 40% of the shares, I am the president with 60%! The CEO position is mine!" Qin Sheng said and she clenched her small hands. She had already taken back a portion of her property!

Qin Zirui suddenly thought of something...