May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 385 - Chapter 385: Jealous Men are not allowed to flirt

Chapter 385: Chapter 385: Jealous Men are not allowed to flirt

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Yin Yin continued walking towards the center of the lake, as if she didn't hear anything. That was the weakest part of the ice, and it couldn't bear the weight of a human!

Qin Sheng walked down to the lake anxiously. She remembered that Yin Yin was a mute girl, but she shouldn't be deaf!

"Yin Yin! Yin Yin! Come back!" She ran to stop Yin Yin, but it was too late.

Yin Yin was right in front of her and fell into the icy lake, the ice cracking up around her.

"Yin Yin! Give me your hand quickly!" She knelt by the hole in the ice and reached out her hand to Yin Yin so that she could grab her hand.

In the icy water, Yin Yin refused to lift her hand.

The ice under Qin Sheng's feet began to crack bit by bit, and Yin Yin's body sank under it.

"Give me your hand!" she shouted.

It was impossible not to feel the cold. This was the coldest Yin Yin had ever been...

She looked at the anxious Qin Sheng, and a flash of sharpness flashed through her eyes. That sharpness was fleeting, and Qin Sheng didn't notice it.

She felt the icy water swallow her body, and her hand clenched into a fist.

No one knew what she was thinking at that moment, but her eyes were full of spirit, which wasn't something a person who sought death should look like.

Qin Sheng squatted down further and lowered her center of gravity. She reached out to pull Yin Yin's coat and tried to pull her onto the ice. However, the coat was soaked in water and was too heavy, and Yin Yin's weight made it impossible for her to pull it. The ice under her feet made terrifying cracking sounds.

"Yin Yin, don't you want to take care of Li Ang's legs? If you don't climb up yourself, you won't be able to see him anymore!"

She didn't know what had happened, but she could feel that Yin Yin cared about Li Ang. She could only use this reason to persuade her.

As if Qin Sheng's reason had touched Yin Yin, she reached out and grasped Qin Sheng's hand.

Qin Sheng's pupils shrank. "Come on! Please!"

She grabbed Yin Yin's coat, which made sure that Yin Yin wouldn't sink, but Yin Yin couldn't climb up from where she was, because the ice here was so thin that it couldn't bare the weight of two people.

But Yin Yin didn't stop. She pressed down hard on the ice!

With a crash, the ice under Qin Sheng's feet shattered and she fell into the lake.

"Help! Help!" Qin Sheng shouted. She tried to swim to the edge of the ice so that she could climb out.

Yin Yin, who looked like she'd wanted death, seemed to be frightened. She hugged Qin Sheng with both hands, as if she wanted Qin Sheng to carry her up.

"Yin Yin, don't grab me. I'll go up and save you!" Qin Sheng shouted.

She had to climb up to the ice before she sank deeper into the water.

However, not only did Yin Yin not let go, she hugged Qin Sheng even tighter. She pressed Qin Sheng down as if she wanted to step on Qin Sheng and climb up.

Yin Yin's body was soaked in water. Her weight was so heavy that Qin Sheng couldn't bear it at all. In addition, she was wearing heavy clothes, so she couldn't even push Yin Yin away.

A mouthful of ice-cold lake water poured into her mouth and nose, and she coughed violently. Just as she tried to move again, she saw a fierce light in Yin Yin's eyes!

However, the fierce light soon faded, and she wasn't sure she even saw it at all, and Yin Yin pulled her down to the lake again.

"Help, help!" Li Ang's wheelchair drove to the lake, and he saw the two women in the lake at first glance.

He desperately wanted to save them and couldn't help but stand, but his legs became weak, and he fell to the ground.

Even if his bones were almost healed, he hadn't done rehabilitation training yet. After a month of not walking, his muscles were showing signs of atrophy, and he couldn't support himself at all.

Ha Siqi rushed over and didn't bother to help Li Ang up. "Don't move, I'll go save them!"

As he spoke, he ran down the ice surface.

"Ha Siqi, don't come over! The ice is too thin!" Qin Sheng shouted with all her strength.

Ha Siqi ran onto the lake and crawled on the ice surface. "It's okay! I'll be careful. Give me your hand!"

At that moment, Yin Yin had unknowingly pushed in front of Qin Sheng and handed her hand to Ha Siqi.

Ha Siqi could only pull Yin Yin up first. He couldn't exactly push her back into the lake.

Yin Yin was pulled ashore by Ha Siqi. She kicked hard behind her. She wanted to use all her strength to climb up, but she kicked Qin Sheng's lower abdomen.

Qin Sheng's lower abdomen suddenly hurt. A twinge of pain made her frown.

Ha Siqi pulled Yin Yin onto the shore. He turned around and climbed back to save Qin Sheng. The ice could no longer bear the weight of so many people, and it made cracking sounds.

"Go quickly!" he called to Yin Yin.

If Qin Sheng's clothes weren't weighed down with water, he could totally pull her up.

Yin Yin, however, seemed to be frightened. She hugged herself into a ball and started crying on the spot.

Nie Feng rushed over and made a rope into a noose. He threw it at Qin Sheng, who was about to sink into the water. He pulled the rope with force and brought Qin Sheng up to the surface.

"Hurry up and get her out of here!" he shouted at Ha Siqi.

The surface of the ice was full of cracks. He couldn't go over himself. If he stepped on the ice, more ice would collapse.

He could only stand in the distance and pull Qin Sheng up.

Ha Siqi immediately grabbed Yin Yin who was still wailing and went ashore. She wasn't moving and was dragged along the ground by Ha Siqi.

Ha Siqi had never hated a woman so much!

A thought flashed through Ha Siqi's mind. He suddenly remembered that he had really hated only one woman so much, but she was dead.

Yin Yin saw that she had reached the shore. She tried her best to stand up straight and pounced on Li Ang who was still on the ground.

She was like a stray dog. She found her master and jumped into Li Ang's arms!

Li Ang touched the frightened girl. Her hair and body were frozen. "Why did you run into the lake?"

He roared angrily, not understanding what had happened.

Obviously, Yin Yin couldn't answer his question. All she could give him was a miserable cry.

She pointed at Li Ang's leg, her face filled with anguish.

Li Ang realized something. "Did you jump into the lake because Sikong Jue suspected you?"

Yin Yin nodded. She patted her arm and leg and pulled Li Ang's hand to touch her arm. It meant that she really did have a fracture.

Even if a broken bone had healed, you could still tell that it had been broken.

Li Ang didn't think about it at all. Just because Sikong Jue suspected Yin Yin, she decided to jump into the lake!

"I got it. Ha Siqi, take her back. We'll talk about this later."

As if she hadn't gained the man's trust, Yin Yin raised her hand to pull her clothes, wanting to take them off and show the man her arm. She wanted him to see the scar on the flesh that was pierced by the broken bone...