May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 370 - Chapter 370 the most romantic thing

Chapter 370: Chapter 370 the most romantic thing

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The nurse pushed Chu Xia out of the resuscitation room. Sikong Jue and Qin Sheng walked over to see Chu Xia. Her neck was wrapped in gauze, and she was still unconscious.

Sikong Jue followed the nurse as she pushed Chu Xia into the ward. They carried Chu Xia to the bed.

Qin Sheng dipped a sterile cotton pad into the water and applied it on Chu Xia's dry lips. Chu Xia looked very haggard, like a leaf that was about to wither in the autumn.

"Chu Xia, Chu Xia," Sikong Jue called Chu Xia's name softly, holding her hand.

It was unknown if it was because of the water or because of Sikong Jue's call, but Chu Xia opened her eyes.

The faces of Sikong Jue and Qin Sheng appeared in front of her. She was about to open her mouth to speak, but her throat hurt so much that she couldn't speak.

She pulled Qin Sheng's hand, wanting to tell Qin Sheng that she saw the face of the person who wanted to violate her...

Qin Sheng held Chu Xia's shoulder. "You hurt your throat, don't be in a hurry to speak! The doctor told you to rest."

Chu Xia shook her head. She desperately wanted to tell Qin Sheng who the person was, but the words wouldn't come...

"You're worried about Shui Yan, right? Don't worry, Shui Yan has already been caught. Now Nie Feng is interrogating him! Do you want to drink some water? The doctor said that drinking more water will help your throat." Qin Sheng guessed that Chu Xia was worried about this.

She placed a straw against Chu Xia's lips.

Chu Xia sucked on a straw and gulped down the water. If drinking water really helped, she needed to drink more to help her throat recover.

When her dry throat was moistened by the water, it really didn't hurt as much. She was just about to open her mouth to speak when she heard the music on her phone. She looked towards the sound and saw a tall figure standing at the door of the ward.

Her eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost. She moved backward in fear. Beads of sweat broke out on her forehead. Her mind was filled with the image of her being strangled to death.

She didn't want to die yet. She still had her son to take care of.

Qin Sheng held Chu Xia's shoulder. "What's wrong? Do you have something to tell me? How did you and Ming Tai faint in the car?"

She could see that Chu Xia was terrified. What exactly had Chu Xia experienced?

Chu Xia took a deep breath and instantly suppressed all her emotions. She shook her head and pointed at her throat. She hadn't thought about how to deal with Gong Mochen. Now was not the time to say it!

"Chu Xia, don't be afraid. I'm here!" Sikong Jue held Chu Xia in his arms.

The frightened little woman made his heart ache. He even forgot about the matter between her and Ming Tai.

Chu Xia looked up at Sikong Jue and broke free from his arms. She grabbed his arm and saw that his wound wasn't bandaged yet. The wound was still wrapped in her handkerchief. She pointed at his wound and glared at him angrily.

Sikong Jue smiled. He never knew that Chu Xia could stare at him so cutely.

"Are you worried about my injury? Don't worry, it's just an external injury. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll get it bandaged later," he explained.

He was in a hospital anyway. He could find a doctor whenever he wanted it to be treated.

Chu Xia pushed Sikong Jue and signaled him to go quickly. The blood had soaked into the handkerchief. She didn't know that this man didn't know pain.

Chu Xia wanted him to get it looked at right away. She could tell that it was still bleeding.

Sikong Jue's heart was filled with sweetness. This was the first time he'd felt Chu Xia's concern for him!

"Alright, I'll go now. What do you want to eat and drink? Tell me, and I'll go buy it for you."

Chu Xia frowned. D*mn man, why wasn't he going? Did he want to bleed to death?

She patted the man again, wanting him to leave quickly.

Qin Sheng smiled. She knew that Chu Xia's heart had never really let go of Sikong Jue.

"I'll take care of Chu Xia. Go and get your wound seen to! Don't let Chu Xia worry!" Qin Sheng said to Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue nodded. "Alright, I'll go now. I'll be back soon. Please take care of her."

"Don't worry. I promise I'll look after Chu Xia! I won't let her go anywhere," Qin Sheng teased.

Sikong Jue then turned around and walked out of the ward to get his injuries seen to.

There was one less person in the room now, and Chu Xia felt scared again. She held onto Qin Sheng tightly and refused to let go.

At that moment, Gong Mochen's phone rang. He strode out of the ward to answer the call.

Chu Xia's tensed shoulders finally relaxed, and she let go of Qin Sheng's hand.

Qin Sheng was surprised. Chu Xia was actually afraid of Gong Mochen?

"What's wrong? Can you speak?" she asked.

Chu Xia nodded and said with difficulty, "Stay away from Gong Mochen."

Qin Sheng was stunned. "Why? Chu Xia, tell me quickly, what happened?"

Chu Xia covered her neck with her hand. Every word she said hurt like a knife cutting her throat. "Ming Tai came to find me. We met the man in the silver mask. We were drugged by him and fainted in the car.

"He wanted to rape me. I took off his mask. I saw half of his face."

Qin Sheng's eyes widened. "You saw half of his face? Do you know him?"

At that moment, Gong Mochen pushed the door open and walked in. "Nie Feng called. He said that Shui Yan confessed. Qin Zixian gave him money and asked him to destroy the clothes. He agreed because his sister needed money to study abroad."

Qin Sheng stood up angrily. "It's Qin Zixian again! I won't let her go this time! Where's Shui Yan?"

"Shui Yan is dead. He tried to run away, and the people who wanted to assassinate him found an opportunity and beat him to death," Gong Mochen said.

Nie Feng had asked Shui Yan to testify, and Shui Yan was afraid, so he seized the opportunity to run away. In the end, he lost his life.

As long as Shui Yan had been willing to testify, they wouldn't have made things too difficult for him. They wouldn't have killed him.

But now, their only witness was gone.

"It was Qin Zixian who killed Shui Yan? This woman is too evil! Another human life has been killed by her hands!" Qin Sheng clenched her fists.

"How do you want to settle the score? I'll send you there," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng suddenly remembered that Chu Xia was still talking. She turned to look at Chu Xia. "Chu Xia, who is the man in the silver mask?"

Chu Xia immediately shook her head. "I didn't see him clearly. He was wearing a mask the whole time."

She spoke with difficulty. She didn't expect Gong Mochen to suddenly come in. How could she dare to continue?

Qin Sheng was confused for a moment. But Chu Xia's had literally just said she'd seen who the man in the silver mask was...

Could it be that she had been in pain, so she made a mistake?

"Oh, then you should rest. I'll go deal with Qin Zixian!" she instructed Chu Xia.

Chu Xia nodded, indicating that she understood. She signaled Qin Sheng to go.

Qin Sheng followed Gong Mochen out of the room. Sikong Jue had also come back with his arm bandaged. She watched as Sikong Jue walked into Chu Xia's room, and then went to settle the score with Qin Zixian!