May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 378 - Chapter 378: Jealous Men can not be flirted with

Chapter 378: Chapter 378: Jealous Men can not be flirted with

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"I'm not forcing you. You can choose to deal with it however you want. However, if you don't agree to my conditions, I'll have someone send the video out right now!" Qin Sheng said fiercely.

A hint of viciousness flashed in Qin Zixian's eyes. She clenched her hands tightly and threw a bag of white powder at Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi!

Ha Siqi instinctively pulled Qin Sheng to dodge, but the speed of the throw was far faster than their dodging speed.

A figure jumped up and kicked away the thing Qin Zixian threw. The thing flew in the air and spread out a strong fragrance.

"Don't inhale. Run out!" The man pulled Qin Sheng into his arms, covered her mouth and nose with his big hand, and ran out of the villa.

Ha Siqi also ran out.

The people in the room were unguarded, and those who smelled the fragrance fainted.

Qin Zixian wanted to run, but she didn't run as fast as the fragrance. She also fainted on the ground.

In the car, Qin Sheng pushed the man next to her. Even now, he was still covering her mouth and nose.

"L-let go of me. I can't breathe," Qin Sheng stammered. She didn't expect Gong Mochen to come so soon.

Gong Mochen finally let go. "It's okay now. Just breathe."

"What was that?" Qin Sheng asked.

"It's something that can knock you out. If you take it, your central nervous system will be paralyzed and you will faint," Gong Mochen explained.

"Fortunately, we breathe it in. Qin Zixian is too vicious. She wanted to knock us out and then kill us!" Ha Siqi roared angrily.

She definitely wasn't just going to knock them out and then let them go. Only by killing them could Qin Sheng not order the video to be exposed.

"When I come back, I will teach Qin Zixian a lesson!" Qin Sheng clenched her small hands into fists.

"Do you know where Li Ang is? I will take you to save Li Ang," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng looked at Gong Mochen in surprise. She was surprised that Gong Mochen would take the initiative to say such a thing.

Gong Mochen's hand lovingly caressed the little woman's face. "Do you think you can successfully save Li Ang without my protection? You could be in danger again, so I will help. Do you want to tell me the address where Li Ang is?"

Qin Sheng was in a trance. Gong Mochen and Li Ang weren't exactly friends, so why would he want her to save Li Ang?

However, what Gong Mochen said was also the truth. It was too dangerous for her and Ha Siqi to go alone to save Li Ang.

"You..." She hesitated. Why did he want to save Li Ang? Would he tell her honestly?

Gong Mochen smiled slightly and lifted the little woman's chin with his finger. "Do you know why I want to save him?"

Qin Sheng shook her head. She couldn't figure it out, so she hesitated.

The man's low voice hit her ears. "Because he risked his life to help you get the video. I know you feel guilty. I don't want you to feel like you owe him."

His woman could owe him, but she couldn't owe another man. She couldn't have a second man in her heart.

Looking at the stunned little woman, he lowered his head and kissed her lips. She actually dared to doubt him!

Qin Sheng's small fist hit the man's chest. It was really too much. Ha Siqi was still sitting in front of him, and he dared to kiss her! She only hoped that Ha Siqi didn't see it.

Her small face was red, and she lowered her voice, using only a volume that could be heard by the two of them, "Don't kiss me."

Gong Mochen laughed softly. "I only kissed you. Where's the harm in that?"

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes at the man. The word 'shameless' was clearly carved on her face! "Not in front of my friend! It's shameless!"

Gong Mochen's arms hugged his little woman tightly. If he was shameless, so be it. He only wanted her, and didn't care what others thought.

Ha Siqi held his breath in his chest. Qin Sheng was torturing him. Didn't she know that he was still sitting in front of her?

However, he didn't know that Gong Mochen was just doing it for him to see who the little woman belonged to!

They followed the map given by Qin Zixian and drove towards a mountain not far from the resort.

The mountain was in an undeveloped state. If an individual wanted to hide someone on the mountain, a person looking for them would really struggle to find them. What made matters worse was that it was also the middle of the night.

The map was very detailed, so Gong Mochen and his people searched for a long time. It was only when the sky lit up that they were able to locate the same valley as the one on the map.

The light of dawn shone through the dense trees. Qin Sheng looked at the lush and dense forest around her. There were withered yellow leaves on the ground that flowed past the mountain spring.

If she was here to enjoy the scenery, then the scenery here was really not bad.

"Where is he?" Ha Siqi looked around. This didn't seem like a place where a person could be found.

Gong Mochen's sharp eyes scanned the surroundings. "Go to the mountainside and take a look. There should be a cave there."

Obviously, this was a place where people couldn't live. If one wanted to hide, there had to be a cave.

Qin Sheng followed Gong Mochen up the mountainside. As expected, they found a cave in the shade of the trees.

"Li Ang!" She hurriedly ran to the cave, but was pulled by the man.

Gong Mochen glared at the woman. He didn't know what danger lurked in there. They couldn't just charge in!

He pulled the little woman behind him and was the first to enter the cave.

Suddenly, a figure rushed towards them. Gong Mochen instinctively raised his leg and kicked the person who was about to attack them!

"Yin Yin!" a familiar voice came from the cave.

Qin Sheng was pleasantly surprised to see Li Ang sitting on a stone slab under the faint light that trickled into the cave.

"Li Ang!" She broke free from Gong Mochen's hand and ran over.

"Qin Sheng! How did you find me?" Li Ang grabbed Qin Sheng's hand in surprise and suddenly thought of something. "Quickly help Yin Yin up!"

Only then did Qin Sheng notice the person who was kicked away by Gong Mochen. She looked at the figure curled up on the ground. Her clothes were tattered and her hair was messy. Because her head was lowered, she couldn't see the person's face clearly. With long hair, she should be a girl, right?

She walked over and reached out to help the woman, but Gong Mochen blocked her.

Gong Mochen grabbed the woman on the ground and pulled her up. "What is it?"

He looked at her in disgust and let go of her hand.

The woman seemed to be seriously frightened. She rolled and crawled to Li Ang's side and crawled into his arms.

Li Ang patted the woman's head. "Don't be afraid, Yin Yin. They are friends, friends. Do you understand? They are my friends."

His gaze landed on Gong Mochen, revealing an incomparable coldness and hatred. However, his gaze soon flashed past without anyone noticing.

Qin Sheng looked at the woman in surprise. "Yin Yin? Who is she?"

Li Ang awkwardly helped Yinyin up, but he couldn't push her away. "Qin Sheng, don't misunderstand. She is a mute woman and has some problems with her intelligence. When I woke up, I was hanging on a tree and there were several fractures on my body.

"I was fell down the mountain, but I didn't die from the fall. I met her. She saved me from the tree, dragged me to the cave, and treated my fractures. Without her, I would have died a long time ago. I named her Yin Yin.

"I don't know where I lost my phone. My leg was broken, so I couldn't leave. I could only wait for my injuries to heal before I could go out to look for you guys.

"I think Yin Yin may have been abandoned by her family in the mountains because of her physical disability, and was left to fend for herself."

Thinking of this, Li Ang felt a pang of heartache for Yin Yin.

"Did you see the person who did this to you?" Qin Sheng asked.