May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 388 - Chapter 388 jealous men should not be flirted with

Chapter 388: Chapter 388 jealous men should not be flirted with

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Han Qing's face stiffened. "What are you trying to do?"

Nangong Mochen sneered. "Are you afraid that I'll do something to your son?"

"Mochen, don't say that. You're my son too. You're both the same to me!" Han Qing said.

"But he's the high and mighty CEO Gong, and I'm only Ta Luosi. But I have to thank you for sending me to a near-death situation. Otherwise, how would I have the ability to cook poison?" Nangong Mochen said coldly.

"Your brother will take back what the Yun family and the Qin family owe me. When that time comes, as long as Qin Sheng disappears, Mochen will not leave me!" Han Qing's hand exerted force, and a flower broke in her fingers.

"You are still thinking about him. Didn't you say that the two of us are the same to you? Since we are the same, does it matter to you who's by your side in the end?" Nangong Mochen said.

Han Qing's heart froze. She didn't know how to respond to her youngest son. Fortunately, her youngest son wasn't forcing her to answer and she went back to her room to rest.

Looking at Nangong Mochen, she clenched her hands. She owed her youngest son, but should she use her eldest son to make up for her youngest son?

Her heart was deeply conflicted...


In Li Ang's room, Yin Yin walked out after taking a shower. She was wearing a white bathrobe and carefully walked in front of Li Ang, like a puppy that had done something wrong.

"Go to the bed and lie down," Li Ang ordered.

Yin Yin walked to the side of the bed and lay down. Her heart was beating wildly. Was she about to achieve what she wanted?

She could hear the sound of the man's wheelchair approaching her. Her hands couldn't help but clench the bedsheet tightly.

The man's hand grabbed her gown and pulled it down, revealing her back.

At that moment, her breathing was still. Her entire body was stiff and she didn't dare to move. She suppressed the urge to turn around and hug the man.

A strong smell of medicine followed and the man's hand rubbed her back.

Her pupils constricted. All her expectations were washed away by the smell of medicine. Was he just applying medicine on her?

A man's voice came from above her head.

"The injury isn't light. This is the medicine that I asked Sikong Jue for. It's to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. I'll apply it on you, and I'll get Ha Siqi to take you to the hospital in a while," Li Ang said.

The woman's back was covered by a large green and black bruise. It was clear how hard Gong Mochen had hit her. He was afraid that Yin Yin's internal organs or bones would be damaged.

Yin Yin shook her head and let out an aggrieved sob.

Li Ang's gaze landed on the back of the woman's head. "Gong Mochen hit you too hard. I know you're aggrieved, but he was just nervous about Qin Sheng. That's why he did what he did..."

He paused and didn't continue speaking.

The more he spoke, the more twisted this situation felt. Gong Mochen had acted so concerned about Qin Sheng, so what was he doing?

He was the Yun family's appointed grandson-in-law. He was the one who should be nervous about Qin Sheng!

He raised his hand and stopped rubbing the woman's back. "When the medicine is done, I'll ask a waiter to help you apply the medicine every day."

His heart was in a mess. He still hadn't seen Qin Sheng!

He pressed the button on the wheelchair, wanting to go to Qin Sheng's room.

Yin Yin felt Li Ang's alienation. She got up and ran to him, blocking his way. She gestured with her hands, wanting to go out with him.

Li Ang's eyes avoided Yin Yin's. "You put on your clothes. I'll go and see Qin Sheng. It's not convenient for you to go."

Yin Yin's eyes turned cold, as if ice was flowing out of them. She raised her hand and put on the bathrobe.

It turned out that her body wasn't attractive to Li Ang... He didn't even look at her!

She watched the man's wheelchair pass by her. She clenched her fists even tighter, and her nails dug deep into her palms.

In the next moment, she quickly returned to her room, changed into her own clothes, and ran out of the room.

There was a knock on Qin Sheng's room. Gong Mochen went to open the door and saw Li Ang.

"Qin Sheng is still resting. It's not convenient for her to see you," Gong Mochen said coldly.

Li Ang's lips twitched. "My girlfriend is resting? Then what are you doing here?"

"Don't you understand, Qin Sheng is my girlfriend now. Is there a problem with me accompanying my girlfriend? Aren't you going to see to Yin Yin's injury? Fortunately, you hugged her quickly, or else I might have broken her bones." Gong Mochen deliberately emphasized the word 'hugged'.

Li Ang's face flushed. "Move aside! I want to talk to Qin Sheng!"

He felt that he hadn't done anything wrong, but it was as if he had betrayed Qin Sheng!

"Gong Mochen, if you don't let him in, then I will go out to see him."

Qin Sheng's voice came from the room.

Gong Mochen turned his body helplessly and made way for Li Ang. He couldn't let his little woman get up to meet Li Ang outside.

Li Ang glared at Gong Mochen and pushed the button on his wheelchair.

The little woman on the bed was pale and her haggard appearance made his heart ache.

"Qin Sheng, how are you? Are your injuries serious?" Li Ang came to the side of the bed and held Qin Sheng's little hand.

"It's not serious. It's just, just..." Qin Sheng's tongue was tied into a Chinese knot. She didn't dare to say the words 'menstruation' out loud. She really couldn't say it out loud to a man.

"It's just that I'm not feeling well from the cold. It's nothing serious." She finally managed to come up with an excuse.

"Why aren't you behaving yourself? Get your hands under the blanket!" Gong Mochen reprimanded. He reached out, grabbed the little woman's hands and stuffed them under the blanket.

Seeing their hands together made Gong Mochen feel all sorts of discomfort.

"Lie down and rest well." Li Ang didn't dare to grab the little woman's hand again.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. She didn't have a fever, and she wasn't that unwell.

"I'm fine. Go back and rest now. And don't forget to take Sikong Jue's medicine," Qin Sheng decided to say.

"I wanted to explain to you that Yin Yin really didn't kick you on purpose. That's why I stopped Gong Mochen from hitting her. She's already been hurt by him. Her back is black and blue. That injury won't heal for at least a month. She's a kind girl. You believe me, right?" Li Ang explained.

Before Qin Sheng could say anything, Gong Mochen sneered and said, "Li Ang, you praised another woman in front of Qin Sheng. Forget it. You even looked at another woman's back?"

Li Ang clenched a fist. "I needed to apply medicine on her!" He turned to look at Qin Sheng. "Believe me, I didn't look at anything but her injury!"

He hated Gong Mochen to death. He was taking things out of context, trying to make out that he and Yin Yin had done something terrible!

There was another knock on the door. Yin Yin pushed it open and walked in with a bowl of soup in her hand.

She walked to Qin Sheng's side and gestured for Qin Sheng to drink the soup.

Li Ang took the soup. "Where did you get the soup?"

Yin Yin pointed to the room opposite.

Gong Mochen understood. "I asked Nie Fang to come over and make tonic soup for Qin Sheng. Nie Fang made it, didn't she?"

Yin Yin nodded.

Li Ang blew on the soup. "Qin Sheng, you drink the tonic soup."

He took the spoon and fed it to Qin Sheng.

A cold smile flashed across Yin Yin's eyes as her gaze landed on the soup bowl...