May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 365 - Chapter 365, the most romantic thing

Chapter 365: Chapter 365, the most romantic thing

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Shen Tong was also confused. "Yeah, why did they let them go? Didn't they say that they would catch whoever it was before they left?"

Sheng Tong spoke softly.

"Who told you that they could catch who ever it was like this?" Chu Xia asked.

"Brother Jue. He said that he could help you catch the bad guy who ruined your clothes!" Shen Tong said.

Chu Xia was so angry that she almost vomited blood. Was he really helping her catch the bad guy? He was obviously taking revenge on her by letting the bad guy go!

"D*mn it, where is Sikong Jue?" she asked.

"Brother Jue has gone. He asked me to bring Jian Jian home by myself," Shen Tong replied.

Chu Xia held her breath in her chest. She really couldn't blame the innocent Shen Tong. She suppressed her anger and said, "You and Jian Jian go back. It will be dark soon."

Shen Tong nodded. "Yes, okay. Jian Jian needs to drink his medicine for the night. I'll leave now."

Chu Xia pursed her lips and called Shen Tong hesitantly, "Shen Tong, if you really love Sikong Jue, marry him as soon as possible. Otherwise, control him more. A man can't just leave you alone."

It seemed that Ellen and Sikong Jue weren't in a normal relationship. Otherwise, Ellen wouldn't be so nervous about Sikong Jue. Chu Xia was really worried for the innocent Shen Tong. This girl was too easily deceived by men.

Shen Tong lowered her head. "I want to get married to Brother Jue, but he said that I'm too young, and he still wants me to recuperate."

She wanted to get married and have a baby, but Sikong Jue only doted on her and she didn't think he loved her. What could she do?

Chu Xia gritted her teeth. She was so angry that she wanted to tear Sikong Jue apart. It was fine that he treated her like that, but how could he lie to Shen Tong...

"Hurry up and take Jian Jian home. It's easy to get stuck in traffic at night."

She couldn't find a reason to comfort Shen Tong, so she could only change the topic and let Shen Tong take Jian Jian away.

Shen Tong nodded and went to pick Jian Jian up. She held Jian Jian's hand and went home.

Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen came from the backstage are and found Chu Xia.

"Chu Xia, we still have the celebration party. Let's go together!" Qin Sheng said.

The fashion show today was very successful. As the boss, she wanted to treat her friend, but she would get someone else to pay the bill... She wouldn't let go of the opportunity to cheat Gong Mochen out of his cash, so she agreed to take him with her.

She also knew that if she didn't agree to bring Gong Mochen along, she wouldn't be able to go to the celebratory banquet.

Chu Xia was depressed that she didn't catch the bad guy. However, she still had to go to the celebratory banquet. After all, the entire company had put in a lot of effort for her show. She should toast to everyone to thank them!

She followed Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen to the hotel by car, but she didn't see Ming Tai along the way. She was a little curious as to where Ming Tai went.

When they arrived at the hotel, the hotel was pitch black.

Chu Xia was surprised. "Why aren't there lights? Is the power out?"

She walked up the stairs, pushed open the door, and walked in.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a cannon. Countless explosions of light flashed around her like meteors.

This was a type of cold firework that could be set off indoors. It was absolutely safe and wouldn't burn clothes or anything.

It had to be said that it was too beautiful. The entire room was like the starry sky, emitting silver flashes of light.

Ming Tai appeared under a beam of light. He carried a cake and walked in front of Chu Xia.

"To celebrate the success of the big designer, Chu Xia!" Ming Tai said.

The lights behind Ming Tai suddenly lit up.

"Chu Xia! You're the best designer!"

"Congratulations on the success of our fashion show!"

Chu Xia covered her mouth with her hand, and tears rolled down uncontrollably. She was so excited that she didn't know what to say. Originally, she wanted to invite everyone, but in the end, everyone was already prepared to celebrate with her!

Qin Sheng pushed Chu Xia. "Don't cry. It's such a happy day. Hurry up and blow out the candles and cut the cake. Don't you know that we're hungry?"

Chu Xia nodded repeatedly and blew out the candles on the cake. "I thank everyone for their support. Thank you!"

She bowed. Without everyone's unity, she wouldn't have succeeded!

Ming Tai put the cake onto the cart. He held Chu Xia's hand and the two of them cut the cake together.

Everyone came over to get some cake to eat. There was also a table full of champagne tarts. One had to say that the cake matched the champagne perfectly.

Gong Mochen gave Qin Sheng the biggest piece and placed it in the little woman's hand. "Your favorite blueberry cheesecake."

Qin Sheng took it without hesitation and took a bite, using a small fork. The rich smell of cheese was really strong.

Her stomach churned. She placed the cake on the table and rushed to the bathroom. She felt like throwing up!

Gong Mochen followed Qin Sheng. "What's wrong? Are you still not feeling well?"

Qin Sheng had really wanted to throw up, but when she walked to the bathroom, for some reason, she didn't want to throw up anymore. "I want to eat raspberries. Do you have any raspberries?"

She suddenly craved raspberries. She really wanted to eat them.

"Yes, I'll get someone to prepare some for you," Gong Mochen said immediately.

He pulled Qin Sheng to a sofa and watched everyone party while waiting for Sikong Jue's news.

Chu Xia handed the cake to Ellen personally. "Ellen, thank you for helping me with my work. You're really my good partner!"

"You're the best partner I've ever had!" Ellen said.

Every designer needed their own personal assistant. A good assistant was the designer's right-hand man, helping the designer do anything.

Obviously, Ellen was the best.

Chu Xia hesitated for a moment. Then, she couldn't but say, "Shen Tong is Sikong Jue's fiancé. They were childhood sweethearts, so their relationship is very good. Ellen, I don't mean anything by this. Sometimes, you can't trust a man's words. Sikong Jue has many women."

She didn't know why she'd said that, but she felt that she had to remind Ellen.

Ellen's face was awkward. "You misunderstood me and Sikong Jue. We aren't what you think."

"Then can you tell me why Sikong Jue is looking for you?" Chu Xia's intuition told her that Ellen wasn't telling the truth.

"I-I can't tell you... But it's really not what you think," Ellen said with her head lowered.

Ellen really couldn't tell her. After all, she still needed this job and needed the medicine to treat her father's illness. She felt really conflicted about Sikong Jue looking for her and asking her to help investigate the relationship between Chu Xia and Jian Jian.

"I believe you. I don't mean anything by it. I just don't want to make you and Shen Tong sad," Chu Xia said.

Ellen nodded. "I know. Actually, Mr. Sikong is a good person and a good man. Really, I don't think you should misunderstand him."

She wouldn't tell Chu Xia how she came to be her assistant. She only knew that some men had deep feelings, and that caused them to do strange things.

Chu Xia almost gagged. Sikong Jue was a good man?

She thought that maybe Sikong Jue was really a good man, but his kindness was never aimed at her.

She looked at the people in the room and suddenly remembered that none of the staff had come. She walked out of the noisy hall and went to the corridor to call the staff.

She rang one of her staff members when she found a quiet corner. "Shui Yan, why aren't you here yet?"

"Chu Xia, save me, quickly save me!" Shui Yan shouted.

"Where are you?" Chu Xia asked and ran out of the hotel.