May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 372 - Chapter 372. A jealous man can not be flirted with

Chapter 372: Chapter 372. A jealous man can not be flirted with

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Auntie, are you still trying to sow discord between me and Uncle? Don't frame me. The evidence you gave the police station was fake! You were the one who planted the bomb!" Qin Sheng said fiercely.

"The police station still has evidence that you planted the bomb, but nothing on me! What right do you have to say that about me?" Qin Zixian retorted.

She was certain of this. The video had already been obtained by Ta Luosi. She had nothing to be afraid of anymore!

Qin Sheng's lips curled up. "How long do you think you can stay free? However, I haven't thanked you yet. Because you destroyed Chu Xia's dress and forced her to modify it at the last minute, her clothes were even more successful than we anticipated. We have already received an order of 50 million! Uncle, let's go!"

She deliberately said that for Qin Zixian to hear. One could imagine that Qin Zixian would vomit blood after hearing it!

Of all the clothes on display, the last one had received the most orders. It had to be said that they had benefited from a disaster. Not only did Qin Zixian not harm them, she even helped them!

She had done enough here. It was time for her to go back and see Chu Xia.

Gong Mochen, who had been silent, opened his thin lips and said, "Did you enjoy the beating? If not, you can continue."

Qin Sheng's eyes curved. "I enjoyed the beating, but I want to go back to the hospital to see Chu Xia now."

Gong Mochen grasped the little woman's hand and used a handkerchief to wipe her palm. "Looks like I'll have to buy you leather gloves. You like slapping so much. What if your palm hurts? My heart will hurt!"

Qin Sheng smiled innocently. "Okay, then buy me some gloves. Order a few pairs for me!"

Gong Mochen casually threw the handkerchief that he used to wipe Qin Sheng's hands onto the ground and led her out of the Qin family's door.

Qin Zixian's hand grabbed the lapel of her clothes. She couldn't even catch her breath. Because Qin Sheng hit her in the face, the man threw the handkerchief away because he thought it was dirty!

"Mom, I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!" she screamed hysterically.

He Fen's brows furrowed into a knot. "You think I'm reconciled? I've been guarding the master for so many years, but in the end, I was said to be the step-in-law and had to spit out all my assets! What did I get in this life?"

There was no love in this marriage, it wasn't normal, and under the false prosperity, she didn't have much money of her own. Every month, she had to rely on Qin Ze's salary so that she could have money.

If that was all taken from her, what would she have left? Nothing in the Qin family was really hers when she thought about it.

"I'll take back everything that belongs to the Qin family!" Qin Zixian said angrily. Her surname was also Qin, so why didn't she have any assets?

She quickly returned to her room and took out her phone to call Ta Luosi. She didn't know why Qin Sheng was so confident in restoring her name. She was worried that the video might not be the only one!

Soon, the phone was picked up, and the man's cold voice came out of it. "What is it?"

"I suspect that Qin Sheng has been looking for that video. Have you thought about it? If there's more than one copy of that video, they might find it!" Qin Zixian said.

"Yes, I know. Ha Siqi has been looking for that video for Qin Sheng. I only found out about that recently," Ta Luosi said.

"What? They are really looking for the video? So what did you do? Did you destroy the video?" Qin Zixian asked worriedly.

"My people have been tracking Ha Siqi. He is too cautious. Every time he makes a call, he will throw away the SIM card. We can't track him," Ta Luosi said. "However, my people have found the worker's hometown. The people from his hometown moved away the day before we arrived. I don't know where they went."

"Could it be that Ha Siqi has already been there and asked those people to move away? If he has been there, then the thing might be in his hands! Hurry up and send people to capture him!" Qin Zixian said anxiously.

Ta Luosi's voice turned cold. "Who do you think I am? If I can find Ha Siqi, don't you think my people will capture him? I just don't know where Ha Siqi has gone. However, even if he gets the video, he has to come back here to find Qin Sheng. My people have been secretly monitoring Qin Sheng. As long as Ha Siqi contacts Qin Sheng, we can follow her and catch him!"

Qin Zixian let out a sigh of relief. "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

She hung up the phone. The video had to be completely destroyed so that she could sleep soundly.


Qin Sheng was in Gong Mochen's car. Her phone pinged with a notification. It was a notification signalling that a friend had added her.

The person had a dog profile picture. In the addition, a note said that the dog, which had been lost for days, wanted to come home.

Qin Sheng's heart tightened. The dog profile picture and the note instantly made her feel that it was Ha Siqi. Who else could it have been? The message was clearly a code.

She agreed to add the friend. She opened the dialog box and sent a question mark.

In reply, an image was sent to her. The image was of a park.

Qin Sheng recognized it. The image was clearly a picture of Central Park, because the maple forest here was the most beautiful.

But what did this image mean?

She clicked on the image and looked at it carefully. Suddenly her eyes were wide open. In the image, there was a husky dog sitting in an inconspicuous position in the distance.

Her heart was beating wildly. She was sure that this was the place where Ha Siqi wanted to meet her!

She replied with a loving emoji and told Ha Siqi that she knew. Then, she erased the messages and closed the screen.

She didn't dare to send anymore messages, afraid that the man beside her would find out.

Gong Mochen turned his head to take a look. The little woman was leaning against the back of the chair with her eyes closed, as if she was asleep.

His car slowly stopped at the parking lot of the hospital. He raised his hand and took off his blazer, wanting to cover the woman.

However, just as his clothes covered the little woman, her cell phone rang.

Qin Sheng pushed away the man's blazer and answered the call while getting out of the car. "Le Le, is the party over?"

Fortunately, Le Le called. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to pretend anymore.

Apparently, Le Le drank too much. "It's all over. It's a complete success! We earned a lot of money, and spent a lot of money! We drank a lot of wine! We're so happy today!"

Qin Sheng listened to Le Le, who had a short tongue, and rubbed her forehead. It was obvious that Le Le had drunk a lot...

But, it was thanks to Le Le that they managed to keep the party going. Otherwise, her celebration party would have been ruined.

"Okay, you've worked hard. Go home and sleep! Drink some honey water," she said.


In the ward, Chu Xia was frustrated.

The two men, one on the left and the other on the right, were trying to give her double portions, even if she didn't want them. Both of them would give her water at the same time. She would have to hold two straws and drink water from both cups. She also had to eat two pieces of fruit.

She only had one stomach!

And now, she was only one step away from screaming. She wanted to go to the bathroom, but the two men were fighting over who would carry her to the bathroom!

She just wanted to go to the d*mn bathroom! Moreover, she had injured her throat and not her leg, so why would she need someone to carry her?

If she didn't get to the bathroom quickly she would end up wetting her pants! She was desperate to tell them both to go away, but she could barely make a sound, and they wouldn't leave...