May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 366 - Chapter 366 the most romantic thing 26

Chapter 366: Chapter 366 the most romantic thing 26

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Shui Yan revealed the name of a place. Chu Xia hung up the call and went straight there. She knew that place. It wasn't far from the hotel, and it turned out that her family lived nearby.

It was a company, but it seemed to have been abandoned ever since the company went bankrupt.

As Chu Xia's ran into an alley, a man grabbed her and pressed her against the wall.

"What are you doing here? Are you courting death?" the man lowered his voice and roared.

Chu Xia glared at the man in front of her. "Sikong Jue, what did you do to my men?"

She never expected that Shui Yan would call for help and she would bump into Sikong Jue here!

She instantly thought about what Sikong Jue had done to Shui Yan.

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. "Do I need to do anything to your men? Am I that bad in your heart?"

"Yes! You're that bad. You're engaged to Shen Tong, yet you're sleeping with another woman! And now you're even flirting with my assistant, Ellen! Are you worthy of Shen Tong? I don't think you are!" Chu Xia ridiculed him.

Sikong Jue could understand why Shen Tong might have her reservations about him, but what did it have to do with Chu Xia? Why was she so angry? Because Ellen was her assistant?

If it wasn't for Jian Jian, if it wasn't for Chu Xia, he would never have contacted Ellen!

"I'm not worth it? Since that's how I am in your heart, then I don't have to pretend anymore! I can be even more unworthy now!" Sikong Jue pressed the woman against the wall and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Chu Xia's hand scratched Sikong Jue's back. Unfortunately, she couldn't rip through his suit. She kicked and stamped on him, wanting to push him away. Her slender high heel dug into his foot.

Sikong Jue instantly let go of Chu Xia.

Chu Xia went to slap Sikong Jue, but he grasped her wrist.

"Don't think that you can hit me! I won't let you. I want you to get what you want!" said Sikong Jue.

Chu Xia bit her lips. He wanted her to get what she wanted?

She didn't understand what was going on here. Didn't understand what game Sikong Jue was playing.

Before she could retort, she heard someone screaming for help not far away.

She pushed the man off her. "Get off! Shui Yan is in danger! I need to save him!"

"You'll save him?" Sikong Jue felt like the woman's brain was going in the opposite direction. "Hit the person who helped you and save the person who hurt you... Don't tell me you think Shui Yan is a good person?"

Chu Xia was stunned. "What do you mean? The person who hurt me? The person who hurt me is Shui Yan?"

"If it wasn't him, why would I have brought him here?" Sikong Jue retorted.

Chu Xia's eyes widened. "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

"Do you remember when I asked Shen Tong to tell you that I saw the person who destroyed the dress? Well, I didn't see that person. I only asked Shen Tong to tell you this, and at the same time, I wanted everyone to hear it," Sikong Jue said.

Chu Xia kicked the man's thigh. "You lied to me again!"

"Hear me out!" Sikong Jue grabbed the woman's leg. "I wanted everyone to hear it and think that I saw the person. I also wanted the person who did it to think that as long as you apologized, I'd tell you! So, the person who destroyed the clothes would definitely be shocked!"

Chu Xia finally understood what Sikong Jue meant. "You mean, Shui Yan was scared and was afraid that you would tell me that it was him who destroyed the dress?"

"Yes, and he was the first to leave the hall. He didn't go through the door but jumped out of the window! Why would he jump out of the window if he didn't have a guilty conscience? That's why we let everyone go after we found him, because Shui Yan was already exposed," Sikong Jue said.

"Then why didn't you arrest him?" Chu Xia was surprised. Since they had already found out about Shui Yan, why didn't they just capture him?

"I want to find out who's behind him. He's your employee. He wouldn't do something like this to destroy his own company for no reason, unless there's a grudge or profit to be made! I don't think he has a grudge against you, so obviously, profit is the real reason he did it," Sikong Jue explained.

"He did it to make a profit? Someone gave him money and told him to destroy my fashion show?" Chu Xia asked.

Sikong Jue heaved a sigh of relief. The woman's brain finally turned in the right direction. "Yes, I sent a message to Gong Mochen and asked him to lend me Nie Feng and his men. We hid around Shui Yan in the dark and waited for him to contact the person who gave him the order..."

Chu Xia nodded. "I see. Who is it? Is his mastermind here?"

Sikong Jue looked at a building close by and saw flames flickering from it. "I'm afraid his mastermind isn't here. We weren't able to find out who it was... Assassins are here now! These people are here to kill us! But as long as we catch one, we can find out who sent them here."

Chu Xia realized that she had wronged Sikong Jue, and she suddenly felt bad.

"Well, I should apologize to you. I shouldn't have doubted you," she said softly.

Sikong Jue stared at Chu Xia's small face. "Why do you doubt me so much? Do you think I would hurt you?"

"Of course. You scolded me for no reason, you were fierce to me, and... and..." She swallowed the words that she wanted to say, but they flashed through her mind like glowing neon lights... 'And you gave me abortion medicine.'

Chu Xia felt that there was no need to talk about that right now. It had been a long time ago, so long that all that was left was sadness. She didn't care about pain or hatred anymore.

Sikong Jue's lips fell into a straight line. She didn't know the true feelings in his heart...

"In the past, I was angry at you and threw tantrums because I don't like to see other men around you. I don't want you to be with other men because I'm afraid that you'll be deceived. Do you understand? I'm concerned about you and I love you."

Chu Xia took a deep breath. He'd just told her his feelings and she didn't know how to take it.

"W-we'll go and see how Shui Yan is doing," she stammered.

"We don't need to do that now. We need Shui Yan to be more afraid. We need him to be terrified. Otherwise, he won't tell the truth," said Sikong Jue.