May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 363 - Chapter 363, the most romantic thing 23

Chapter 363: Chapter 363, the most romantic thing 23

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"What should we do? What should we do? Where can we find the finale costume now?" Le Le was so anxious that she circled around. "I'll go and tell Sister Yun to think of a solution quickly!"

She suddenly thought of her boss. She had to inform her boss about what had happened!

"Go and inform her. Tell her to guard all the exits. We can't let the person who ruined our costume leave!" Chu Xia said fiercely.

If that person was in front of her, no one would be able to stop her from tearing them apart!

"Ah? Is that all you want to tell her?" Le Le was surprised.

"Yes, just tell her to arrest the person. I'll think of a way to deal with the matter of the clothes!" Chu Xia said.

Le Le didn't dare to stay any longer. She was afraid that she would let the bad guy who ruined their clothes go. She ran out to tell Qin Sheng the news.

Ellen hugged the clothes and frowned. Her heart ached terribly. "The clothes are ruined. I can't even sew them back together."

The hem of the dress was the focal point. It was also the area where the flowers were concentrated. Unfortunately, it had been cut into strips. There were also a few holes in the skirt that couldn't even be sewn.

A group of people surrounded Chu Xia, waiting for her decision.

Chu Xia's eyes narrowed. "Don't cry anymore. Give me the scissors. There's still a way!"

Ellen immediately handed the scissors to Chu Xia. "What do you want to do?"

"Cut off the hem and make a fishtail-shaped tight dress!" as Chu Xia said that, she cut off the long hem in a bold and decisive manner, eliminating the damaged parts.

She cut off the fabric from the loose hem and changed the style of the dress into a fishtail-shaped tight dress. This way, she removed the holes that had been cut into it.

Chu Xia rushed the dress to the sewing machine. Meanwhile, Ellen and the others took off the flowers from the fabric and put them on in strings according to Chu Xia's request.

Qin Sheng walked backstage. "How are the clothes? The second-to-last set of clothes has already started!"

She knew the news and had Gong Mochen seal off all the exits and pull up the surveillance cameras. However, the fashion show was still going on, so Chu Xia's clothes had to be shown!

Chu Xia cut off a piece of thread from the dress. "The clothes are sewn up, but there are still flowers to decorate."

She put the clothes on the models, while Ellen passed the flowers to her. Chu Xia decorated the dress with flowers, but it would take time to sew the flowers properly.

Qin Sheng saw that the models had come back, but Chu Xia's clothes weren't ready yet. She immediately ordered an early return.

A fashion show usually had a return after all the clothes had been displayed. The models would quickly walk the runway so that everyone could admire the clothes again.

Qin Sheng could only order an early encore so as to give Chu Xia more time. Even if it was an early encore, the runway couldn't be empty!

Chu Xia quickly fixed the position of the flowers. She didn't care about the details anymore. Fortunately, no one could see the details clearly on the high runway.

As the encore models came back one after another, Chu Xia finished the last stitch.

"Go on stage!" Qin Sheng ordered.

The model immediately walked to the runway. There was silence below the stage. There was no applause at all...

Cold sweat broke out on Chu Xia's palms. It was rare for her dresses to fail... Was her show ruined?

This was the finale evening gown. If this dress was ruined, her show would really fail...

Qin Sheng held Chu Xia's hand. "Don't worry, I'm here!"

Chu Xia held Qin Sheng's hand tightly. Only at this moment could a good sister see if the boat of friendship could withstand the waves!

"Dear, I know. You're my best sister!" Her lips trembled.

Even if she lost everything, she still had her best friend, her good son, a good man waiting for her, and a group of good subordinates to design clothes for her!

Just when she was about to lose, she realized that she still had so many of the most precious things!

Just as Chu Xia was letting her imagination run wild, the audience suddenly erupted into thunderous applause. Everyone stood up and applauded.

Qin Sheng was also surprised. After she let go of Chu Xia, she ran to the stage and poked her head out to look.

The clothes the model was wearing made her eyes light up. The white cloth was tightly tailored, and the flowers on her body stood out and shone in the spot light.

Some of the flowers were fixed, and some of them were drooping. As the model moved, the flowers reflected different colors according to the intensity of the light. Each step the model took made the dress look different.

"Chu Xia, this dress is so beautiful! Your show is a success!" Qin Sheng said.

Although the flowing, floor-length hem was very beautiful, it had to be said that the hem was initially too big. No one wanted to wear that kind of dress to a party. People would end up stepping on and tripping over the hem.

However, the new design of the fishtail-shaped hem was much more practical. It could be worn to a banquet, or a party.

Chu Xia ran over to take a look. "Did I succeed?"

"Yeah, hurry up and go on stage. It's your turn to go on stage with the models!" Qin Sheng pushed Chu Xia out of the backstage with the models.

This was the final curtain call. Chu Xia walked with her head held high and her chest puffed out in amongst the models who were as thin as Barbie dolls.

Being surrounded by the tall and thin models, she could only think of one thing...

Maybe she should lose a bit of weight?

Chu Xia tried not to cringe, desperately trying to keep a smile on her face. Why was she even having these thoughts at such a happy time?

She should be celebrating, not comparing herself to the tall models! She made her smile bigger, pushing away those untoward thoughts.

They were models, she was a fashion designer. It was their job to look thin and sexy. So what if she looked like a shiitake mushroom in comparison!

Ming Tai jumped onto the catwalk and gave a bunch of roses to Chu Xia.

"You are the most amazing girl I have ever seen!" Ming Tai said as he lowered his head and kissed the top of the woman's forehead.

Chu Xia's eyes were watery. "Thank you. And thank you for praising me like that! You make me feel special."

No one had ever said that she was an amazing girl...

Ming Tai's gentlemanly demeanor stirred up a round of applause from the audience again. At the same time, it also tormented a certain man below the stage...

Shen Tong clapped her hands. "Ming Tai and Chu Xia are a good match! Brother Jue, don't you agree?"

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. "The fashion show is over. Let's go! Don't make a scene next time!"

He'd teach Shen Tong and Jian Jian a lesson...

Shen Tong and Jian Jian looked at each other innocently. They hadn't made a scene at all! Sikong Jue was the one who wanted to bring them here and seemed to be making a scene.

Shen Tong could see that Sikong Jue was in a bad mood. She held Jian Jian's little hand and followed Sikong Jue out of the door obediently.

Chu Xia and the models retreated backstage. Qin Sheng turned on her phone and showed it to Chu Xia. Gong Mochen asked someone to pull up a surveillance video.

"Look, this is the person who approached the backstage area before the show," Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia looked at the video. As it was played, she saw a man walk into the backstage area.

"Sikong Jue!" the words escaped from between her teeth.