May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 383 - Chapter 383. A jealous man can not flirt with 13

Chapter 383: Chapter 383. A jealous man can not flirt with 13

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation


Before Qin Sheng could finish her words, Li Ang held her hand.

"Go eat. Don't let him off! Make sure all that money he spent isn't wasted," Li Ang said loudly. He wanted to anger Gong Mochen, but he wouldn't make his woman starve.

They were on a resort. If he wanted to buy more food, he would have to drive for more than half an hour to find a restaurant to buy the things that little women liked to eat.

It would take more than an hour to go back and forth. How could he bear to let his woman starve?

Qin Sheng looked at Li Ang in surprise.

What was going through his mind? He was actually letting her go and eat with Gong Mochen?

"Oh, then I'm going to eat." She got up and went to Gong Mochen's table.

Qin Sheng didn't look at Gong Mochen while she ate. She focussed on the food. After all, it would be a waste if she didn't eat it.

Gong Mochen gazed at the little woman. He knew that she would come to him.

Recently, her appetite had been good and bad, making him worry about her health. How could he dare to let her starve?

"Make sure you eat until you're full."

He put a few pieces of meat into Qin Sheng's plate.

Qin Sheng ate the food on the plate in big mouthfuls, and then her stomach suddenly tightened. For some reason, even though it was her favorite food, she felt like throwing up.

Luckily, the feeling soon subsided and she used a fork to pick out a piece of pickled cucumber. She put it into her mouth to chew. Surprisingly, the pickled cucumber was especially delicious.

Gong Mochen was stunned. "You like the pickled cucumber?"

He knew that she didn't usually like to eat pickled cucumber. In fact, pickled cucumber had always been one of his favorite foods. He wasn't used to eating things with too strong a taste of cream and cheese.

"The pickled cucumbers are especially delicious. Try it!" Qin Sheng said.

She had already stuffed a few pickled cucumbers into her mouth.

Gong Mochen ate one with a fork. There wasn't really anything outstanding about it and it didn't taste any different to usual.

Just as he was wondering about what was going on with the little woman, Li Ang, Ha Siqi, and Yin Yin all sat at his table.

"President Gong, if you have to buy all the food in the restaurant, then we can only come and eat over here," Li Ang said with a smile.

If Qin Sheng didn't eat with him, wouldn't he eat with Qin Sheng?

"Yes, I also like Swiss cheese fondue. President Gong wouldn't be so stingy as to not treat me to it, right?" Ha Siqi picked up the fork and ate without hesitation.

Qin Sheng's lips curled up. Only then did she understand Li Ang's intention of letting her come over.

Gong Mochen's lips twitched. He just wanted to eat with his little woman in peace!

Just as Qin Sheng was about to ask the waiter to prepare a plate for Li Ang, she saw Chu Xia and Le Le run in.

"Is there any breakfast left? We're starving!" Chu Xia said as she rubbed her stomach.

In the morning, Gong Mochen had called her and asked her to help Qin Sheng with a meeting. She didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

After the meeting, her stomach growled so loudly. She had the appetite of two people now!

"Chu Xia, Le Le, come and eat with us!" Qin Sheng called out to Chu Xia and Le Le.

"Cream hotpot! It's so delicious. Hurry up and serve more fish and prawns. How is this enough for us to eat?" Chu Xia asked impolitely.

Qin Sheng couldn't wait to ask about the meeting. Le Le and Chu Xia told her honestly.

Gong Mochen's face darkened. It seemed that it was impossible to ask these people to leave.

He could only prepare the food quietly while the little woman chatted to her friends.

His gaze landed on Yin Yin's face. Yin Yin was doing the same thing as him, but the person she was taking care of was Li Ang.

His brows sank. How could a waif from the mountains know how to eat Swiss creamy hotpot? How could she know how to prepare and eat civilized food?

His deep eyes narrowed. However, his thoughts were well hidden; no one could see through him.

Li Ang didn't pay attention to the sound around him. He also put the prepared food onto Qin Sheng's plate.

Qin Sheng only felt that her plate was getting fuller and fuller. She couldn't finish it no matter how much she ate. Most importantly, she was already full.

"Don't give me anymore. I'm full," she said quickly.

"No, you don't look good. You should eat more. You've lost weight recently," Gong Mochen said.

"Yeah, my girlfriend was fine when she was by my side. Why did she lose weight when she was by your side? Gong Mochen, how did you take care of my girlfriend?" Li Ang ridiculed.

"Who's so stupid to be thrown into the mountains?" Gong Mochen retorted.

Li Ang bent the fork in his hand. Anger was overflowing from his body. He was so angry that he couldn't think of a come back.

Gong Mochen was clearly the one who harmed him, yet Gong Mochen still dared to mention it in front of him!

If it wasn't for Qin Sheng; if it wasn't because he didn't have evidence, he would have exposed Gong Mochen already. He chose to go into hiding because he wanted to secretly find evidence that Gong Mochen was the man in the silver mask. And then he would be able to reveal Gong Mochen's true identity!

"It's my fault for not being vicious enough and falling into someone else's trap. I will learn to be more ruthless!" Li Ang said, his words coming out from between his teeth.

The two men's cold voices lowered the temperature in the restaurant to freezing point.

No one dared to speak as they stared at the two men who were now silent.

Chu Xia looked left and right, swallowed the food in her mouth, and whispered into Qin Sheng's ear, "I just chased away a man and saved my own life. Now you are the object of two men's affections! Please take care! Cherish your life and stay away from boys who are into bad things!"

That was Chu Xia's experience. Crossing a jealous man was no different from crossing a dormant volcano that had been dormant for a hundreds of years...

Qin Sheng's eyes turned and the corners of her lips twitched. "My dear, the man you chased away is here again."

Chu Xia followed Qin Sheng's gaze and saw Sikong Jue walking in.

Her eyes immediately burned with anger. She stood up and said, "Sikong Jue, you have nothing better to do. Can you deal with your pharmacy? I've already said that I have a boyfriend! Stop pestering me!"

She had already explained everything to Sikong Jue. She didn't even care how badly he was hurt. She said the most ruthless words and asked him to leave.

She wasn't being cruel. She had thought about it seriously. This was the most rational decision she could think of.

Such a decision wouldn't hurt Shen Tong or anyone else. After all, she had Ming Tai's child in her stomach.

Sikong Jue's face was dark. He really wanted to knock some sense into this girl. Was she afraid that everyone would know that he was rejected by her?

"I'm here to treat Li Ang. Please move aside." His gaze landed on the woman that was blocking him.

Chu Xia was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in. She thought that he hadn't given up on chasing after her...

She was definitely overestimating herself!

How embarrassing! She could only shrink back and take a seat at the table again.

Li Ang pressed the button on his wheelchair and went towards Sikong Jue. "I asked him to come. I asked him to take a look at my leg."

Qin Sheng also stood up. "I'll come with you."

She was worried about Li Ang's injury.

Gong Mochen's face darkened...